According to the voting mechanism of the world conference, the two Major Sect representatives vote first, and then the Four Great Empires representatives vote.

If there is a tie, the decision will be handed over to a hundred middle-sized monarchs, and finally the minority will obey the majority.

There is no doubt that Beiwu Great Emperor and Tianyu empress are obviously on the side of the war Holy See. If the black clothed bishop is added, there will be three votes in total.

Looking at it this way, the vote of the Xuehuang Great Emperor is very important. If he chooses to stand on the side of the war Holy See, or choose to abstain from the vote, I am afraid that he will not be able to vote for the second round.

" Marshal of the Light, this vote is still notarized by you!"

White clothed bishop is somewhat unsure, but now it seems that there is no other way.

tone barely fell, a golden holy light gradually condensed in midair, only to see a law enforcement officer exuding light Holy Splendor appeared in front of everyone.

The Law Enforcer of Light is the highest officer of the notary office of the World Battle Spirit Alliance. However, his authority is limited to the World Conference, and he has no right to intervene in other matters.

Each law enforcement officer of light is carefully selected by the pope, and in a sense represents the will of the pope. I am afraid that only he can convince the powerful parties participating in the world conference...

Feng Yixiu has also been observing the Enforcer of Light, but the other party wears a golden mask from beginning to end, and the golden robe he wears is also very heavy, and he can't even judge the other party's gender, let alone Said to observe the appearance of the other party.

Although the Law Enforcer of Light did not directly participate in the World Conference, he has been observing the World Conference in the Temple of Light, and he naturally knows what is happening now.

"This seat already knows the current situation, so in accordance with the rules of the world conference, please ask Marshal Gu to provide a meeting proposal!" The light law enforcement officer slowly moved towards the main seat and floated away, and immediately sat in the main seat. Above the seat.

Without participating in the World Conference under the Pope's crown, the Marshal of Light is the only person who can represent him, and is naturally qualified to sit on the chairperson's seat.

If everyone can unify their opinions, there is no need for the light law enforcement officer to show up, but when everyone disagrees, you need to ask the rays of light law enforcement officer to preside over.

Gu Yuan pondered for a moment, and immediately opened the mouth and said: "The war Vatican is not supervised, and the Eighth War Regiment is allowed to participate in the demonic release plan. This seat proposes to block the war Vatican trial power for two months!"

"This proposal has sufficient evidence. The law enforcement officer is allowed to open the voting resolution. According to the rules of the world conference, two Major Sect and Four Great Empires representatives are invited to make a first round voting resolution..."

Nodded, the light marshal, immediately the light scepter in his hand emits soft and sacred rays of light, shining the originally bright and balanced temple like a ten-day high.

The scepter of light is a sacred relic personally conferred on the marshal of light under the papal crown. It not only has a powerful Light Power, but also can communicate with the papal crown.

When everyone saw the light scepter shining, their expressions became serious. Now everyone's every move is under the supervision of the pope.

"This seat feels that Marshal Gu’s motion is biased. Even though the war Vatican is not supervised, the stable order of Desolate World cannot be maintained without the war Vatican. I vote against it!"

The Great Emperor of Beiwu broke the silence first and cast the first negative vote without a doubt.

"This seat also feels that Marshal Gu’s proposal is a bit fussy. Just some insignificant evidence is not enough to prove the collusion between the war Vatican and the blood spirit organization. This seat also raises objections..."

Tianyu empress follow closely from behind also raised objections, and the black clothed bishop naturally chose to oppose it.

Of course, Gu Yuan and Tantai Boyun showed their consent. Only the Great Emperor Xuehuang did not make any moves.

In this way, Gu Yuan’s proposal has already been opposed by three votes, and the situation has obviously become less optimistic.

Xuehuang Great Emperor and Tianyu empress did not dare to threaten Xuehuang Great Emperor in the presence of the Guangming Marshal, but they were always staring at the bloody Great Emperor’s every move, seeming to be warning He should not be nosy.

When the Xuehuang Great Emperor faced the warnings in the eyes of the two Great Emperors, his expression was a little embarrassing. He didn't want to offend these two powerful empires.

Now the Dansha Empire is the weakest among the Four Great Empires. The Beiyuan Empire and the Sun-Moon Empire are already glare like a tiger watching his prey and the Bloody Great Emperor for the Dansha Empire. The situation naturally seemed extremely difficult. He didn't dare to clearly oppose the two Great Empires at this time.

However, the Great Emperor Xuehuang didn’t want to vote against his will. After all, as the Monarch of the entire Country, he naturally knew what the Demon Project meant...

The Law Enforcer of Light Seeing that the Xuehuang Great Emperor did not make a statement for a long time, he reminded: "Xuehuang Great Emperor, are you going to abstain?"

"Please let me think about it again..."

Xuehuang Great Emperor was too nervous, and a lot of cold sweat was oozing out of his forehead, and his voice seemed a little trembling.

He never felt that being Monarch of the entire Country was such a difficult thing. Now he seems to be burnt on the fire...

"Blood Huang Great Emperor, you But you have to think about it carefully, after all, this is not a child's play!"

The Beiwu Great Emperor stared at the Xuehuang Great Emperor coldly, his tone was plain, but he was unquestionably domineering.

The law enforcement officer of Guangming coldly said: "Beiwu Great Emperor, this law enforcement officer suspects that you are threatening the Great Emperor Xuehuang. If you speak again, I will cancel your voting right..."

The corner of Beiwu Great Emperor's mouth twitched, no matter how much dissatisfaction he had in his heart, only a wry smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and immediately moved towards Nodded, the Law Enforcer of Light.

"Blood Huang Great Emperor, I know you don't want to offend the two Great Empires, but you never thought about it. Even if you vote against it, would they let the Dansha Empire go? "

Gu Yuan was a little uncertain when he saw the Great Emperor Xuehuang, and he was very anxious, so he could only remind him.

hearing this, the Great Emperor Xuehuang seemed to become a little shaken, his eyes inadvertently looked towards the nine-tailed empress not far away.

However, Kyuubi empress seems not to have much interest in the world conference. He always keeps his eyes closed and calms his mind, and ignores the look in the eyes of the Great Emperor Xue Huang asking for help.

"Bloodhuang Great Emperor, you are the Great Emperor of the Dansha Empire. Do you still listen to a devil beast for your decision? This seat is guaranteed by the Sun-Moon Empire empress personality, as long as you stand On our side, we will never offend the Dansha Empire in the future..." Tianyu empress has a delicate mind and naturally saw this detail.

Kyuu-tailed empress, who has always been showing lack of interest, slowly opened his eyes, and immediately looked towards Tianyu empress of faint smile, coldly said: "Tianyu empress is are the one who relies on the king to kill People, even talking about personality, do you have it?"

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