Asura King Palace, in the brightly lit inner hall, gold and jade in glorious splendor, imposing manner majestic, inside the great hall there are two imposing manner glorious thrones, one of them is full body Forged by a sheep-fat white jade, the throne Totem is carved with a lifelike dragon head.

The other throne is forged from glazed jade, and the rear throne Totem is carved with a gorgeous Nine-tailed Fox, revealing a breath of elegance and kingship.

It’s just that no one has ever been seated on the White Jade Throne, and the beautiful woman sitting on the Glazed Throne is reading a war book, her face gradually becomes more gloomy, and the gorgeous Nine Tails behind her gradually become more stiff. The rays of light bursting out of Nine-color brilliance are getting more and more dazzling...

The eight famous generals under the throne and the top ten Law Enforcer and the others are heavy complexions. Almost everyone dare not make anything at this critical point. Abnormal sound.

Since the battle book of the Balang Kingdom was sent, the news exploded in Asura King in an instant, and this discussion meeting was urgently convened.

Almost all the backbones of the Asura King came to participate in this time meeting, but Qiangwei was sent to the Dansha Empire for help. After all, the Bailang Empire is the Subsidiary Country of the Dansha Empire. The Emperor's words are likely to solve the problem without blood.

"His Royal Highness, the Kingdom of Bailang dared to provoke our Asura King publicly and arrested His Highness Asura King as a threat. How should we respond?"

Only one The valiant and formidable looking silver armored woman stepped forward and asked solemnly.

This person is Sivir who is the head of the eight masters. She has now broken through the bottleneck of the Level 8 Battle Spirit and became a powerhouse of the Level 9 Battle Spirit Sovereign level.

hearing this, Kyuubi empress was lost in thought for a while, his face was so gloomy that it could drip water.

Hu Jiu'er had an agreement with Feng Yixiu a few days ago, but he did not expect that he did not wait for Feng Yixiu, but waited for a letter of war.

If it were just a war note, Hu Jiuer still didn't believe that Feng Yixiu would be captured alive by the Bailang Kingdom, but the Feiyu sachets sent together made her have to believe this fact.

The importance of Feiyu Sachet to Feng Yixiu is very clear to Hu Jiu'er. I vaguely remember that he had let Feng Yixiu choose from Feiyu Sachet and Azure Dragon Sacred Pearl, but Feng Yixiu did It was without the slightest hesitation that he chose the Feiyu Sachet. It can be seen that Feng Yixiu must be threatened with his life, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to voluntarily hand over the Feiyu Sachet...

Hu Jiu'er has a solemn face Looking at the Feiyu sachet in his hand, his expression seemed a little complicated, and immediately said solemnly: "Asura King is definitely going to be saved, even if it is exhausted, Asura King will be saved!"

" empress Your Majesty, we also mean that, if there is no Asura King, it would be impossible to have the current Asura King, we must not die!" Sivir said solemnly.

"Master Sivir is right, even if we are crushed, we will save His Highness Asura King!"

The rest of the Pluto and Law Enforcer also agreed. They did not hesitate to rescue Asura King.

Although Feng Yixiu has been away from Asura King for several years, Feng Yixiu's influence as Asura King has not diminished, on the contrary, it has become more prosperous.

"Has Qiangwei not returned yet?"

Hu Jiu'er always felt a little bit strange about this matter, and said with some doubts.

Qiangwei has been to the Dansha Empire for a long time. It stands to reason that there should have been a response long ago, but so far there is still no news.

Sivir’s helpless shook the head, said solemnly: "Qianwei has not returned yet, there is still no news from the Dansha Empire..."

Hu Jiu'er frowned slightly Wrinkled, coldly said: "It seems that this matter may not be so simple. Although the kingdom of Bailang has developed rapidly in recent years, it should not have the guts to fight against Asura King, unless someone is behind it..."

"His Royal Highness means that the Dansha Empire may be the one behind the scenes?" Sivir immediately understood Hu Jiu'er's extravagant voice. After a moment of silence, frowned: "But the Dansha Empire can keep the entire empire. With our support, why did they do this..."

"There is only one reason, they want to annex the entire Asura King, apart from this I really can't think of a second reason." Fox Jiu'er said seriously.

hearing this, the Eight Great Plutos and the Ten Law Enforcers are nodded looked thoughtful.

On the surface, the Dansha Empire is obedient to the Asura King, but they also know in their hearts that the Bloody Great Emperor has been coveting the Asura King's realm.

If this is the case, Bailang Kingdom really has the strength to intercept Asura King halfway, and use this as a threat to force Kyuubi empress out of the city.

"If this is the case, if we come out all the way, if the Dansha Empire enters in the void, wouldn't the Asura King be very dangerous?" Sivir also realized this, quite Some worriedly said.

Hu Jiu'er is also in entanglement. Of course, she hopes to rescue Feng Yixiu, but if the attack comes at the cost of the loss of Asura King, she has to weigh it...

After all, Asura King was established by Feng Yixiu and himself at the beginning, and it carried too many bitterness and memories. Moreover, after several years of getting along, Hu Jiuer and Asura King have already had millions of people. deep feeling.

With Hu Jiu'er's understanding of the disposition of the Xuehuang Great Emperor, if Asura King is really captured, there is a high probability that he will be slaughtered...

Hu Jiu'er is thinking As a countermeasure, she was subconsciously handling the Fei jade sachet in her hand. When she saw that the back of the Fei jade sachet was empty, her pupils suddenly began to shrink!

I saw that the nine-color flower on the back of the Feiyu Sachet had been removed. This was compiled from the nine-tailed lifeline drawn out by Hu Jiu'er enduring the severe pain, which contained her endless love and longing. Feng Yixiu actually dismantled it by his own hands...

"ka ka ka..."

Hu Jiuer held the Feiyu sachet fiercely with her left hand, and immediately burst out a series of A crisp sound.

The extreme anger and resentment made Hu Jiu'er look extremely terrifying, the nine-colored radiance behind it erupted into the sun, and the terrifying spiritual pressure spread out like a volcanic eruption...

Sivir was not too surprised when she saw the atmosphere of Hu Jiu'er, because she had already noticed this when she got the Feiyu Sachet.

So when Sivir handed the Feiyu sachet to the nine-tailed empress, he deliberately handed it face-up to the other party. The purpose was to hope that Fox Jiuer would not notice this detail, but it didn’t. Zeng thought it still didn't hide it.

"His Royal Highness empress, please calm down. Maybe the Nine-Colored Flower was not demolished by the king, maybe it was Shen Ruyu who demolished it..."

Sivir intended to calm down Jiuwei empress's anger, but never thought that not only did it not calm the anger, but it made Hu Jiu'er even more angry.


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