This badge is a unique award badge of the Holy See of the Balanced Court. It can be seen that Xiahouyi is also one of the many Adjudicators of the Holy See of the Balanced Court.

"The representative of the ruling court sanctioned Dylan, deducting one third total order point!"

I saw Xia Houyi lightly emitting the ruling badge in her hand for a while Holy rays of light, and the number of order points in front of Dylan began to decrease, eventually becoming a poor eight million order points.

Dylan watched his sequence drop from eight digits to seven digits, his heart was bleeding like a pain!

In this way, it is estimated that Dylan will always be impossible to become the chief Captain of the ninth district...

"Okay... Since you have been punished, then I won't pursue this matter anymore, but the matter of my Little Brother, do you plan to take care of it?" Xia Houyi's ruling badge disappeared instantly, and said solemnly.

"The subordinates will personally lead Little Brother to the residential area of ​​the second team and arrange the best residence." Dylan responded immediately.

"In fact, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome. I think Ryan is going to stay in the hospital these days. Besides, he will face severe sanctions after he comes out. I am afraid that his residence is not available anymore. It would be a waste... …" Xia Houyi said each minding their own business.

How could Dylan not understand Xiahouyi's unspoken implication, and immediately nodded echoed: "The subordinates don't think it can be wasted, I can't as well give his residence to Little Brother, so as not to waste it!"

"Hmm...what I don't like most is wasting resources, so just do what you want!" Xia Houyi satisfied nodded, said solemnly.


Dylan laughed so much that it was uglier than crying. Although he was reluctant in his heart, he did not dare to refute Corps Head's meaning.

I saw Xia Houyi walking slowly to Feng Yixiu's side, patted his shoulder, said with a slight smile: "Brother Feng, then I will go first. If there is any trouble in the future, Must remember to contact me..."


Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently.

Corps Head quickly left the abandoned block under the watchful eyes of everyone, and the atmosphere of low air pressure just became lively.

"Little Brother, didn't expect you to have such terrifying strength at such a young age. You have not formally joined the second team, so we will not consider our sixth team in the exam."


"go go go...Our third team didn't speak yet! Don't grab people from us..."

"Although we Captain went out to perform the task, we are not currently in the team Among them, but as Vice Captain of the first team, I can also invite you to join our first team!"

I saw Feng Yixiu, a member of the various teams who had ignored Feng Yixiu before. Yixiu was overwhelmed with enthusiasm and showed great enthusiasm.

This is different as heaven and earth from the cold-eyed Feng Yixiu suffered before, and Feng Yixiu can only smile helplessly in the face of enthusiastic people.

Feng Yixiu has not changed much from the past. The only difference is that he defeated Vice Captain of the second team, which also proves that he has extremely powerful strength and potential.

It seems that the truth in this world will never change whether it is in China or in the Holy See of Balance.

Only powerhouse will be truly respected, especially Desolate World outside this wall!

"hey hey hey! Do you think I don’t exist?"

Dylan walked over with a gloomy face. He was afraid of Lord Corps Head, but he was not afraid of all these things in front of him. Team member.

As long as Chief Captain is not there, he really has nothing to fear...

When everyone felt the terrifying power of Dylan, they were very witty and let go A path.

But only the first team, Vice Captain, did not back down. Instead, he browsed tightly knit and said: "Dylan, others are afraid of you, our first team is not afraid of you..."


The corner of Dylan’s mouth was slightly raised, and his sharp gaze glanced at the man coldly, indifferently said: "Leng Xia, what qualifications do you have for a trifling Vice Captain to talk to me like this, get out of my sight!"

Even though Leng Xia is the Vice Captain of the first team, but in the absence of Chief Captain, she dare not really have a head-on conflict with Dylan, and can only retreat to the side unwillingly.

Dylan’s face-changing speed is also superb. Just now, he was like a poisonous snake that violently wounded people at any time. When he faced Feng Yixiu again, he changed to a smiling face and said: "Wind Little Brother , Because I have nowhere to go, I made you suffer. It is really sorry......"

Feng Yixiu's mouth slightly raised, since the other party wants to act with him, he will naturally accompany him to the end.

But he also admired Dylan’s endurance very much. Just because he was punished so severely, he can still welcome himself with a smile...

"Dylan Captain Since everything is misunderstood, I don't have anything to pursue..." Feng Yixiu shrugged with a smile and said nonchalantly.

"hahaha...Feng Little Brother is really a broad-minded person. I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again in the future." Dylan looked up to the sky and laughed a few times before patted Feng Yixiu's shoulder.

"It doesn't matter to me, I won't take seriously such a naive slapstick..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, looked directly at Dylan's eyes, said solemnly.

Dylan raised lightly when facing Feng Yixiu's mocking browses for a moment, and immediately returned to normal, laughed and said: "I'll send someone to send you to Vice Captain's residence first!"

After that, Dylan Dang even sent someone to send Feng Yixiu away, and he stayed to deal with Ryan's affairs.

After Feng Yixiu left, everyone in the ninth district slowly dispersed, leaving Dylan standing in place with a cold face.

Dylan looked down at Ryan, who was already in a coma, and whispered: "It's really a waste, this little thing has been messed up..."

I saw Dylan suddenly. One foot stepped on Ryan's chest, who had passed out of a coma, and the severe pain gradually made him wake up.

Ryan felt the tremendous power coming from his chest, looked at the man in front of him with a look of astonishment, and continued to struggle with pain: "Master Captain, I have really tried my best, that kid is too Stronger, he actually has three ultra-limit Battle Spirits!"

Hearing this, Dylan's pupils also contracted suddenly, and the shock in his heart was beyond words.

It’s no wonder that Corps Head and the sequence leader attach so much importance to this teenager. A powerhouse with three Battle Spirits will be snatched no matter where it is!

He also regrets that he has offended such a genius, but now that it is done, Feng Yixiu seems to know that he is targeting him, and now there is only one way to go...

Otherwise, he has a hunch that Feng Yixiu will replace him soon, and a deep sense of crisis rise in the mind!

"Feng Yixiu, you brat wait for me, I will make you regret against me!" Dylan gnashing teeth said.

"Master Captain, I'm really in pain! Please send me to be healed..." Ryan trembled, feeling the severe pain.

Dylan's mouth raised a strange and intriguing smile, and immediately looked at Ryan below with cold eyes, and said softly: "Of course I will send you to the treatment, but you have to make sure that you will not betray me... "

"Master Captain, don't worry, I will never betray you!" Ryan looked at the man in front of him with horror. He knew his Captain very well. This was clearly a murderous look. .


Dylan caught Ryan's heart off guard, and Ryan, who had been seriously injured, fell into a severe coma again.

"I believe that only the dead will keep secrets forever..."

After that, Dylan slowly dialed the contact number of the central hospital in the ninth district.

However, the staff at the Central Hospital of the Ninth District completely lost their vitality while sending Ryan to treatment.

Dylan’s measure is just right, neither will let Ryan die on the spot, nor will he really be rescued...

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