" Sura Wenxin, it sounds very dangerous, it shouldn't be easy for you to get the Asura King heart..." Shen Ruyu asked softly.

"It was indeed extremely dangerous at the beginning. Even after many years of thinking, it still made me sweat. If it weren't for Jiu'er's help, I am afraid it would be difficult for me to come back alive..." Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, every word.

"Big Brother Feng, can you explain to me in detail what happened at the Asura Tower? I want to know more about you..." Shen Ruyu looked at Feng Yixiu very seriously, and said softly.

Feng Yixiu didn't hesitate too much. After organizing the language, he told the story of the original visit to the Asura Tower, including the details of the original Asura's questioning.

Since Feng Yixiu returned from the capital of sin, he has not actively mentioned the past in detail, and he is mainly afraid of Shen Ruyu's misunderstanding.

But now he has no such worries, so he did not shy away from the situation at the time and confided, without any concealment...

Shen Ruyu listened to Feng Yixiu's narration She was also very serious, for fear of missing a little detail, but the more she heard it, the better she could understand Feng Yixiu's situation.

If there was a bit of grievance in Shen Ruyu's mind before, then after listening to Feng Yixiu's story, it disappeared completely.

"Didn't expect that you went on a hunger strike in order to be able to come back. Are you afraid of starving you to death?" Shen Ruyu was prevented when Feng Yixiu was about to return to China This paragraph, his face was surprised.

"I starve to death, I am afraid I will never see you again!" Feng Yixiu laughed.

Shen Ruyu slightly raised the corner of his mouth and whispered: "I didn't use hunger strikes when I was a kid. You are so naive..."

Feng Yixiu whispered: "That Isn’t that there’s really no way...I’m all here to see you again, you even said that I’m naive, and you’re too conscientious!"

"I never missed you and Jiu’er sister. So many stories happened in the meantime. If you didn't hide it from me, maybe I had already figured it out. Maybe Jiuer would not be seriously injured..." Shen Ruyu frowned slightly and whispered.

"No...I think there is another possibility, that is, I die an untimely death directly." Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, laughed.

"Damn it! Am I so careful in your heart?" Shen Ruyu said angrily.

"That's not right! Jiuer left a nine-color flower in the Feiyu sachet, and you almost beat me to death..." Feng Yixiu nodded, earnestly said.

"hmph...then you are hiding everything from me, okay!" Shen Ruyu turned around angrily, glared at Feng Yixiu, and almost fell into the clouds inadvertently.

"Be careful, don't fall!" Feng Yixiu, with quick eyesight and quick hands, held Shen Ruyu, and said softly: "Actually, I think it’s my fault. I shouldn’t treat you in the slightest. The concealment."

"In fact, I also have some bad things...I shouldn't be so careful. If I were willing to listen to your explanation calmly, maybe it wouldn't be the case." Shen Ruyu's expression was dim, and after a moment of silence, he continued: "I never thought that the nine-color flower that I didn't want to see back then saved my life at a critical moment. It's really fortune plays with people!"

"Who said no! But it's not too late now, is it?" Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, indifferently said.

"You are right, the past is over, and now at least we can overeign the future..." Shen Ruyu also showed a smile from the heart, and said softly.

While speaking, the two have landed steadily on the side entrance of Shura Heavenspan Pagoda, an exclusive passage leading directly to the top floor.

Feng Yixiu did not build this passage for other purposes, but simply wanted to ensure the safety of Hu Jiu'er.

After all, the Shura Heavenspan Pagoda is now open to the public, and there are tens of thousands of people who come and go every day. Although every person who enters the Asura King has passed the test of the Millennium Heart, this thing about human heart will change, so in order to ensure safety, he has set up a dedicated channel to better protect the safety of Hu Jiu'er.

"His Royal Highness Asura King, you are here!"

It is the elite warrior of the white evil clan who are responsible for guarding the exclusive passage. They also bowed when they saw Feng Yixiu salute.

Feng Yixiu nodded silently, and immediately took Shen Ruyu into the exclusive passage to the top of Shura Heavenspan Pagoda.

The interior of this exclusive elevator is made of special materials, and the outside can be seen from the inside, but the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

So Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu can also clearly see the lively scenes in the Shura Heavenspan Pagoda, and there are also many faces that Feng Yixiu is familiar with.

After reaching the top of the Shura Heavenspan Pagoda, Feng Yixiu just unlocked the top-level Formation of the Shura Heavenspan Pagoda, and Shen Ruyu couldn't wait to step into it.

But as soon as he entered it, Shen Ruyu saw an ice and a fire with two pupils staring at this side.

A powerful oppression from the Sovereign-level devil beast made Shen Ruyu two steps back in fright. I saw that at the top of the World Tree, two Sovereign-level devil beasts with completely different attributes were dying. To death by yourself.

"Blizzard Flames, you guys step back first!"

Feng Yixiu slowly lifts the head, and then lightly waved his hand.

"As you bid!"

I saw two Sovereign-level devil beasts immediately following the World Tree's only daring to jump down, accompanied by their departure, a powerful oppression It disappeared completely.

"Then...Are those two Sovereign-level devil beasts?" Shen Ruyu was so frightened that his words were a little bit awkward, trembled.

"They are indeed two Sovereign-level devil beasts, but you don’t need to be nervous. I arranged to protect Jiu'er, and I am also responsible for guarding the World Tree by the way. The reason why I released the killing intent for you just now is Because they haven't seen you, but this will not happen again in the future." Feng Yixiu explained seriously.

"Oh my God! I have never seen a few Sovereign devil beasts in my life. How did you get them to agree to help you as a guard?" Shen Ruyu looked at Feng with surprise. Yixiu asked.

"This is a long story, but these all are voluntary, and they can get in touch with World Tree so close. This is how many people yearn for something even in dreams, they are naturally Very happy..." Feng Yixiu touched his nose and said indifferently.

"Sister Jiu'er is wrapped in that thorns demon flower, right?" Shen Ruyu glanced around and fixed his gaze on a huge thorn demon flower.

Feng Yixiu nodded, just snapped his fingers lightly, and the splendid thorn magic flower began to bloom slowly.


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