Feng Yixiu, after determining the demon card to be absorbed, even put away the remaining two demon Spirit Treasure books, but gave the Queen of Blackthorn to summon.

"Little demon...I have evolved the Universe Beast King into Universe Beast King, let's take the time to absorb it!" Feng Yixiu moved the Queen of Blackthorns with a smile, said solemnly towards.

It is only more than a week after three months. Feng Yixiu also wants to take advantage of this time to complete the evolution of the Blackthorn Queen to the ultimate body.

The devil beast crystal nucleus needed by the sky green jade dragon and the fighting sky ape is very rare, and it is now difficult to find a suitable Battle Spirit in such a short period of time.

But the evolutionary thinking of the Queen of Blackthorns is very clear. Feng Yixiu has considered it a long time ago...

The complete Queen of Blackthorns is now Five Elements Battle Spirit, and after evolving into the ultimate body, you will master all the elements of Five Elements!

I have to say that most people really can’t afford such a money-burning Battle Spirit. After all, ordinary Battle Spirit evolution only needs a devil beast crystal nucleus, even if it is a dual attribute Battle Spirit, there are only two. Just a devil beast crystal nucleus.

But Blackthorn Queen needs nine devil beast crystal nuclei for evolution this time, which is nine times the consumption of ordinary Battle Spirit...

But for Feng Yixiu, it can be used Things that money solves are nothing!

Although the evolution of the Blackthorn Queen’s ultimate body is huge, the corresponding devil beast crystal nucleus is not very difficult to obtain, but the price is very outrageous.

As Feng Yixiu’s Battle Spirit, the Queen of Blackthorns is naturally connected with her mind, even if she knows that the time is very tight.

"Lord...I am ready to absorb the demon card." The Queen of Blackthorn looked solemn and said solemnly.

"This is the first time we have absorbed a diamond-level demon card. You must be careful!" Feng Yixiu confessed with a serious face, and then sat down slowly.

I saw Feng Yixiu first put the magic Spirit Treasure in front of him, and then slowly put the monster card "Qiankun Beast King-Qiankun" on the blank card slot on page 7 .

In an instant, the entire magic Spirit Treasure book exudes a burst of bright radiance, and immediately a beam of brilliant diamonds sinks into the center of Feng Yixiu's eyebrows.

Diamond-level demon cards provide spiritual power, which is very violent. Generally, Level 7 Battle Spirits absorb black gold demon cards for breakthrough, but Feng Yixiu uses diamond-level demon cards directly. conduct.

If it were not for Feng Yixiu owner's non-human horrible physical quality, it is estimated that he would be stunned by the shocking spiritual power in an instant...

Feng Yixiu felt black before his eyes. , He appeared in the demon space when he opened his eyes again.

The Queen of Blackthorn also followed closely from behind to appear in the demon space. The demon space of the Universe Beast Emperor is not very eerie and terrifying, but is in a quiet and peaceful forest.

I saw that the Universe Beast King was living in the shade of a shady tree, and I didn't seem to feel Feng Yixiu and the Queen of Blackthorns.

"What's the matter with this guy...he's still sleeping?" Feng Yixiu looked at the Universe Beast King who was sleeping soundly not far away, and was even more confused.

Generally speaking, it is extremely dangerous to absorb demon cards, especially it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to leapfrog the demon cards.

Because the absorbed demon card can only use one original Battle Spirit, and only the absorbed demon card can be used.

This is also one of the reasons why many people have been unable to break through realm for a long time. Many people want to absorb powerful demon cards, but cannot successfully conquer them, and absorb the inferior demon cards. The card is a bit unwilling.

However, this time Feng Yixiu leapfrogged to absorb the demon card but there was an unexpected situation. The Universe Beast King didn't seem to have any willingness to fight.

"Lord, be careful... this guy may be confusing us." The Queen of Blackthorn appeared very cautious.

"It shouldn't be a pretense... After all, I heard Jiu'er say that the Qiankun Orcs don't seem to have any battle strength, and they generally rely on other powerful races to survive." Feng Yixiu shook the head with a smile, Xuan Shi slowly moved towards Qiankun Beast Emperor walked over.


However, even though Feng Yixiu had walked to the front of the Qiankun Beast King, it still did not wake up, but made a thunderous grunt.

"This guy has a big heart! I understand why the Qiankun Beast Race is extinct..." Feng Yixiu couldn't help but laugh when he looked at the Qiankun Beast King who was grunting to the sky.

"hey hey hey! Can you wake up first, you make us very unfulfilled..."

Feng Yixiu slowly squatted down and poke He poked Qiankun Beast Emperor’s forehead, helplessly said.

I saw that Qiankun Beast Emperor finally woke up under Feng Yixiu's efforts, and immediately looked at Feng Yixiu and Queen Blackthorn in front of him with a puzzled face.

But it just took a look and closed its eyes, indifferently said: "What is the noise! ​​The emperor can't beat you again, it's important to sleep..."

, Qiankun Beast Emperor unexpectedly chose to take the initiative to acknowledge allegiance, and immediately turned into a group of auras that exudes a bright stream of light.

Feng Yixiu and Queen Blackthorn looked at the aura group that suddenly appeared in front of them, and both looked at each other in blank dismay and got up.

They have thought that conquering the Universe Beast Emperor will not be very difficult, but they never thought it would be so easy...

This is the first time they have seen this situation. , For a while, it was a little stunned.

"It was the first time I didn't expect to absorb the diamond-level demon card so easily, which really surprised me..." Feng Yixiu looked at the aura group exuding strong rays of light with a face. Astonished.

"Lord, the Universe Beast Emperor has chosen to take the initiative to acknowledge allegiance, then quickly absorb the aura group!" The Queen of Blackthorn urged immediately.

The aura group will gradually dissipate along with the ebbing of time. In theory, the earlier the absorption, the better.

Feng Yixiu silently nodded, and immediately sat cross-legged in front of the bright aura group, and then stretched out his hands to touch the aura group in front of him.


In an instant, Feng Yixiu only felt a very terrifying spirit essence rushing into his body madly, and then all the spiritual essence of Feng Yixiu poured into him. In Consciousness.

The Spiritual Qi impact generated by the diamond-level magical light group is very terrifying, and it took almost no time for the Spirit Sea within the Feng Yixiu Spiritual Consciousness to set off ten thousand zhang waves.

"ka ka ka ……"

Feng Yixiu could not help but browse tightly knit, the massive Spiritual Qi formed a huge Spiritual Qi vortex on top of his head, and the spiritual wall gradually began to produce There are cracks.

The invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable Lingbi finally completely shattered, and Feng Yixiu's Spirit Sea began to expand rapidly.

This is also the performance of Feng Yixiu’s rapid increase in the total amount of spiritual power, not only the rapid growth of the total amount of spiritual power, but the quality of spiritual power has also undergone a qualitative change!


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