"Demon wolf, you must kill these two little ghosts for me..." Raphael's breath has become weaker and weaker, and his voice seems a little trembling.

"Raphael, the seal has not been lifted, this Devil Venerable is also powerless..." Demon Wolf said quite helplessly.

"I can't live anymore, but I will dedicate all my blood to the blood pool, so you can definitely lift the seal!"

while speaking, pull Feir exhausted his remaining strength moved towards the blood pool, slowly crawling away.

"Hold on, don’t jump!"

Just as Raphael was about to plunge into the pool of blood, the slightly anxious voice of the killing god demon wolf It came out, and immediately continued: "You haven't lifted the blood spirit contract. If you die, will this Devil Venerable be severely backlashed?"

"This blood spirit contract is It's the handwriting of His Royal Highness, I can't take the initiative to release..." Raphael shook the head helplessly, sighing.

"Damn it! You guy is really lying to the deity!"

When the demon wolf heard this sad news, the uncontrollable anger gushed out from his eyes.

"Don’t be angry, although I can’t terminate the contract, but you don’t have to worry too much. You didn’t attack me actively. The strength of Backlash is not enough to kill you, at best it will only make you Degenerate to the Sovereign level..." Raphael's breath is weak and like a balance spring, obviously he can't hold on for long.

hearing this, demon wolf was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking seriously.

Now Raphael’s death cannot be changed, at least it must be freed from the seal!

Although it will degenerate into a Sovereign-level devil beast, it will never complete its evolution again in the future.

Even more how, there are two youngsters with the bloodline of the Holy Spirit in front of them. If you swallow them, it will be of great benefit and can greatly reduce the time for him to evolve again.

"Well, you can dance..."

After a while, the voice of the killing of the god demon wolf came out again, but the tone was a bit cold.


Raphael slowly rolled into the blood pool, making the already boiling blood pool more surging.

However, Raphael finally fell into the hot pool of blood. With Raphael's death, the strength of backlash of the blood spirit contract gradually came into play.


The severe pain caused the demon wolf to roar, and the bright blood-colored pupils in the dark were also moving at the speed of naked eye visible. Zoom out.

The sharp reduction of this size is the external manifestation of the degeneration of the demon wolf, and the terrifying sound waves that originally made Feng Yixiu and the late summer of the East completely inaccessible have become less terrifying.

Feng Yixiu and Dongfang at the end of the summer quickly approached the blood pool with the weakened formidable power, but before they approached, the altar of enchantment began to collapse continuously.

In just a few seconds, the Altar of Sealing Demons completely turned into a pool of dust, which was instantly blown away by the hurricane formed by the terrifying sound waves.

Nowadays, the destruction of the Altar of Sealing Demons is irreversible. After the pain caused by the degeneration of backlash disappears, the demon wolf will inevitably break the seal!

Fortunately, demon wolf was attacked by the strength of Backlash and fell into a long-term coma. It is estimated that there is no energy to actively break free from the void crack in a short period of time...

"Damn it , I never thought that the demon wolf would come out to disrupt the situation!" Feng Yixiu watched the Altar of Sealing Demons completely collapse, clenching his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Third Brother, what shall we do now?"

Faced with this sudden change at the end of Eastern Summer, it seemed a bit not knowing what to do.

"Don’t panic, at least the situation now is much better than before. We are now facing the Legendary Grade World Extinguishing Demon Beast, which is no longer absolutely impossible to defeat. This may be an extremely rare for us. A good opportunity..." Feng Yixiu did not panic, but the high tension made him extremely calm.

The demon wolf has been trapped in the void seal for hundreds of years. During this period, there is no energy supplement, and it will inevitably be very weak.

Since the demon wolf breakthrough seal is now irreversible, the best way is to kill the opponent just before the breakthrough seal!

If the demon wolf is allowed to recover his strength by swallowing the devil beast, it will become more difficult to deal with by then, and it may even evolve into a Legendary Grade devil beast again in the future......

"You...are you not trying to kill the god demon wolf?"

At the end of Eastern Summer, he also guessed Feng Yixiu's intentions, and his face was full of horror.

Feng Yixiu has a serious expression, said solemnly: "Once the demon wolf breaks the seal, it will be like a dragon into the sea. It will be extremely difficult to find it. We will degenerate it into a Sovereign devil beast, and it will be inevitable in the future. Will do everything possible to retaliate against us. I am always thinking about it by a World Extinguishing Demon Beast. This is not a fun thing!"

"Listen to you, it seems to be the truth..." Dongfangxia Finally looked thoughtful and touched his chin, and immediately frowned: "Although the demon wolf demon has degenerated into a Sovereign-level devil beast, it is still a legendary strong demon beast. It seems that the strength is not something you and I can shake!"

"Only the strength of the two of us is definitely not good, but don't forget that we are not fighting alone!"

While speaking, Feng Yixiu suddenly condensed the second demon Spirit Treasure beside him The scriptures, an array of spirits exuding nine-color rays of light suddenly appeared.

The Queen of Thorns was once again taken out by Feng Yixiu summon, and the moment she was taken out by summon, she immediately sealed the canyon passage behind her with Breath Soil vines.


I saw tens of thousands of Breath Soil vines entangled with each other, forming hundreds of invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable thorny nets.

Rao the blood spirit army responded in time, and I am afraid it will not be able to break through these hundreds of absolute barriers made of Breath Soil vines!

"Master, the entire army of orcs has all gone to the eastern entrance of the Rift Canyon. It is estimated that it will only take half an hour to arrive." After the Queen of Thorns made the absolute barrier, she immediately turned around and reported the situation. .

"Very good! How many disillusionment lotus flowers have you stored now?" Feng Yixiu asked with his hands behind his back.

"A total of 109 4th layer disillusionment lotus!" said the Queen of Thorns.

Although the Queen of Thorns can condense at most two 4th layer Disillusionment Devil Lotuses at a time, it can be stored in advance.

After the primordial spirit in the Nine Crowns formation diagram is consumed, it takes about six hours to recondense. This means that at the limit of the Queen of Thorns, eight disillusionment lotus can be stored in one day.

However, the Queen of Thorns will only actively store the Demon Lotus when it is absolutely safe. Otherwise, if there is an accident, her soul is in a state of recovery, that is not fun...

"More than a hundred, it should be enough..." Feng Yixiu slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and immediately looked up towards the calm void crack, coldly said: "Demon wolf, this is my little one. All the hard work of the demon for a month, I was reluctant to use it in the face of the thousand-eyed demon at the beginning, and it will be cheaper for you today!"


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