The Altar of Sealing Demons.

The suffocating atmosphere filled the air, and the high level apostles around Raphael bowed their heads in silence.

The current situation of the battle is already irreversible. Even if the fifth apostle Raphael himself goes out, I am afraid he can't stop the orc Legion like a hot knife through butter!

"Master Apostle, Legion the orc seems to be about to attack..." Karin frowned and reminded in a low voice.

Raphael complexion ashen, immediately glanced at Karin coldly, coldly said: "The deity's ears are not deaf, do you need to remind the deity?"

"Look It’s impossible to complete the plan to shed the magic. We didn’t expect that our careful plan would be ruined in the hands of a smell of mother's milk not yet dried..." Karin was a little bit disappointed and sank her head. Talk to himself.

"Who said that the demonic plan cannot be completed, the trifling orc Legion can't stop the deity!" Raphael clenched his fists, gnashing teeth said.

Kalin eyes shined, and immediately asked: "putting it that way, do you have other ways, Master Apostle?"

"Of course there are other ways, but... Raphael smiled evilly and lifted his slender palm slightly.

"It's just what?" Karin couldn't help but approached a few steps forward, her face said curiously.


I saw Raphael's sharp nails tracing a line of blood light in the air, and a drop of crimson blood slowly dripped down the black nails.


Kalin never thought that Raphael would do it to herself at this time, covering the fatal wound between her neck with the palm of her face with horror. .

But the blood is still pouring into Raphael's palm crazily, and Karin's breath has become increasingly weak.

"The blood of the Battle Spirit is extremely precious, but you can rest assured that the deity will not let you die in vain..."

The blood condenses on Raphael's palm. The more, it gradually turned into a huge bloody ball.

Kalin's body gradually became shriveled, and finally completely turned into a dry corpse...

Raphael held Karin's blood in his hand, and then slowly moved towards the blood pool, pour all the blood into the blood pool.

The originally calm blood pool began to boil again, and the blood beads on the blood pool began to become brighter.

"Not enough, not enough..."

Raphael looked at the boiling pool of blood, shook the head solemnly.

I saw Raphael slowly came back to his senses, looking towards a dozen high level apostles not far away.

These high level apostles were all confidantes pulled up by the fifth apostle. When they saw Raphael's gaze, they naturally understood what they meant.

Nowadays, the Demon Project is only one step away from success, but it is definitely too late to continue to pump blood.

But if the people of the seven deadly sins take the initiative to sacrifice blood, they can certainly make up for this few gaps...

"It is our glory to devote our lives to the seven deadly sins!"

A dozen high level apostles knelt to the ground one after another, and without a word, they gathered their blood soldiers and began to self-decision.

These high level apostles are all Level 8 Spirit Venerable powerhouses, and one drop of their blood can withstand at least a thousand drops of an ordinary person.

I saw one after another high level apostle falling to the ground, one after another small blood stream wafted into the air, and immediately gathered into a huge super-large blood bead.

Raphael controlled a huge volume of blood beads with both hands, slowly walked towards the blood pool behind him, and dumped it all into the huge blood pool.

The entire blood pool was once again fully filled, and the blood sacrifice array was able to exert a strong corrosive force.

one after another scarlet blood light continues to erode the Altar of Sealing Demons, causing crazing cracks to appear on its surface, which is about to be completely destroyed.

The plan for the release of the seven deadly sins is to infect the sacred altar of enchantment with dirty blood, in order to achieve the purpose of breaking the seal.

"The blood pool is already full, so it seems that it is okay to destroy the Altar of Sealing Demons, but I am afraid it will take about an hour..." Raphael frowned and muttered to himself. .

According to the current attack speed of the orc army, it is estimated that it will not last an hour at all.

"My lord Apostle, if I wait for everything to choose self-destruct, I am afraid I will be able to survive this hour."

I saw a serious blood disciple walking away In front of Raphael, he bowed his head and said solemnly.

The Spirit Masters of the Seven Deadly Sins are basically fanatical believers, and everyone is always ready to pay the price of their lives for the great cause of the seven deadly sins.

"In this way, this is indeed the only way. The deity will never let your sacrifices go in vain..." Raphael put his hands behind his back and said with a solemn expression.

"As you bid!"

Thousands of blood disciples slowly stood up and moved towards the front line of the battlefield without the slightest hesitation.

"Demon wolf, you shouldn't forget the transaction between us..."

I saw Raphael slowly lifted into the air, and immediately suspended in front of the void crack. He also had a copy of the Holy Spirit Treasure by crimson in his hand.

The demon wolf is the legendary World Extinguishing Demon Beast. Since the seven deadly sins dare to release it, they must have already figured out the means of control.

Raphael has already signed a conditional blood spirit contract with demon wolf, and for this reason he also consumed ten extremely precious true bloodfiend crystals.

If the demon wolf breaks the contract after being unblocked, or if he attacks Raphael, he will inevitably suffer a serious backlash.

The blood spirit contract binds the demon wolf and Raphael forcibly, and the seven deadly sins promise to terminate the blood spirit contract as long as they invade China.

The demon wolf of the demon naturally knows that the other party will not easily terminate the contract, but it has been imprisoned in the void seal for hundreds of years and it has no better choice.

After all, compared to being controlled by the seven deadly sins, demon wolf thinks that cutting open and sealing is the most important thing...

"Of course I remember this Devil Venerable, but I promised After your work is done, you have to keep your promise to terminate the blood contract..."

A pair of bloody eyes in the void crack high in the sky become brighter and brighter, and there is a loud magic sound like a twilight drum. Reverberating continuously in the narrow gorge of space.

This is just a pair of eyes that are several times larger than Raphael. It is hard to imagine how terrifying the real demon wolf will be...

" This is naturally no problem. Now the Altar of Sealing Demons has been almost destroyed, and it probably only takes less than an hour." Raphael said solemnly.

"Why is it so noisy outside, is there something troublesome?"

Although the demon wolf is trapped in the crack, it is still part of the outside world that can be felt information.

"It's just some people in the way, not worth mentioning..." Raphael looked indifferent and waved his hand.

"This is good, but this Devil Venerable smells the bloodline of the Holy Spirit, but the breath it emits is too weak." Demon wolf's sense of smell is extremely sensitive, even beyond a thousand Li can also smell the subtle smell, and immediately coldly said: "This Devil Venerable hasn't eaten fresh flesh and blood for a long time. Didn't expect delivered so many delicacies as soon as it came out. It really makes the deity a little impatient..."

"Fenrir, don’t worry, it’s important to cooperate with the destruction of the Altar of Sealing Demons. As long as you are released, let alone trifling those who have the bloodline of the Holy Spirit, even in the entire Spirit Ruins mountain range. You can enjoy everything at will.” Raphael smiled evilly, indifferently said.

The name of the demon wolf is called Fenrir, which is taken from the World Extinguishing Demon Beast in the mythology of the Northern Yuan Empire.

This destruction of the Altar of Conquering Demon not only requires a large formation of blood pools, but also requires the demon wolf to continuously release demonic energy to cooperate...

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