Han Xiao looked at the petite and exquisite little girl in front of him, some sorry scratched his head, and said: "It's okay, it's okay, didn't expect you to change into a human form."

while speaking, Han Xiao walked slowly in front of Xiao Qi, and then slowly sank down, preparing to carry Xiao Qi on his back.

But when Xiao Qi put a hand on Han Xiao's back, he realized that he was still too young, and a heavy force almost made him kneel to the ground.

Although the Eclipse Python has turned into a human form, her weight has not changed the slightest. Although she looks petite and cute, her weight is terribly high!

"My future master, your face looks a little wrong, is it okay?" Xiao Qi suppressed a smile and said softly.

Han Xiao sighed, blushing and said solemnly: "No...no problem! I'm not so fragile..."

"Oh oh..."


Xiao Qi nodded with a smile, and immediately the whole person was lying on Han Xiao's back.

The terrifying weight made Han Xiao’s calf sink into the ground, and he was barely able to pull it out with the ultimate power recorded by the Black Tortoise Seal...

I saw Han Xiao swimming at the same speed. Only a sluggish tortoise is average, and the speed can be described as very slow.

This is also the final test of the eclipse python for Han Xiao. Xiao Qi looked at Han Xiao, who was so tired that gasping for breath, and her recognition for him was gradually increasing...

Feng Yixiu also followed Han Xiao slowly, and asked with a smile: "I said Xiaoqi, you are only Disaster Grade devil beast, you can turn into a human form. It's incredible..."

Because most devil beasts are difficult to transform into a human form, whether an immortal devil beast can transform into a human form depends on the innate talent and willingness, but Feng Yixiu has never seen Disaster Grade to have a human form devil beast. .

"hehe...Don't forget that I still have the bloodline of this Royal Family on my body, and this is also one of my Innate Ability, and there is nothing strange." Xiao Qi smiled slightly. indifferently said.

"It turns out that this is the case. You said you are ranked seventh in the family. Doesn't that mean you have many brothers and sisters?" Feng Yixiu said curiously.

"My mother gave birth to seven children in total, and I happened to be the youngest of them, but now they are all passed away..." Xiao Qi seems to have thought of something sad. Whispered.

"Sorry, it seems that I shouldn't ask this question..." Feng Yixiu immediately calmed down when Xiao Qi seemed a little sad.

"It’s okay, since we will be partners fighting side by side in the future, I have nothing to hide. Do you want to ask why I am the only one left?" Xiao Qi smiled slightly, so Be strong.

"I have also read the historical records about your mother, but most of them are incomplete records, and this is recorded from a human perspective. I want to hear the real history." Feng Yixiu Some said curiously.

"How do human records describe my mother and the Titans?" Xiaoqi browses slightly wrinkle and asked.


Feng Yixiu's eyes were slightly erratic, and he hesitated.

In historical records, the Titans were cruel and tyrannical and slaughtered countless Human Races. The earthly python is a heinous beast. It almost destroyed the legendary devil beast in northern Europe at the beginning. It is called the snake of the world.

But after Feng Yixiu heard of the true Chinese history told by father, he no longer looked at things so paranoid, and learned to look at it from a different perspective.

After all, this history is written by victors, and the writer is still human, so it is inevitable that there will be a strong subjective will.

"If you don't tell me, I know, you must say that my mother is a heinous beast, right?" Xiao Qi whispered.

Feng Yixiu lightly nodded, and then softly said: "It is indeed recorded like this. Your mother in the Nordic records is indeed called the snake of extinction, synonymous with evil..."

hearing this, Xiao Qi clenched a pair of smaller fists, her face puffed with extreme anger.

"It's really shameless...These are not given by them, my mother is the real victim!" Xiao Qi's clear eyes could burst into flames, and said furiously.

"Little Qi, don't get excited, can you talk about your mother in detail?" Feng Yixiu said softly.

"My mother was in the era of the Five Emperors. At that time, the ruler of Northern Europe called himself Chidi, and he is also the pioneer of the Northern Yuan Empire. Not satisfied, his real goal is to rule the world, so based on his ability, he started a secret plan..." Xiao Qiyi said with a serious face.

"What plan?" Feng Yixiu asked quickly.

"This plan is called the God-Making Project by Chidi, and my mother is the victim of this plan. All the disasters that occurred in Northern Europe afterwards originated from this..." Xiaoqi The look was solemn.

"The God Creation Project? Why have I never heard of it?" Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, with a face of doubt.

"hmph...This plan is a secret. Besides, after so many disasters were caused, how could it be allowed to appear in history? It was clearly caused by Human Race. In the end, But it is to blame everything on the innocent devil beast. In the end, the person who sealed the victim became a hero. It's ridiculous..."

Xiao Qi laughed, said solemnly with a gloomy face.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao are silent, and as Human Race, they don’t know how to respond.

Xiao Qi saw Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao a little embarrassed, and quickly said with a smile: "I'm not talking about you, I can see that you are all good people..."

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said separately: "We didn't care. Actually, I don't think Human Race is different from devil beast. You still continue to say, what is this god-making plan..."

Xiaoqi nodded, continue Said: "The so-called god-making plan is that Chidi wants to create an invincible myth of Legion according to the myth of the Nordic clan, copying all the powerful existences in the myth, such as the earthly python Yemengade, giant Wave Griffin, Northern Sea Giant Demon and so on..."

"Myth Legion? The Crimson Emperor's ambitions are too big! But is this really possible?" Han Xiao struggled. As he was swimming, he asked in surprise.

"It can be done..."

Feng Yixiu looked thoughtful and replied before waiting for Xiaoqi's response, and immediately seemed to be lost in thought.

Perhaps this is a whimsical thing for the average person, and it is estimated that it will only be regarded as a lunatic.

But only Feng Yixiu knows that this seemingly impossible thing is actually possible, because he seems to have similar abilities.

That is the ability of the almost all-seeing eye. Feng Yixiu can see the evolutionary tree of devil beast and Battle Spirit......


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