"xiū xiū xiū ……"

In the extremely quiet darkness, a series of fast as lightning stings struck again, almost without any the sound of.

Feng Yixiu dodged subconsciously, but the calf was still pierced with a poisonous thorn, and the violent toxin began to spread quickly.

However, Feng Yixiu did not immediately use the Azure Dragon mark to detoxify, but instead covered the wound with pain.

"hahaha... your Battle Spirit is indeed very strong, but unfortunately it is not the holy light type. You have no chance of winning, so let's give up struggling!"

After seeing Feng Yixiu's injury, Mu En finally let go of his vigilance.

Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, immediately closed his eyes slowly, and judged the approximate position and distance of Mu En with his sensitive hearing.

The Queen of Thorns did not launch an offensive indiscriminately, but relied on Feng Yixiu's voice to determine the exact location, and arranged airtight thorn vines around it to prevent another surprise attack.

"Don't attack, wait a minute..."

Just as the Queen of Thorns was preparing to fight back, Feng Yixiu tried to stop the opponent in a careful way.

The Queen of Thorns also understood immediately, but she wrapped herself in the Demon Flower of Thorns and quickly sank into the ground.

Feng Yixiu slowly squatted down, then closed his eyes, and tried his best to feel the Spiritual Qi flow around him with thunder and lightning.

Although he can't feel the specific location of the Youye Samsara Bat who fuse together with the darkness, he can feel the location of Mu En in motion!

I saw a humanoid shadow gradually passing through the airtight defense of the thorns and vines, and quietly appeared behind Feng Yixiu.

"Death God cut!"

Mu En's movements were not at all muddle-headed. Now he did not dare to underestimate the youngster in front of him. All he wanted in his mind was to get the other's life as soon as possible.


But when Mu En was holding the winning ticket, Feng Yixiu seemed to be opening his eyes behind his back, reaching out and grasping the sharp sickle with precision.

"You finally came in, I've been waiting for you for a long time..." Feng Yixiu slowly turned around, coldly said.

Mu En was shocked, knowing that her strength was not Feng Yixiu's opponent, she decisively gave up the devil war sickle.

But when Mu En was gradually preparing to turn into a black shadow and flee, she was bounced back by the hard ground.

I saw that the thorny vines, which were still bleak just now, exudes a holy white radiance, which makes the small space shine like daylight.

Now Mu En is full of huge question marks. What the hell is this glowing thorny vine?

Feng Yixiu and Feng Yixiu are already injured?

But now Feng Yixiu’s calf is intact, and there is no sign of injury...

After seeing Mu En’s stealth failure, Feng Yixiu said indifferently: "It seems that I am. You guessed it right, your dark stealth must be done in the dark..."

Mu En looked towards Feng Yixiu's intact calf, cry out in surprise: "You brat is not Are you injured?"

"Trifling a poisonous thorn can't help me. As you can see, I was injured deliberately, but when the thorns and vines cut the line of sight, I have completely recovered." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and immediately said indifferently: "Otherwise, I may not be sure I can keep you..."

Feng Yixiu has full confidence in defeating Mu En, but he is not sure enough to keep it. Mu En who wanted to run away.

After all, the strength gap between the two sides is not very big. If Mu En wants to escape, Feng Yixiu probably can't stop it......

"You are so mean!"


Mu En's original pale face turned red due to anger, and said angrily.

"Despicable? Don’t forget that you sneak attacked me first. I’m just A Tooth For A Tooth." Feng Yixiu coldly smiled, indifferently said: "In our Huaxia’s words, it should be It's called asking monarch to enter the urn......"

tone barely fell, Mu En caught off guard moved towards The demon scythe that fell to the ground rushed over, preparing for the final desperate fight.

But Mu En’s speed is in Feng Yixiu’s eyes. He just moved his feet when a huge dragon claw grabbed his head and slammed it heavily on the cold. ground.

Feng Yixiu's two feet slammed on Mu En's hands separately, leaving him with no room for resistance...

"Don't move, if you move again , Be careful, I squeeze your dog's head!"

Feng Yixiu's dragon claw applied a little force, and his sharp fingertips slowly pierced Mu En's skin.

While speaking, the cage of thorns gradually began to disintegrate, and the dazzling rays of light made Mu En completely unable to open her eyes.

Thousands of thorns and vines have all turned into become Saint Light vines, all shining like daylight within a radius of one thousand meters!

After the Youye Samsara Bat lost its territorial advantage, facing the Queen of Thorns who had switched to Light Attribute, she had no power to parry, and she had been tightly bound by countless holy light vines.

"Master, this is the poisonous bat that has been caught, I don't know how to deal with it?" The Queen of Thorns said indifferently.

Feng Yixiu didn’t say much. He immediately switched to the Shura mode. The gluttonous magic armor was madly absorbing the Spiritual Qi of Light Attribute, and the magic horns gradually condensed into a beam of dazzling rays of light. Light's holy thunder jade cannon.

This Saint Thunder Jade Cannon incorporates extremely pure Holy Light Power, and Holy Light Power is the natural nemesis of the Dark Blood Spirit!


The white holy light flashed past, and the Youye Samsara Bat was blasted into powder in an instant.

Mu En saw this amazing scene through the cracks of his fingers, and he was completely plunged into despair just now with illusions.

At this time, the demonic energy that Feng Yixiu radiated even the blood Spirit Master of Mu En's level felt ashamed of being inferior, and the domineering attitude of the demonic energy made him feel ashamed.

Feng Yixiu slowly looked towards Mu En, and immediately the holy light element above his head condensed crazily again, and the power of energy caused the surrounding space to fall into violent fluctuations.

"I will ask you one last time, what are the ulterior motives of your seven deadly sins?" Feng Yixiu looked cold, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dying person.

"hehe...I can't escape death anyway, do you think I will tell you?" Mu En was not afraid, said with a sneer.

"I am a person who is always creditable. As long as you tell me, I can consider sparing you a dog." Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, said solemnly.

"You won’t be wasting your tongue. I planted it in your hands today. I recognize it!" Mu En’s eyes were extremely firm, as if she didn’t take her own life or death seriously, and immediately said indifferently: "But I can tell you one thing, that is, your Huaxia will be destroyed soon, and you, as a Huaxia hero, are powerless, hahaha......"

While speaking, Mu En’s whole body appeared strange. The black rune, and the whole body suddenly began to deform violently.

"Not good, this guy wants to self-destruct!"

Feng Yixiu felt Mu En's extremely unstable Spiritual Qi fluctuations, and even kicked it out with one kick.

The self-destruct formidable power of Level 8 Battle Spirit is very terrifying, I am afraid it will be affected within a radius of several kilometers!

The Queen of Thorns was very calm, she just waved her hand gently, and immediately a huge Demon Flower of Thorns broke through and swallowed Mu En in an instant.

The thorns magic flower with the about to explode Mu En began to drill into the depths of the ground, while Feng Yixiu and the thorns queen moved towards high altitude and flew quickly.

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