"Well, I'll do what you said. This setting will trap the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox. I will leave it to you, but if there is something wrong, you Know the consequences..." The thousand-year-old crown on the top of the blood-huang Great Emperor burst out with golden light, and the imperious emperor inadvertently revealed its domineering aura.

"The old minister will not insult the king!"

The Pharaoh bowed slightly, but the moment he lowered his head, he showed a hint of resentment, but he looked up because of the overall situation of the Dansha Empire. The smile of the past was restored instantly.

"I'm a little tired, go and get ready..." The Great Emperor Xue Huang waved his hand, Xuan Shi slowly closed his eyes.

"As you bid."

The Pharaoh immediately left the secret Conference Hall and immediately went to the Barang Empire to negotiate with the opposing monarch in secret.

As the Subsidiary Country of the Dansha Empire, the Bailang Kingdom has always looked at the horse head of the bloody Great Emperor, but when it heard that it was going to fight the Asura King, it was a little hesitant.

However, under the intimidation and lure of the Pharaoh, the monarch of the Barang Empire finally agreed to attack the Asura King with troops, and promised to make the Barang Kingdom the first prince of the Dansha Empire after the incident. Its status can be said to be under one person above ten thousand people!

In just a few days, the inescapable net prepared by the two huge monsters of the Dansha Empire and the Sun-Moon Empire has been completely completed, and now only needs to wait until the "prey" takes the initiative to walk right into a trap.


Outside the Sahara Desert, the large forces led by Feng Yixiu have all been teleported.

There are far more than one Transmission Formations going to the Sahara Desert from the sixth largest area of ​​the Holy See, and there are as many as three large-scale Transmission Formations.

This time Feng Yixiu, in order to save time, chose the Transmission Formation closest to Asura King.

If you follow the normal marching speed of the large forces, it will take at least a day to reach Asura King.

Blizzard Lion and Flaming Skyscale opened the way ahead, and there was basically no devil beast who dared to attack them along the way, so the speed of the march was also very amazing.

However, the only thing that made Feng Yixiu somewhat dreaded was that inadvertent glance. He saw the patrol ship No. 6 hidden above the clouds, on which was the striking emblem of the Holy See. Showed their identity.

This patrol ship seems to be performing patrol tasks, but in fact it is supervising the actions of Feng Yixiu and the others.

However, this patrol ship is not following Feng Yixiu and the others, but has always been ahead of Feng Yixiu and the others, in order to get rid of the suspicion of tracking.

The Holy See of the War knew that Feng Yixiu and the others were in a hurry, so he would definitely choose a straight path, so he dared to blatantly lead Feng Yixiu and the others.

This is deliberately angering Feng Yixiu and the others. If Feng Yixiu unprovoked an attack on the war patrol ship of the Holy See, the other party will inevitably launch a counterattack on the grounds of self-defense.

On the war patrol ship, Corps Head Jasir of the Sixth Judgment Regiment quickly picked up a communication device and said solemnly: "The target has appeared, the specific coordinates have been sent, and the action is started!"


If you look closely, this communication instrument has the unique logo of the Sun-Moon Empire, which is obviously a product of the Sun-Moon Empire.

"War Vatican No. 6 patrol ship appeared in the Sahara Desert, its movements are extremely suspicious, request support!"

Naturally, Feng Yixiu will not sit and wait for death, and immediately use a balanced watch in the same way. Li He, the sixth Corps Head of the vicinity patrol, made contact, reported the accurate movement of the Holy See in the war, and applied for a patrol ship to stop the opponent.

"Received! I will immediately send a patrol ship to support, don't act rashly." Li He also immediately replied to Feng Yixiu, and mobilized the balance patrol ship to support as quickly as possible.

The white clothed bishop had anticipated that the Holy See might move during the war, so the patrol ship of the sixth district was allowed to stay near the Sahara Desert in advance.

Feng Yixiu deliberately slowed down after sending a request for help, and the speed of the war patrol ship that had been ahead of them really slowed down.

It didn't take long for a huge balanced patrol ship to arrive at an extremely fast speed, and it was very powerfully blocking the front of the war patrol ship.

However, the war patrol ship did not mean to slow down, but accelerated again and slammed into the balance patrol ship.


Only a loud bang was heard, and the two huge monsters both fell and fell heavily on the desert.

"My lord, are we going to help?"

Bai Zhan couldn't help being a little worried when he heard the loud noise behind him.

Feng Yixiu felt more and more uneasy in his heart, said solemnly: "You don’t need to help, the war vatican will not do it, everyone speeds up!"

If the war vatican wants to do it, naturally it won’t Will wait until now, so their purpose is not to attack themselves, at least they will not do it themselves.

As expected, Feng Yixiu did not hear the sound of fighting coming from behind him.

Feng Yixiu can basically conclude that the war, the Holy See is ready to deal with himself, and they are expected to be targeted soon.

It's just that now the enemy is dark and I know, Feng Yixiu can't think of a good way for a while, only to get rid of the exposed position of the war Vatican as soon as possible.

The people of the Vatican of War and the Vatican of Balance have stepped out of the patrol ship with black smoke, and both sides moved towards each other with swords drawn and bows bent.

"hey hey hey...... Are you balancing the Vatican guys with something wrong? I patrolled well, what is unfathomable mystery doing!"

Corps Head of the Sixth Judgment Group Jasir squeezed out of the crowd angrily, raised his finger at the balance of the Holy See, loudly said.

"hmph! You don't want to sue the wicked first, don't think I don't know what you want to do."

Corps Head Li He of the sixth group is also not to be outdone , The sharp gaze collided head-on with the opponent.

The medicinal smell on the scene became extremely heavy for a while, but both sides seemed to be afraid of it, and there was no real conflict.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about. When did the sixth jurisdiction's airspace rights become your balanced Holy See? Where do we want to go in the war and the Holy See can't report it to you?" Jasle pushed Li He hard on his forehead, and said furiously.

"It is true that you don't need to report to me. It's just that it doesn't matter to you wherever the Holy See wants to go. If you have the ability, you can do it!" Li He slammed Jasle away with his head mallet. , Tough.

Jassle felt a little pain for a while, touched his red forehead, and said loudly: "I don't bother to do it with you, but I'm here, you can't go anywhere. !"

Li He looked at Feng Yixiu and the others who were gradually going away. He was also a little worried, and then quietly pinned his left hand behind him, preparing to report with his own sequencer with a balanced watch. Condition.


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