hearing this, the Queen of Blackthorns and the Fighting Heavenly Ape suddenly realized that the use of Breath Soil weapons in their hearts is not limited to the enhancement of the body.

梼杌Demon Venerable does not have the ability to actively absorb water, so it needs to rely on the attack of Water Element to exert the power of Breath Soil...

But the Queen of Blackthorns is different. She was originally used as the Wood Element Battle Spirit, but the black thorn vine has a strong ability to draw water!

The little demon can completely make the black thorn vine absorb a large amount of Water Element, and then act on it, so that the black thorn vine's volume is estimated to be the breakthrough limit.

Currently, the limit size of the black spine vines is not very large, the diameter is only about the thickness of an adult's arm, and the limit length is only about tens of meters.

And this is the main reason why black thorn vines are difficult to deal with powerful devil beasts. After all, the black thorn vines of this level are transformed into the hardest dark gold vines. For overwhelming majority large devil beasts In other words, it is difficult to cause fatal injuries.

But if the size of the black thorn vines can break through the limit, I am afraid the destructive power caused will have a qualitative leap!

"The Lord said that if you apply the power of Breath Soil to the black thorn vines, the effect will really be very different!" The little demon said quite excitedly.

"Then this demon card is used by the little demon, Xiaokongkong, don't you have any comments?" Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said differently.

"I listen to father!"

When there are no outsiders, Xiao Kongkong still likes to call Feng Yixiu father, but when there are outsiders, in order not to cause Feng Yixiu's troubles will still be called Feng Yixiu as the master.

Feng Yixiu nodded with a smile, immediately whispered softly: "Then it's so decided, I will have a tough battle to fight later, you have to be prepared."


The Blackthorn Queen and Fighting Sky Ape responded at the same time, and the silhouette gradually turned into nothingness and disappeared.

I saw Feng Yixiu put "Evil King 梼杌——Breath Soil", this demon card was stored in the second demon Spirit Treasure, and then he slowly stood up.

"This time is almost too. This 梼杌 crystal nucleus will not be useful in a short time. Let's talk about it later..." Feng Yixiu put the 梼杌 crystal nucleus away.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

When Feng Yixiu was ready to go, there was a buzzing sound from the balance watch.

The function of the balanced watch is very powerful, and the communication function is naturally available. Most of the members of the balanced Holy See communicate through the balanced watch.

"Master Captain, why are you not here yet? Are you not prepared to come..."

Gerard’s unusually anxious voice came out, and from Judging by the noisy noise, he seems to be in the empty Martial Practice Stage.

I saw Feng Yixiu glance at the time, and then whispered softly: "Isn’t it still a quarter of an hour...I’ll be here soon."

Say it, Feng Yixiu So he hung up the phone, and was too lazy to take the stairs in a hurry, so he opened the window and jumped out.

A dazzling lightning passed over the ninth district, and Feng Yixiu was also rushing to the ninth Martial Practice Stage at the fastest speed.

This ninth Martial Practice Stage is the largest Martial Practice Stage in the ninth region. Under normal circumstances, it is not activated, and only major events can be activated.

For example, the challenge of Captain is a heavyweight event, and the challenge is still the strongest chief Captain of the ninth district, and it can be said that it is a big news in the ninth district!

Feng Yixiu has been busy making order these days, so he has not paid attention to the external situation.

What he didn't know was that since Gerrard officially submitted the challenge letter to the first team, almost the entire ninth district was boiling.

In the past week, almost everyone has been discussing the challenge of Captain of the second team to the chief Captain, and as the game is approaching, everyone's mood has become more and more excited.

The ninth Martial Practice Stage, vast crowd!

As long as all the members of the ninth district who are not on duty rushed over, apart from this there are also many members from the eighth and tenth districts that are closest to the ninth district. join in the fun.

But this is not the most surprising. The most shocking thing is that there are two serious people sitting on the high platform.

These two people are sitting on the highest seat, and this is the seat that is only eligible to sit at the long-sequence level.

Rao is now the Corps Head and acting sequence leader of the ninth district, Xia Houyi, who dare not sit on an equal footing in front of these two people, and can only sit in a lower seat.

"Two adults, I don’t know what the wind brought you two. This is just a challenge between Captain. How could it alarm the two sequence grown adults..."

Xia Houyi looked a little cautious in front of the two sequence elders, cautiously asked.

I saw one of the men, who was about 30 years old, slowly glanced at Xia Houyi, and the inadvertent breath made people shudder.

This person is the sequence leader of the eighth district. He is also a stateless person and his full name is Zifeng.

This man has a light purple hedgehog head. There are three very deep scars under his right eye, and a lot of horrible to see scars are exposed on the bare chest.

"en? Do you still need to report to you for what you do?" Zifeng glanced at Xiahouyi coldly, and the spiritual pressure that erupted was as strong as a hurricane.

"This...this is not necessary, the subordinates have said more." Xia Houyi lowered her head in embarrassment, not daring to say anything more.

Zifeng’s grumpy temper is well known in the entire Balanced Holy See, and Xia Houyi also knows that he did not deliberately target himself, after all, he faced a stronger sequence of grown-ups. manner!

"Zifeng, when can you change your violent temper..."

I saw a helpless shook of a green-clothed woman who was about 30 years old beside Zifeng the head, immediately scolded softly.

This person is a serial grown-up in the tenth district. He comes from an unknown small country and his full name is Irene.

It stands to reason that the strength of the tenth-ranked leader should be the weakest. Zifeng, as an eighth-ranked adult, will naturally not be afraid of her, but Zifeng, who has always been hot-tempered, did not immediately refute. , On the contrary, he really closed his mouth.

This is because the tenth sequence leader is the only auxiliary battle spirit emperor among the ten major sequence lengths. Her battle strength may not be the strongest, but almost no sequence leader dares to offend her.

As the auxiliary battle spirit emperor, Irene is best at healing. According to legend, her healing ability is so terrible that she can even grab people from Death God!

Due to his fiery temper and impulsive personality, Zifeng put himself in danger several times. Without Irene, he would have died long ago...

"Aileen, didn't you mean that you are very busy lately? Why do you have time to run here to watch the Captain Challenge..." Zifeng asked with a calm tone.

"I should ask you this sentence! Didn't you say that you are going on a mission today? Feelings are all lying to me, right..." Irene glanced at Zifeng angrily At a glance, angrily said.

"hahaha...It seems that you have noticed it too!" Zifeng started to laugh boldly inexplicably, and then his eyes were slightly narrowed, and he whispered: "half a month, the kid who has obtained the qualification of sequence length," I want to see what is sacred."

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