hearing this, Sol Corps Head was also surprised. Even he never knew this information.

I have to say that the orc tribe hides very deeply, and basically will not expose their true strength in front of anyone.

"The tide of beasts is approaching, everyone moved towards the orc tribe breakthrough!"

Feng Yixiu did not hesitate too much, there seems to be no more than going to the orc tribe now A better choice.

Furthermore, if there are werewolf girls as the middleman, they will not have much problem entering the orc tribe...

"Sky-Splitting Storm Hammer!"

As the key battle strength of the breakthrough formation, Thor naturally takes the lead. The Warhammer with brilliant golden rays of light in his hands condenses instantly.

Sky Splitting Stormhammer is Thor's awakening spiritual weapon. Even Feng Yixiu is shocked by the powerful formidable power.

I saw a very fast immortal flying devil beast took the lead moved towards the guards launched an offensive, Thor clasped the Warhammer in his hands with both hands, the violent golden wind pressure was like a stormy sea Spread out.

"Storm Strike!"

Sol gripped the Sky-Splitting Storm Hammer with both hands, and the exaggerated horned dragon-like muscles on both arms swelled up instantly, a seemingly unpretentious blow. It has a mighty power.

After the immortal devil beast of the Winged Dragon clan felt the huge oppression force, its pupils could not help but began to shrink sharply, constantly wanting to wave its wings to slow down.

However, the Sky-Cracking Warhammer in Thor's palm seems to have magical powers. A powerful attraction makes it have no room to escape, but accelerates the moved towards Thor and flies backwards.


The hammer hit the immortal Winged Dragon solidly, a series of crisp bone cracks suddenly sounded, and the steel-hard breastbone was obviously sunken. Go down a big chunk.

I saw Thor immediately turned his waist, and the sky-breaking storm hammer seemed to have a terrifying attraction, which made the huge and immortal Winged Dragon unable to break free.

Thor relied on his magical skills to forcibly change the direction of the immortal Winged Dragon flying backwards, and the explosive force that had been accumulated for a long time was mixed and compressed to the extreme storm bounced away.

In the future, the immortal Winged Dragon wailed and turned into a dazzling meteor and flew out. The powerful inertia forcibly washed away the dense beast tide.

And this forced breakthrough road is the direction to the orc tribe, and it is also the direction with the least number of devil beasts.

As a Level 9 First Rank Battle Spirit emperor, Sol has just completed the breakthrough not too long, but the strength shown is still very amazing!

"Everyone keep up, charge ahead!"

Everyone quickly followed Thor's pace and moved towards the orc tribe madly.

But the beast tide quickly reacted. The beast tide that had just been dissipated quickly got up, and then moved towards even more angry, the guards rushed over.

Thousands of angry devil beasts have started a crazy attack, and various attack methods are like inescapable net moved towards them.

"Queen of Thorns, hold them for me!"

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, Dang even threw away a few demon cards from the Second Demon Spirit Treasure.

Of course, it also includes the "Evil King 梼杌——Breath Soil". The ground centered on the Queen of Thorns is gradually stained with a dazzling light purple.

"Breath Soil Demon Domain ·Sen Luo myriad forms!"

The Queen of Thorns could not help but frown as she watched the beast tide coming in all directions.

I saw that she immediately released the most powerful domain skills, and thousands of several hundred meters high thorns and vines began to break out of the ground!

The super-weight thorns and vines began to form a giant net, forcibly blocking an astonishing number of beasts, and this also won for Feng Yixiu and the others dozens of seconds of precious escape time.


Hundreds of crimson energy beams came from behind the beast tide and began to bombard indiscriminately.

And the immortal devil beast hidden at the end of the beast tide also gradually appeared, it turned out to be an extremely exaggerated crimson centipede devil beast.

The size of this scarlet centipede is close to five hundred meters. There are evil eyes emitting scarlet rays of light all over the body, and each evil eye can release a huge explosive beam of formidable power.

The huge body is not cumbersome to move, but it is extremely flexible. This is due to its thousands of dexterous feet, whether it is a boulder or a towering giant tree, it is as sharp as a knife. Thousands of worm feet are easily crushed under cutting.

"The Thousand Eyes Demon Lord! Don't love the battle, quickly retreat..."

After seeing the true face of Scarlet Centipede, Saul couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.

The Thousand Eyes Devil is an immortal devil beast. Although it is not a powerful Illusory Beast species, it still possesses extremely terrifying destructive power.

And this Thousand Eyes Devil can evolve into a Sovereign-level devil beast, which has also swallowed a lot of Human Race, including members of the Balanced Holy See.

Once the Eighth Sequence Group wanted to kill the Thousand Eyes Demon Lord several times, but this Thousand Eyes Demon Lord seemed to know in advance that the Eighth Order Group would sanction him, and could hide in advance every time... …

The sound of the explosion lasted for more than ten seconds before blasting through the thorny vine net, and the beast tide completely tore it to pieces under the combined force of the beast wave.

The Thousand Eyes Demon seems to have seen through Feng Yixiu and the others' attempts. It has always been cautious, but it no longer hides itself, and extremely quickly came to the forefront of the battle line from the end of the beast wave.

Its moving speed is too amazing, even twice as fast as the guards!

"King Tyrant Dragon, stop this beast for me!"

Sol also knows that the Thousand Eyes Demon is extremely fast. If you don’t stop it, it won’t take long. Be caught up.

As the ultimate battle spirit of Wind Attribute, Tyrant Dragon is the ultimate body of Wind Attribute. Although it may not be the Thousand Eyes Demon Lord, but the speed is comparable to the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord, at least it can hold it!


I saw King Tyrant Dragon quickly moved towards the Hundred Eyes Demon Lord swooping over, waving huge wings, countless sharp wind blades hiding the The fall of sky and covering the earth.

At the same time, a huge wind of formidable power spurted out of the air, everything in the way it passed would be turned into dust by the breathtaking breath of formidable power.

The Thousand Eyes Demon possesses an outer skeleton comparable to a superalloy, and is completely unafraid of attacks of this level, but it did not choose to fight head-on.

"shua~ shua~ shua~ ……"

I saw the Thousand Eyes Demon using the extremely sharp Thousand Foot Knife, he escaped into the ground extremely quickly and disappeared completely. Before everyone's eyes.

But there is no bulge on the ground at all, it can be seen that the Thousand Eyes Demon has escaped extremely deep into the ground!

The moment the Thousand Eyes Demon escaped into the ground, everyone in the guards was shrouded in a wave of invisible fear.

Now they have completely lost the detailed location of the Thousand Eyes Demon Lord, it may break out of the ground at any time, and then start to kill...

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