" Hiccup ..."

Bai Luo took a sip and drank a whole bottle of Origin Medicine without any remaining drops. Because of the urgency he drank it, he even hit it. Hiccups.

When Feng Yixiu saw Bai Luo without the slightest hesitation drinking the Origin Medicine, the corners of his mouth also showed a smile involuntarily.

It can be seen that Bai Luo trusts Feng Yixiu very much. Even if Feng Yixiu said that he is not sure, he still did not hesitate to drink the potion of unknown origin.


Bai Luo suddenly felt his heart accelerate, and the blood in his body was boiling, and his trembling hands fell because he could not hold the empty bottle in his hand. .

I saw that Bai Luoxue's white skin began to become a little red, and the surface of the body slowly grew black and white lines, exuding strange rays of light that flashed and dimmed.


Along with angry roar, Bai Luo's body shape suddenly began to skyrocket, but in a moment he surpassed about three meters, and the violent baleful aura oppression was amazing.

The armor and clothing worn by the Beastman Race are all made by Dwarf Race. They use a highly ductile memory alloy that will not break due to changes in body shape.

Feng Yixiu looked at the amazing changes made by Bai Luo, and secretly calculated in his heart: "It is worthy of being the younger generation who is favored by the Holy Spirit of White Tiger. The power of evil..."

Even Baizhan, who has turned on the fifth rank genetic lock, has never possessed the hidden evil power, and Bailuo only has this overbearing power by turning on the fourth rank genetic lock. strength.

No wonder the White Tiger Holy Spirit has always been obsessed with Bai Luo Princess. She must have seen the huge potential hidden in Bai Luo's body.

The sudden surge of power made Bai Luo a little uncontrollable, but immediately after regaining her sanity, she returned to her former petite and lovely appearance.

This time Bai Luo tentatively transformed the beast ears and tiger claw into the appearance of normal human beings, and managed to do it in one go.

Bai Luo stared at her hands blankly, then touched her ears again, and immediately excitedly said: "Very good, I will be able to hold the pen normally in the future!"

Feng Yixiu was also a little surprised by Bai Luo's words not knowing what to do, and it took a long time to react, said with a smile: "didn't expect Luoluo, you love learning so much..."

"I don't like learning! I just like drawing..." Bai Luo smiled with curl one's lip, and immediately faced Feng Yixiu with a serious face, one-knee kneels said: "many thanks Asura King's great kindness and virtue! I don’t know how to repay you anymore."

"You don’t have to think about repaying me. When you first entered the orc tribe, if you didn’t come forward to relieve the siege, I’m afraid we would all be driven away. I'm out, besides, are we friends?" Feng Yixiu immediately helped Bai Luo to rise, said with a slight smile.

"Of course we are friends, but at the same time you are our king. From now on, as long as the king orders, even mountains of daggers and seas of flames, I won't frown in vain!" Bai Luo said seriously.

"Okay, okay...You look so serious, although you are valiant and formidable looking, but you don’t look cute anymore!" Feng Yixiu slowly bent over and gently pinched Bai Luo's Face, said with a smile: "Actually, I don't think you need to deliberately maintain a human form. After all, the innate advantage of orcs is stronger than that of humans."

"Hmm... then I will keep the tiger ears and tail. !"

Bai Luo is also nodded very agreeably, said solemnly.

tone barely fell, the beast ears and tail that just disappeared were reappeared, but compared to before, it was haunted by a bright light.

Tiger ears can make Bai Luo maintain a hearing that far exceeds that of humans, and can even detect dangers far away from kilometers away.

The tiger tail can allow Bai Luo to maintain his body balance, thereby making his movements more agile and rapid, and he can use a powerful tail to attack at critical moments.

"This looks much pleasing to the eye..." Feng Yixiu looked at the familiar Bailuo in front of him, nodded very satisfied, and soon passed another bottle of Origin Medicine in his hand to the other party, said solemnly: "You have to hand this bottle of Origin Potion to Ya'er , and watch her finish drinking it with your own eyes."

Bai Luo cautiously took the Origin Potion, and immediately asked: "I heard father say you want Exile the werewolf clan, can you keep Ya'er?"

The relationship between Bai Luo and Mu Ya is extraordinary, she really can't bear to watch Mu Ya being exiled...

This is also because Bai Luo knows too much about Muya. I am afraid that Muya, who is too weak in character, will find it difficult to survive in the Spirit Ruins mountain range of danger lurks on every side after losing the shelter of the orc tribe.

"I know that your relationship is very good, but if you really do it for her, you have to do what I said, and this is her only chance." Feng Yixiu looked on Suddenly became serious, and said straightly.

"But you are now the king of the orc tribe. As long as you open the golden mouth, it should be okay to leave Muya?" Bai Luo was still a little worried and pleaded.

"I can indeed leave Muya, but can you guarantee that Muya will not be targeted by other orcs in the absence of me? And the werewolf tribe as a race that has betrayed, How can you gain the trust of other tribes?" Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit and asked several questions in a row.

"I understand..." After Bai Luo thought for a while, he understood Feng Yixiu's good intentions, and then whispered: "Then what should I do next?"


"You watch Mu Ya drink this bottle of Origin Potion first, and then tell her that at the end of summer, I and I died because of Muto’s rebellious plan, the failure of the Holy Spirit inheritance, and then Ya’er and the werewolf The tribes expelled from the orc tribe together, so your task will be completed." Feng Yixiu put his hands behind his back, said solemnly.

Since the defeat of the rebel army, the territory of the werewolf tribe has been tightly sealed, and no tribes are allowed to enter it.

So this also resulted in the remaining werewolf race not knowing what happened, and Mu Ya, a member of the werewolf race, naturally did the same...


Bai Luo understood Feng Yixiu's intention in an instant, and said loudly.

Feng Yixiu This seemingly simple command can actually kill three birds with one stone.

First, Feng Yixiu wanted to let the werewolf tribe spread false news, and let the people of the Seven Deadly Sins and the War of the Holy See relax their vigilance, so as to facilitate the follow-up action plan.

Secondly, Feng Yixiu can judge their attitude based on the reaction of the werewolf clan. If they feel resentment against the orc clan because of their exile, they will most likely be gone.

Thirdly, the werewolf family is likely to clashed with the Seven Deadly Sins, after all, they have always been enemies.

This can effectively delay the progress of the seven deadly sins release plan, thereby gaining enough preparation time for Feng Yixiu and the others.

The main purpose of the seven deadly sins this time in the Spirit Ruins mountain range is to release the magic plan. There should be a high probability that there is no real silver weapon that can effectively deal with the werewolf race.

This means that the werewolf family is almost impossible to be wiped out by the seven deadly sins in a short period of time, so there is no need to worry too much about the safety of the werewolf race.


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