"Magic Spear Heaven!"

In the face of the oncoming powerful Half Moon Slash, Creel did not retreat, but waved the Abyss Demon Dragon Spear in his hand. Face to face.

The abyssal demon Dragon Spear is like a Flood Dragon in the hands of Creel. The violent gust of wind whirls around the spear blade. At that moment, the air was split in half.

Dark Black Dragon Shadow and Half Moon Slash madly collide together. In midair, there seems to be a two-dragon fight, and there is no difference between the winner and the loser for a while!


With a roar, the energy fluctuations produced by the terrifying energy explosion burst out suddenly.

Feng Yixiu and Kriel retreated half a step backwards at the same time before they could barely stand firm. The two looked towards each other again, their expressions were full of jealousy.

Kriel can’t understand anyway, Feng Yixiu is far inferior to him in spiritual power realm or in other aspects, but why he has the terrifying strength evenly matched with him!

As the realm powerhouse of the Battle Spirit, Creel, its spiritual power has increased in all aspects, far from what Feng Yixiu, as a Level 8 Battle Spirit, can compare, but as a battle As a fifth-rank source Martial Artist, his power far exceeds that of the fourth-rank source Martial Artist.

Not to mention that Creel uses the awakening spiritual weapon of the reinforcement system. No matter how you say it, the opponent is impossible to have the power that rivals him!

But what he didn’t know was that Feng Yixiu was also very surprised. He just turned on the Azure Dragon and White Tiger double marks at the same time with this attack, and also activated the real dragon mode. But it can't help each other.

"Feng Yixiu, Lao Tzu looked down on you, this kid, it seems that you are a qualified opponent, at least not to make me feel bored." Creel looked at Feng Yixiu coldly, loudly said.

"Kriel, if you attack with the war Vatican Battallion, I might be somewhat dreaded, but unfortunately you are the only one..."

Feng Yixiu slowly follows He jumped from the towering giant tree, but did not touch the ground. The thunder element condensed on the soles of his feet to make him stand firmly in the air.

"But one hour, how can you guys wipe out nearly a hundred people of the elite warriors of the Holy See, this is even hard for me to do..." Creel browses slightly wrinkle, said solemnly.

In this war, the Holy See attached great importance to the martial arts performance. Almost all young elites under the age of 25 were sent to participate in the martial arts performance in order to win the final victory.

Just now, through absolute perception, Creel discovered that all players in the Vatican were seriously injured, and he also noticed that the bloodline of the psychic with everyone had been damaged, which also meant that they could no longer summon the Battle Spirit.

Although Creel doesn't care much about the lives and deaths of these weak people, as the only presiding judge who participated in the martial arts show, I am afraid that the black clothed bishop will definitely push the blame on him.

Black clothed bishop is one of the few people to fear in Creel. He is naturally unwilling to face this situation. Now I am afraid that only by completing the task of assassinating Feng Yixiu can the anger of black clothed bishop be calmed.

"It's hard for you to do it doesn't mean I can't do it. Besides, I think you should care about your own situation first." Feng Yixiu said indifferently with an indifferent expression.

"Although you don’t know what despicable means you used to murder the future generation of the war Holy See, don’t you really think that I can’t kill you?"

Kriel The look gradually became cold, and the cold Dark Aura continued to diffuse out of the abyss dragon armor.

The abyssal dragon fiercely waved its wings to cover the sky and rose to the ground, quickly rising to a position of the same level as Feng Yixiu.

"If it can be done, you can give it a try!"

Feng Yixiu never flinched from the imposing manner, and a body suddenly appeared next to him. A huge array of white spirits.


Only heard a loud and bright dragon roar stirring the mountains and forests, the azure jade dragon breakthrough black mist came to Feng Yixiu's side.

Although the Azure Jade Linlong as a complete Battle Spirit, its strength is far inferior to that of the Abyssal Demon Dragon, it can cooperate with the Heavenly Demon Ape to complete the Battle Spirit synergy, Big Dipper Array.

"hahaha...trifling, a full body long worm, did you release it to death?" When Kriel saw the azure jade dragon being summoned out by summon, he smiled and couldn’t get close. Mouth.

"I hope that your laughter will continue..." Feng Yixiu couldn't help but complexion ashen in the face of the arrogant Creer, and said solemnly immediately: "Even though my little white building is only complete, but After all, it's a real dragon!"

While speaking, the First Demon Spirit Treasure next to Feng Yixiu is windless and automatic, and the demon cards turn into streamers of different colors and sink into the body of the azure jade dragon.

I saw the sky green jade dragon divided into seven instantly, one after another exuding the terrifying aura of Supreme Dragon's Might spreading wildly.

The fourth Battle Spirit skill of the Azure Jade Linlong, the Holy Spirit Dragon's Might is launched!


As seven real dragons roar at the same time, the terrifying Supreme Dragon's Might is also colliding with each other.

The Holy Spirit Dragon's Might is a kind of imposing manner coercion, and it is also the bloodline coercion of the King of All Souls!

This kind of coercion has an effect on all Battle Spirits, especially for the lesser dragon clan.


When the abyssal dragon faced this powerful true Dragon's Might, it actually retreated half a step backwards like a god, with a roaring sound Full of fear and fear.

"What are you guys afraid of! It's just a complete Battle Spirit..." Creel looked very angry at the retreat of the Abyssal Dragon, and said furiously.


The abyssal dragon also appeared unusually angry after reacting, and kept moving towards the sky green jade dragon roaring.

But this still can't conceal the fact that the abyssal dragon is suppressed by bloodline. Although the azure jade dragon is not as strong as the abyssal dragon that surpasses the king-level Battle Spirit, it can make the opponent have an uncontrollable fear.

This is equivalent to a juvenile tiger cub, still making an adult evil wolf fear, even knowing that the opponent's strength is not as good as his own, still can't suppress the instinct.

The Holy Spirit Dragon's Might of the Azure Jade Linlong has weakened the strength of the Abyssal Dragon by nearly 10%, and this is already worthy of pride for the complete Battle Spirit.

"Abyss dragon, tear these long worms to pieces for me!"

Krill naturally also noticed something wrong with his Battle Spirit, fly into a rage out Of humiliation, he immediately wanted to get rid of the azure jade dragon.

The abyssal dragon shook its jet-black wings at high speed, and rushed towards Feng Yixiu with a biting hurricane, like a steel mountain range, unstoppable!

"Seven Stars Explosion· Shaking Universe Shaking Stars!"

Under the command of Feng Yixiu, the seven azure jade dragons began to deform sharply and turned into seven Shaking Universe Shaking stars. .

Shanyu Tianxing burst out a dazzling glass lightning, the rays of light reflected through the diamonds are exceptionally gorgeous, just like one after another cannonball ejected.


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