“bang! ”

I saw Douzhan Tianyuan waved his left fist casually. This fist embodies the powerful Power of Space. The space within hundred meters shattered like glass, and everything in it instantly turned into dust!

Feng Yixiu looked at Xiao Kongkong and Xiaoyao's performance, and they were also satisfied and nodded. They didn't expect their relationship now to be good enough to be brothers and sisters.

The life of Battle Spirit is not boring. The inner world in the magic Spirit Treasure is also very exciting, especially for Feng Yixiu who has three Battle Spirits. The Battle Spirits he has are normally You can also visit each other here, and the relationship is naturally much closer...

"gu lu..."

This set of operations directly calmed the eclipse and the python, and was nervous. Swallowing continuously under emotion.

Don't even mention being pressured by Tiangang to be unable to move, even at the peak period, it definitely don't dare provoke these two Demon King-like existences in front of you!

"Did you say those words just now?" Fighting Heavenly Ape gave a cold look at the Heavenly Eclipse Ming Python, indifferently said.

"It’s not...how could I say it, you must have heard it wrong..."

The Eclipse Python shook its head like a rattle, full The desire to survive made her temporarily let go of her pride as a Royal Family.

"My grandson hasn’t had a fight for a long time, but my hands are itchy these days, and I’m trying to find someone to practice. I think you are quite big, or you can make a gesture... "The fighting sky ape browses tightly knit and looked at the eclipse of the python, coldly said.

"No, no...you see that I am injured, this is not very convenient, next time..." The Eclipse Python laughed.

Heavenly Eclipse is also aware of the current affairs. This imposing manner of fighting against the heavenly apes is really too terrifying. At first glance, it is extremely aggressive!

Besides, there is a dark and unmeasurable Queen of Blackthorns. If this fight really happens, I’m afraid it won’t end well...

The battle against the sky ape is silently nodded, Immediately he glanced at Feng Yixiu beside him, and immediately under Feng Yixiu's signal, he returned to their respective magic Spirit Treasure classics.

After the two Battle Spirits disappeared, the Eclipse Python felt sighed in relief, and once again looked towards Feng Yixiu, his eyes were full of fear.

I originally thought that Feng Yixiu was bragging, but he didn't expect him to brag at all. As a Titan Royal Family, she was naturally seen in the world. For the strength of the two Battle Spirits just now Feel it.

It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the two Battle Spirits and the strength of the Azure Jade Dragon are almost on par. The three have their own areas of expertise and cannot be compared in length, but they are definitely Ultra-limit Battle Spirit at the same level!

"Heavenly Eclipse, didn't you just say that you want me to terminate the Battle Spirit contract? Is it still needed now?" Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"No need..." The Eclipse Ming Python gave Feng Yixiu a white look and said indifferently.

"My Big Brother Han is also very good, OK, you hurt him so much..." Feng Yixiu subconsciously patted Han Xiao beside him, but he took a blank shot, but turned his head back. I found that Han Xiao did not know when his back was facing here, squatting down on the ground with a look of loss, as if countless clouds were wrapped around his head.

Feng Yixiu quickly moved towards Han Xiao, crouched down and whispered: "Big Brother Han, what's wrong with you?"

Han Xiao looked up gloomily Looking at Feng Yixiu, he immediately lowered his head and said aggrieved: "Captain, am I really that bad?"

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, said solemnly: "Big Brother Han, inside you With the pure Black Tortoise bloodline and the designated successor of the Holy Spirit Black Tortoise, you are the strongest shield of China in the future , why are you so bad?"

"But I am so sincere, why the eclipse of the Python Still unwilling to sign a Battle Spirit contract with me?" Han Xiao whispered.

Feng Yixiu looked back at the eclipse of the python, and then coldly said: "That's her problem, not yours. Since she is so reluctant, then let's go, Third Brother I will find a more suitable one for you another day!"

I saw Feng Yixiu forcibly pull Han Xiao up, even though he was about to take Han Xiao away from the top of the Azure Dragon Tower.

Tian Gang drove the water and saw Han Xiao had gone, and immediately did not pay attention to the eclipse of the python, slowly following behind the two of them to prepare to leave.

Although Celestial Eclipse is the most suitable second Battle Spirit for Han Xiao, it is estimated that Feng Yixiu will not find a second Battle Spirit more suitable for Han Xiao in the future.

But since the other party is so rebellious, it is probably not a good thing even to reluctantly sign the Battle Spirit contract...

The eclipse python looks at the two people who are gradually going away. Suddenly it felt a little empty. She has been imprisoned here for hundreds of years, but she has never been as lost as she is today.

Even if it was sealed here at the beginning, there was no such huge mood swings. A drop of disappointing tears flowed from the eye sockets, but it was completely invisible in the lake...

"Hey! Are you really leaving?" The Eclipse Necromancer plucked up the courage and shouted.

When Han Xiao heard this voice, his disappointed eyes glowed again, even if he was about to turn back.

But when he was about to turn his head, he was pulled by Feng Yixiu, and he saw him browse tightly knit and said: "This is the Princess Sickness of the eclipse python, you can't be soft-hearted! "


Even though Han Xiao was reluctant to give up, he still obeyed Feng Yixiu's advice and did not immediately turn around.

The Eclipse Python looked at the two of them without intending to keep themselves, and immediately the whole person was stupid, where there is still the style of the queen at the time, the huge body curled up in aggrieved ball, and buried his head. Entering into the body and crying quietly...

When Han Xiao heard the cry of crying from behind, he felt upset and stopped abruptly.

"Big Brother Han, if you turn your head now, this eclipse python will definitely bully you even harder in the future. You are equivalent to a great aunt..." Feng Yixiu earnest and said well-meant advised.

"Perhaps as you said, but I am a man! What's the matter if I am wronged..." Han Xiao said with a serious expression.

"Even after signing the contract, even if this Battle Spirit betrayed you, don't you regret it?" Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, said positively.

"I believe that as long as I treat her sincerely, she will definitely not betray me, even if I really betrayed me, I will not regret it!" Han Xiao's eyes were burning and firm.

Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, indifferently said: "Well then...Big Brother Han, I respect your choice, you go..."

Han Xiao is getting Feng After Yixiu's support, when the happily moved towards turned around, moved towards the weeping eclipse python ran behind him.

I saw Han Xiao ran to the eclipse python with a smile, and said softly: "Don’t cry...I’m wrong, can’t I? I shouldn’t go, I apologize to you !"


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