Feng Yixiu slowly raised his hand, an orange golden streamer disappeared from the body of the fighting heavenly ape, and the effect of the Power of God killing also gradually began to dissipate.

Under the combined action of the Azure Dragon mark and Sun Luo halo, Feng Yixiu's injury quickly began to recover. But in a moment, Feng Yixiu's pale face returned to its blood.

Although the effects of the Power of God Killing will be dispelled after the God Killing Arms are dispelled, the Battle Spirit or Blood Spirit that has been killed has no chance to be resurrected again.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the Rift Sky Gorge within the valley, and tens of thousands of orcs Legion was moving towards this side. Come rushing.

"The army has finally arrived, but unfortunately they seem to be late..." Bai Zhan said softly.

Feng Yixiu shook the head, said solemnly: "It should have come just right, don’t forget that the seven deadly sins and a lot of blood Spirit Master are still alive, and now is the time to catch them all!"

Bai Zhan suddenly realized, and immediately asked: "My lord, now we have time to slowly destroy these blood Spirit Masters. This time I must drive them to death..."

"There is no need to rush to kill, our battle is bound to cause a lot of sensation. I am worried that there will be some troubles on the side of the war. We need to keep some evidence, and these blood Spirit Masters are the best evidence." Feng Yixiu carried his hands on his back. Behind him, said solemnly.

This battle wiped out the entire Eighth War Legion of the Vatican. I am afraid that the Vatican, which has always dominated cultivation matters, will not give up.

"But these blood Spirit Masters of the Seven Deadly Sins are lunatics. Let them testify for us. Is it possible?" Bai Zhan said somewhat surprisedly.

Spirit Masters of the blood of the seven deadly sins did not hesitate to sacrifice in order to accomplish their goals, and Feng Yixiu, as their enemy, wanted them to speak for it is simply impossible.

"If it is true in the usual sense, but I don’t believe that among the tens of thousands of blood Spirit Masters, there are not one or two cartilage, and the relationship between them and the Holy See of War is originally hostile. , And now the Fifth Apostle is dead, I think they know what to do no matter how crazy they are..." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, indifferently said.

hearing this, everyone is nodded with approval.

The Seven Deadly Sins and the Holy See do not have much interest in the war. They only choose to cooperate temporarily because of the common goal.

As long as Feng Yixiu promises to let them live, these blood Spirit Masters of the Seven Deadly Sins will most likely agree to confess everything.

"But the blood Spirit Master's evidence alone is probably not enough. If the devil beast secretly enslaved by the Holy See in the war is also on our side, it may be more convincing..." Feng Yixiu looked serious. Towards the Blizzard Lion King beside him, said solemnly: "Blizzard, how did the battle between you and Flaming Skyscale turn out?"

"That guy has been seriously injured by me, if it wasn't for me, I would rush to help , This time I must kill that guy!" Blizzard Lion King patted his chest and said loudly.

"It’s fine if you don’t die, this time I want you to find Skyscale again, and let them return to the Holy See to accept sanctions." Feng Yixiu heard that Skyscale is sighed if it is not dead. in relief, righteously.


Blizzard Lion looked at Feng Yixiu with a puzzled face, as if you were joking with me again!

Flame Scale is a violent temper, how could he go to the Holy See to accept sanctions obediently? This is simply nonsense...

"Don’t worry, that guy will definitely Follow you, because if he doesn't follow you, the end result can only be death." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and said very confidently.

"My lord, can you make it a little bit clearer, how do I feel like hearing it..." Blizzard Lion scratched his head in confusion, whispered.

"Flame Tianlin chose to cooperate with the Vatican of War. Naturally, they know their style of action. After the action fails this time, the Vatican of War will inevitably eliminate all those who know it, and the Vatican will also send troops to fight against the Vatican. Lin, you said you were being watched by these two huge monsters, does this guy still have a way to survive?" Feng Yixiu explained with a smile.

"Listening to what you said, it seems that the guy has to go to war the Holy See and accept sanctions. I am afraid that this is the only way to save his life." Blizzard Lion King agreed with nodded and agreed.

"The Sovereign devil beast of the Illusory Beast species of Flame Skyscale is also considered a top battle strength. If it can be used to balance the Holy See, it would be a good thing..." Feng Yixiu gazes Burning, whispered softly.

"Then I'll go find that guy now! I won’t let that guy run away..."

Blizzard Lion King is also a quick-witted person. Flame scales.

Feng Yixiu waved his hand, indifferently said: "Don't worry, don't worry... I'm afraid it's more anxious than you now, don't need you to find him, he will come to us after he figured it out."

Hearing this, Blizzard Lion King gave up, but what Feng Yixiu said was doubtful.

If he said that the flame scale will not escape, he still believes it, but the other party will take the initiative to walk right into a trap, which is a bit too outrageous...

"Everyone takes a break for a while , Ten minutes later, the west passage will be unblocked. Let’s end this battle in a spurt of energy!” Feng Yixiu slowly turned around and faced the gasping for breath Orc Legion, loudly said.

"As you bid!"

Tens of thousands of orcs Legion responded in unison, shouting loudly!

Several battles that night made the orc Legion deeply exhausted, and when he sat on the floor, he began to rest.

However, the resilience of the orc warriors is amazing, but the ten-minute rest time brought them back to Peak state.

Ten minutes later, Feng Yixiu also slowly stood up, and immediately moved towards the huge ice wall and walked over.

The Blizzard Lion King immediately turned into a devil beast form, slowly dispelling the tens of meters thick ice wall in front of him.

This ice wall has a very strong effect of isolating sound. As the ice wall gradually dissipates, a clear explosion sound continues.

Baizhan and the others looked at each other in blank dismay when they heard the explosion.

Now that the entire Legion of the orcs has been transferred here, it stands to reason that the blood spirit army simply has no need to sacrifice self-destruct. They are it possible that they are fighting the air?

Just when everyone was very confused, Feng Yixiu noticed some clues.

The entire Rift Canyon suddenly became hot, and there was a faint fire light advancing slowly in the distance...

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said indifferently: "It looks like the flames of this fellow The ideological consciousness is still very high!"

In an instant, everyone suddenly realized that only the flame scales could erupt such astonishing movements.

The lion king of Blizzard was stunned for a long time, and then said solemnly: "The king is really dazzling. Not only is this guy walking right into a trap, but also turning right into a trap. It seems that our pressure will be It will be much easier..."


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