"In this way, we can sneak into the Altar of Sealed Demons quietly." Feng Yixiu saw that things had turned for the better, and his eyes brightened, but in a blink of an eye they became a little gloomy. Get up and continue: "It is still too dangerous if you go alone. Even if you are not aware of it, it is very difficult to kill the Fifth Apostle..."

"Tian Ming The Saint King tiger can carry the dark source Martial Artist, and will not have any influence." Dongfang slowly shook his head at the end of summer, and explained.

Sol and the White War and the others originally planned to go together, but they were helpless sighed after hearing that they could only carry the dark source Martial Artist.

"Now that I have mastered the dark element, the two of us can go to the Altar of Sealing Demons together!"

While speaking, Feng Yixiu immediately opened the White Tiger Seal. The watch was gradually entangled with a layer of pitch-black mist.

"Phantom White Tiger-Phantom Arms!"

At the end of Eastern Summer, the Holy Spirit card in his hand was also used immediately, and the Saint King Tiger on the side gradually disappeared from everyone’s Right now.

"Sure enough, it is imperceptible to any aura!"

White Zhan is the only person in the entire orc tribe who has unlocked the fifth-order genetic lock, which means that he also has absolute perception.

But in such a short distance, he is also completely imperceptible to the existence of the Saint King Tiger.

"His Royal Highness Asura King, what should we do, are we just waiting here?" Muya brows slightly wrinkle and asked.

"Naturally not. After all, it's hard to say what is going on at the Altar of Sealing Demons. We have to make the worst plan." Feng Yixiu looked a little serious.

"Does the king have other plans?" Bai Zhan also heard Feng Yixiu's overtones and immediately asked.

"The Rift Canyon has two passages from the east to the west. If I guess correctly, the blood spirit army must have concentrated all its forces in the eastern passage, and the passage to the west must be wide open. , You can go around the eastern passage quietly!" Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"But if the blood spirit army can't see people for a long time, it will probably be suspicious..." At the end of the summer, Dongfang touched his nose and said in confusion.

"I will ask the Queen of Thorns to create an army of fake orcs. You will go to the east entrance of the Rift Valley in batches at the marching speed. If it goes well, you can join me in at most an hour. The army is on the altar of sealing the devil." Feng Yixiu said straightly with his eyes burning.

Even though the orc army may be nearly half an hour later than Feng Yixiu and the Eastern end of summer, at least it is better than standing still and waiting...

Feng Yixiu paused for a moment, and then continued: "However, the army of orcs made by the Queen of Thorns is fake after all. Naturally, it is impossible to speak, and it is easy to cause suspicion if there is no sound for a long time, so I want to keep a Beastman. Race, specifically responsible for making movements to let the blood spirit army relax their vigilance."

"Then how to make movements?" Bai Zhan said curiously.

Feng Yixiu’s mouth was slightly raised, indifferently said: "Don’t do it, just yell at it!"


Bai Zhan and Mu Ya and The others are looked at each other in blank dismay, and their faces are full of question marks.

"I didn't joking with you, only in this way can we prove that we have been flustered and exasperated, and the blood spirit army will truly relax our vigilance, so this is a very important and serious task..." Feng Yixiu said in deadly earnest.

"This task is given to our Bearkin Clan. It happens that our Bearkin Clan's movement speed is too slow, so as not to slow down the overall marching speed!"

The leader of Bearkin Clan It seemed that he was very interested in Feng Yixiu's mission and took the lead in standing up.

Feng Yixiu took a look at the leader of Bearkin Clan in front of him, and immediately patted the shoulder of the other person, said with a slight smile: "This task is very suitable for you, and I am relieved to leave it to you!"

"hehe...we Bearkin Clan can't eat plain rice!" The leader of Bearkin Clan scratched his head and laughed.

"It should not be too late, let's hurry up!"

While speaking, Feng Yixiu followed the footsteps of the Eastern Summer and sat behind the Saint King Tiger.

The silhouettes of the two people also disappeared in front of everyone, but the Queen of Thorns was left in place.

The Queen of Thorns needs to create an army of tens of thousands of orcs as soon as possible. This is a lot of work and it takes a certain amount of time.

Furthermore, as long as Feng Yixiu arrives at the Altar of Sealing Demons, the Queen of Thorns can be passed by summon instantly, so there is no need to travel together.

"shua~ shua~ shua~ ……"

I saw one after another thorn vines constantly breaking through the ground. The Queen of Thorns took the lead to produce the slower Beastman Race warrior .

They were naturally the first group to go to the eastern entrance of the Rifted Mountain Range, and the faster white evil clan and werewolf clan were arranged to the end.

In this way, it can be ensured that the orc Legion can reach the Altar of Confinement together at the fastest speed, instead of being completely dispersed.


Bearkin Clan's first lead was to clear his throat, and even if he swaggered to the up ahead of the orc army, loudly said: "You guys Does Bao only know to ambush? He has the ability to hit you, grandfather!"

I have to say that the voice of the leader of Bearkin Clan is really strong, constantly echoing in the cramped valley within the valley.

"The seven deadly sins are all a group of trash, none of them can fight!"

"I see you guys don't call the seven deadly sins. I will call it Seven Insect from now on. ......"

The rest of the Bearkin Clan warriors followed suit one after another, standing up ahead of the orc army one by one, thrusting their waists in and cursing.

This can not only cover the retreat of the orc tribe after body protection, but also let the blood spirit army completely put down its guard...

The blood spirit army ambushing in every corner of the Rift Canyon Hearing this ugly yelling, although he was very angry, they were all very tacitly and did not take the initiative to attack.

After all, their primary goal is to hold back the orc army. If they can save their lives, it will naturally be a good thing.

Under the cover of the bear warrior, the queen of thorns began to make a fake orc warrior, and all the orc warriors that had been copied went to the east entrance of the rift valley.

On the other side, Tianming Saint King Tiger rushed to the Altar of Sealing Demons at a very fast speed, without any obstacles along the way.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to Feng Yixiu's plan...

Twenty minutes later, Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xia came to the outside of the Altar of Sealing Demon in advance.

The movement speed of the Saint King Tiger is much faster than the overall speed of the orc army, so it takes a little shorter time than the collective action.

As all the high level apostles under Raphael dictated themselves, and the rest of the blood disciples rushed to the front line of the battlefield, the surrounding area of ​​the heavily guarded Altar of Enchantment became empty.

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