"Then you will be responsible for this matter, but you have to remember one thing, whether it is a human or an orc, or even a Spirit Master who wants to change his blood, we Asura Everyone who comes to King will not refuse!" Feng Yixiu waved his hand and said in a straightforward voice.

Feng Yixiu founded Asura King Capital with the original intention of establishing a diversified country. Although this idea is very bold, he knows the significance of this decision...

As long as there is the sacred relic of the Thousand-Year Eye, Feng Yixiu does not worry about chaos. As long as those with unruly hearts dare to enter Asura King, it is no different from walking right into a trap. !

"The final commander!"

After hearing that Asura King agreed to accept the orcs, Bai Zhan was also extremely excited.

The orc tribes in the Spirit Ruins mountain range are after all only a small part of the orcs clan, while the overwhelming majority Beastman Race is scattered all over the world, and the overwhelming majority lives in dire straits.

"Qianwei, what happened to the king's account of you?" Feng Yixiu looked towards Qiangwei and asked softly.

"Reporting to the king, those countries that dared to profit from somebody's misfortune will eventually be visited one after another. They have agreed to pay a huge amount of resource compensation, and have taken the initiative to leave the Dansha Empire and apply to become the Asura King. The Subsidiary Country will pay tribute to us every month." Qiangwei put her palm on her heart and said with a serious face.

"You have done a good job. Since we Asura King are going to become the lord of the desert, we must establish sufficient majesty. This king believes that after this time, they will not dare to have any ambitions in the future. "Feng Yixiu was very satisfied and nodded, said with a slight smile.

"The king has won the award, and those monarchs are all acknowledged allegiance to the royal highness Wang Wei..." Qiangwei bowed slightly and said indifferently.

"From now on, the diplomacy with neighboring countries will be left to you, and all tributes will be managed by you." Feng Yixiu waved his hand, said solemnly.

The reason why Feng Yixiu entrusted Qiangwei with such an important matter of diplomacy is that she has taken a fancy to her calm and delicate character.

Feng Yixiu has never doubted the loyalty of Sivir and Qiangwei, but Sivir's character is more popular and straightforward, and she is more suitable for leading troops to fight, not suitable for diplomatic matters that require patience.

"Many thanks to the king's trust!"

Qiangwei smiled, and then retreated respectfully.

"This king is calling you to come today, in fact, there is still one important thing..." Feng Yixiu frowned slightly, and immediately opened the mouth and said: "Now the territory of Asura King has expanded. At the edge of the Shura Formation, but with the territory of the Asura King capital today, it can only accommodate 50 million people at most. What good solutions do you have?"

Asura King can pass Construction and land reclamation continue to expand, but the area of ​​Asura Formation cannot continue to expand, which also largely limits the development of Asura King Capital.

If this problem is not solved, even if it has more resources, Asura King is impossible to reach the threshold of the empire in terms of population base.

But the current problem is that the size of the Shura Formation is fixed. If Feng Yixiu wants to continue to expand, he can only improve the spiritual power realm, but this is not something that can be achieved in a short time. Things.

For a time, the generals also began to discuss enthusiastically, but for a long time there was no effective solution.

The only way that can be operated is to expand the territory beyond the scope of Asura Formation. At that time, Asura King can be divided into outer city and inner city according to Asura Formation.

This solution seems to be no problem, but after Feng Yixiu thinks about it carefully, it seems that it is not feasible.

Asura King is so easy to defend and difficult to attack because of the role of Shura Formation, and the part beyond the expanded territory of Formation is obviously not protected by Shura Formation.

If Asura King were attacked, those people living outside of the Shura Formation would definitely bear the brunt of harm.

In this way, all Asura King citizens will fight to live in the inner city, and no one wants to live in an insecure outer city.

Whether it is divided according to the degree of contribution or according to the chronological order of entering Asura King, this may cause internal conflicts in Asura King, which is very unfavorable to the long-term stable development of Asura King. At the same time, it is not in line with Feng Yixiu’s philosophy of governing the country without discrimination...

"The king, at the end, I heard a legend that when the Asura King was founded, the scope of the Asura Formation is much larger than it is now, but Because the Thousand-Year Crown and the Thousand-Year Scepter were separated later, the scope of Shura's Formation was drastically reduced. If you can get the Thousand-Year Crown, you will surely be able to solve the problem in front of you!"

Qianwei, who has been silent, suddenly stood up. After coming out, just one sentence stopped the noisy scene.

"The final general has also heard of this legend that the Millennium Crown has always been regarded as a symbol of royal power, and there is also a saying in the desert that the one who holds the Millennium Crown is the Lord of the desert. Whether it is to solve the immediate problem The problem, or for, to become the nominal lord of the desert, the king should get the thousand-year crown!" Sivir immediately agreed.

"Oh... didn't expect the Millennium Crown to be so important." Feng Yixiu was nodded with a solemn expression, and whispered immediately: "It seems that we are going to confront the Xuehuang Great Emperor anyway... "

Since the defeat of the Royal Hunting Grounds battle, the Great Emperor Xuehuang seemed to disappear from the face of the earth, and there was no more movement, as if he had given up struggling.

Perhaps for the sake of compassion, the Pharaoh and the Bloody Great Emperor are after all a monarch, and he chose to hit a person when he's down at this time.

However, the Pharaoh did not choose to believe in the Bloody Great Emperor again. He still guarded most of the territory of the Dansha Empire and watched the changes.

Feng Yixiu after careful consideration, loudly said: "Asura King is now in a period of rapid development. The contradiction between the Northern Yuan Empire and the Sun-Moon Empire is an uncontrollable factor, so we should focus on it for the time being. In terms of self-development, at least until Asura King’s population breakthrough cap, we can’t act rashly!"

Asura King’s current population cap is 50 million, while the current population of Asura King is only However, there are more than 20 million, so there is no need to rush to obtain the Millennium Crown for the time being.

If Feng Yixiu predicts well, when the population of Asura King reaches the upper limit, the number of Asura Legion will also reach at least 500,000!

We must know that there are only 200,000 deniers under the blood of the Great Emperor. By then, the difficulty of attacking the Great Emperor will be greatly reduced.

Even if the Sun-Moon Empire and the Northern Yuan Empire are forced to intervene, Feng Yixiu is sure to retreat...

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