A pair of red blood eyes slowly ignited in the dark cracked space, but their size is nothing compared to what Feng Yixiu had seen before.

So this is still making everyone feel scared, even if these blood eyes did not notice their existence, they still felt a sense of fear spontaneously.

"ka ka ka ......"

I saw a pair of scarlet dewclaws protruding from the dark crack of several hundred meters, forcibly breaking the narrow Space Crack.

The small Space Crack is as fragile as glass in front of the horrible power of demon wolf, forcibly pulled out of a huge hole.

And the huge scarlet wolf head of demon wolf slowly peeked out of the crack, and the length of a wolf head alone reached hundreds of meters.

Followed by the demon wolf, the whole body walked out of the Space Crack. After breaking the seal, it moved towards all around and kept visiting, seeming to be looking for something...

"Damn it! Did the two little ghosts run away?"

Demon wolf looked around for a week without any results, and he was so angry that he roared up to the sky for a long time. The formidable power formed by the terrifying sound waves made the whole All the valleys trembled.

A hidden place thousands of meters away, Feng Yixiu and the others were shocked when they saw the true face of the demon wolf.

Everyone can only use their palms to cover their mouths, so as not to let themselves make any noise...

If it weren’t for Feng Yixiu, he had confirmed that the demon wolf had killed the gods. Degraded to the Sovereign level, they all doubted that the giant beast in front of them was the devil beast of Legendary Grade!

Because the size of the demon wolf is too exaggerated, the height alone has reached nearly hundreds of meters, and the body length has reached nearly 400 meters.

As a Sovereign devil beast of the Illusory Beast species, the Blizzard Lion King is quite impressive compared with similar devil beasts, but compared with the giant wolf in front of it, it is completely inadequate and reluctant. It is also less than half of the volume...

In addition to the exaggerated size, the physical strength of the demon wolf is almost as powerful as naked eye can see. The sharp white fangs are probably harder than Super alloys are several times harder.

The sharp wolf claws of the limbs just lightly slashed the ground, leaving a few gullies more than ten meters deep. The scarlet wolf hair roots on the body stand upright, not like hair at all, but inverted. Is wearing a sharp scarlet sword armor.

The most frightening thing is the eyes of demon wolf that exudes blood light, even the first glance of ordinary person is enough to be scared the soul flew away and scattered!

"The damn two little ghosts actually caused the deity to degenerate, even if you run to the ends of the earth, the deity will swallow you up..." After the demon wolf waited for a while to no avail, I just thought Feng Yixiu and the others had fled.

I saw it first glanced at the all around of the Rift Hollow Valley, and even saw the hundreds of Breath Soil snares on the Western Passage.

"The seven deadly sins should have a lot of blood Spirit Master alive...just to make the deity have a full meal!"

while speaking, demon wolf is ready to move towards the thorns Walking in the direction of the net, it can be seen that it did not put hundreds of Breath Soil nets in its eyes at all.

The demon wolf has been sealed for hundreds of years without any energy intake. From its shaky steps, it can be seen that it is extremely weak now.

But before the demon wolf took two steps, countless golden Breath Soil vines suddenly sprang out from its feet.

These golden Breath Soil vines are like gold forging, and their hardness is much harder than ordinary Breath Soil vines.

This is the shape of Breath Soil vines fused with Metal Element, but the dark gold vines of this size don't seem too huge on the face of demon wolf.

The demon wolf simply did not expect that someone dared to ambush himself, and was caught off guard by the dark golden vines.

But what Feng Yixiu didn't expect was that Demon Wolf just looked down at the dark golden vines under his feet, and didn't seem too panicked.

"such insignificant ability also wants to trap the deity, it is ridiculous..."

The demon wolf is covered in dazzling blood, and the surface of the dark golden vine appears faint Although the cracks did not break immediately, they tended to be pulled up by the roots.

"This beast has great strength, but I don't just want to trap you..." Feng Yixiu clenched his fists, his eyes burst out with dazzling lightning, and whispered, "Destroy... …Hundred flowers are dazzling!"

The dazzling hundreds of flowers are made up of a hundred extinguishing magic lotus. When all the extinguishing magic lotus bloom together, it will produce a gorgeous explosion of destroying heaven extinguishing earth!

"ka ka ka ……"

I saw the demon wolf as the center, and the thorns and demon flowers broke through the ground under him, and the fascinating flowers gradually began Bloom, exposing the magic lotus of disillusionment wrapped in it.

Each Demon Lotus of Disillusionment is composed of four-color petals, surrounded by a dazzling four-color halo, and the terrifying energy fluctuations cause the space to be temporarily twisted.

When Bai Zhan and Dongfang Late Summer and the others saw this amazing scene in front of them, they were all surprised from ear to ear.

Even if they are separated by thousands of meters, they can still feel the terrifying power contained in hundreds of disillusionment lotus.

Hundred Flowers Dazzling is not only formidable power, it is jaw-dropping, the gorgeousness is like a work of art, and it will be unforgettable for a lifetime...

When the god demon wolf saw the disillusionment of the lotus pond at his feet, his expression gradually changed from a dismissive indifferent to a panic of helplessness!

One of the big reasons is that it feels the holy light of the owner of the disillusioned demon lotus, and this power can suppress his indestructible body.

The demon wolf finally put away the heart of contempt, and immediately began to burst out all the power to immediately break free from the shackles of the dark golden vines of Breath Soil.

"pa pa pa..."

I saw a few Breath Soil dark gold vines being forcibly uprooted in front of the terrifying power of the demon wolf!

But it’s too late. Hundreds of disillusioned lotus flowers have begun to bloom at the same time, and the destructive power contained in them has suddenly exploded.


A hundred magic lotus in the disillusioned lotus pond exploded almost at the same time. The deafening explosion made the eardrums sting, and the weather was fierce. The earth spread out, and the dimly dim cracked canyon was shining like a ten-day high hanging, making it impossible to look directly at it!

The 4th layer Demon Lotus presents different brilliant colors, with many colors flowing on it, and each color represents a kind of strong elemental power.

The 4th layer of the magic lotus fuse together, forming a bright glaze-colored magic lotus, and this 4th layer of the magic lotus all around has a four-color halo rotating around, and the terrifying high temperature makes the surrounding air All fell into extreme distortion.

The formidable power of a 4th layer Disillusioned Demon Lotus is already quite amazing, and the formidable power of hundreds of superimposed on it is even more inestimable!

The indescribable elemental fluctuations burst out like overwhelming mountains, and everything that the terrifying element rays of light came into contact with was swallowed up...

Everyone was so gorgeous in front of them. The picture caught the eye, and I didn't notice that the gorgeous holy light was coming at an extremely fast speed.

"Not good, I underestimated the true formidable power of Baihua Dazzling, everyone quickly retreat!"

Feng Yixiu watched the rapidly approaching elements explode, and immediately reminded everyone loudly .

Everyone was awakened by Feng Yixiu's shout, and finally pulled out from the gorgeous scene before them, and even fled immediately.

Fortunately, the explosion rays of light produced by the dazzling Hundred Flowers are not too fast after spreading over two kilometers, and Feng Yixiu and the others are barely faster.

Feng Yixiu looked back, and watched the huge boulders used for hiding before being swallowed by the rays of light generated by the elemental explosion, almost instantly evaporating!

After everyone retreated more than a thousand meters, the fiery feeling behind them completely dissipated, but the dazzling rays of light still did not dissipate immediately.

The strong light lasted for a few minutes before it slowly dissipated. Everything within more than 3,000 meters in the radius evaporated instantly, and a super-large smooth pit appeared in front of everyone.


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