"sorry, there are too many villages that have been slaughtered. This is a small village of more than 100 people. I have slaughtered dozens of them. I am old. The memory is not as good as your youngster..." The Blood Spirit Master said very casually, as if to say another common thing.

Leng Fan has completely lost his reason, and his eyes have become red. Loudly said: "The cold lion, tear it up for me!"

Summon went out immediately His own Battle Spirit, his Battle Spirit is a "frozen lion" and a perfectly evolved battle spirit during the growth period.

Leng Fan is the highest level among them. The Battle Spirit level has reached Level 3, level 5, Pang Lei’s Battle Spirit level is Level 3 third rank, and Midor’s Battle Spirit level is Level. 3 Second Rank.

Only Feng Yixiu’s Battle Spirit rank is the lowest, and only Level 2 eighth rank.

Leng Fan immediately took out a bronze rank demon card, loudly said: "Tianbing Hanjiao-Tianbing armed!"

Suddenly, "Binglin Hanshi "He was covered with a thick layer of ice armor, and a strong cold breath burst out.

"Give me the ice! The mad ice lion roar!"

The freezing cold lion suddenly moved towards the motionless roar, a strong cold storm directly covered it The blood Spirit Master in front immediately froze it into an ice sculpture.

Leng Fan immediately seized this opportunity and suddenly drew out his military dagger, ready to pierce the opponent's heart directly.

But at the moment he was about to stab, an arm suddenly stretched out of the seemingly invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable ice, and he grasped the stabbed dagger very accurately. .

The sharp short sword could not pierce his palm directly, but was firmly grasped instead.


With a loud noise, the ice cube suddenly shattered, and the other hand grabbed Leng Fan’s neck directly and lifted it directly .

"jié jié jié...this seat is the fourth rank blood Spirit Master, you are not my opponent!" The blood Spirit Master gave out a weird smile, taunted.

But at this moment, a white snake shadow suddenly entangled the blood Spirit Master, and the huge strangulation force made him browse tightly knit, and violently threw Leng Feng with the sword. On the side wall.

"Yu Lin Snake? Don't send this thing to death!" The Blood Spirit Master was a little disdainful, and immediately prepared to use brute force to break free from death strangulation.

Feng Yixiu coldly smiled and immediately took out a bronze rank demon card: "Send to death? I don't think so!"

"Steel hedgehog-armored sword! "

Suddenly countless sword armors suddenly opened, but there was no picture that Feng Yixiu thought would appear.

I saw a thin layer of blood scabs formed on the surface of the blood Spirit Master's body, like a layer of blood-colored armor. This sword armor can only penetrate more than half of it, and cannot cause damage to its body at all.

"A trifling Level 2 Battle Spirit Master, dare to attack this seat, and this seat will cost you!" The Blood Spirit Master was directly angry.

Hundreds of scarlet bats suddenly appeared in the blood pool on the side, which directly formed a scarlet storm moved towards Feng Yixiu and the others.

"Not good! This is a devil bat, this is an intermediate devil beast, please be careful!" Feng Yixiu reminded.

If you attack the enemy, you must save, Feng Yixiu must not let Xiaobailou have released the blood Spirit Master and protect himself in it.

"Thunder's Fury!"

The Yulin snake protects Feng Yixiu in the middle, forming a steel cage. Then directly use Thunder's Fury, and the thunder like a silver snake erupts directly. The countless demon bats that hit it are not even close, and they are electrified into powder.

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