While speaking, the colored glaze Fire Phoenix waved its wings and turned into a brilliant flame streamer and flew quickly.

Feng Yixiu, who was still a little embarrassed just now, did not hesitate anymore. He naturally chose to join the battle between Tiansha Qiongqi and the Heavenly Demon Ape.

Feng Yixiu still knows Shen Ruyu's strength. Although it is difficult to completely kill the Beetle-Swallowing Beetle, it is definitely not a problem to hold it back.

The Liuli Fire Phoenix has the power of Nirvana. The only thing that can limit it is the spiritual power. However, Feng Yixiu has left the Queen of Thorns to help out. There is no need to worry about the exhaustion of the spiritual power.


I saw Feng Yixiu instantly turned into a golden light and disappeared in place. When it appeared, he had already joined the in midair battle.

"Luotian sword net!"

Countless Demon Swords with dazzling fire light form a round dance sword wheel behind Feng Yixiu, even if you hear one after another break wind The sound suddenly sounded.

I saw the Demon Sword flying at high speed forming a Luotian sword net with no dead ends, like a tarsal maggot entangled around Tiansha Qiongqi.

“clang clang clang ……”

The sharp Demon Sword of Demon Sword continuously strikes every part of the heavenly evil, and bursts of stormy gold and stone collisions. Voice.

Although Nianzhi's Demon Sword cannot cause fatal damage to the extremely powerful Tiansha Qiongqi, there are too many unstoppable numbers, and the severe pain makes its movements much slower.

Tianshaqiong Qiben has gained the upper hand, but Feng Yixiu's sudden addition has become the key to breaking the balance!

Slaying heavenly demon ape also had a chance to breathe, and a momentary body pulled away enough distance, under the combined action of the sun's halo and the immortal body, the wound of horrible to see was naked eye Visible speed recovery...

"Damn ants, this deity will let you die!"

Frequent offensives made Tiansha Qiongqi gradually lose his patience and stop attacking and killing The heavenly demon ape, on the contrary, aimed the spearhead at Feng Yixiu not far away.

I saw the dazzling lightning quickly condensed in Tian Sha Qiongqi's mouth, but in a moment, a purple thunder ball with a diameter of more than 100 meters was formed.

"The twin dragons strangling!"

Before the purple thunder ball burst, the heavenly demon ape predicted Tiansha Qiongqi's position in advance, and immediately it was another instant. It appeared on its side, and the twin dragons entwined with their arms blasted out together.

The twin dragons of wind and fire accurately hit the weaker abdomen of Tiansha Qiongqi between circling. Under the combined action of the terrifying wind and fire elemental power and the space fluctuation of exhilarating spirit, the stalwart body like a mountain is like The broken kite usually flies away.

At the same time, the purple thunder ball shot out like a cannonball, and exploded before Feng Yixiu could react!

The reason why Tiansha Qiongqi neither dodges nor defends is because he hopes that Feng Yixiu can be solved instantly...


The sound of the explosion of the purple thunder ball and the sound of Tiansha Qiongqi hitting the iceberg sounded almost at the same time, and the amazing energy ripples continued to spread out.

I saw that Tiansha Qiongqi was struggling to get up from the countless broken ice blocks. He shook his dizzy head abruptly. He first looked down at the trauma of the bone in his abdomen, and then Looking up towards in midair, the rays of light that have not yet dissipated.

"hmph...trifling is just a human being, I am afraid it has turned into fly ash!" Tiansha Qiongqi said with a sneer.

Being positively subjected to the full strength attack of Tiansha Qiongqi, even the sixth rank Martial Artist will instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

"The gods are very strange, you are too confident, I am not so easy to die..."

When the purple thunder and lightning has not completely dissipated, Feng Yixiu An angry voice came out.

hearing this, Tiansha Qiongqi's face became a little ugly, and the lightning ball in midair collapsed instantly, as if water waves were absorbed by a sponge.

The mouth of the gluttonous greedily absorbs the thunder energy released by the gods, and the chest of Feng Yixiu's gluttonous demon armor is as dazzling as a high-density thunder energy furnace.

"The power of gluttony, this is a bit troublesome, but the deity has to see how much it can absorb!" Tiansha Qiongqi, as one of the Four Great Vicious Beasts, naturally treats the same beast as one of the fierce beasts. Taotie knows very well.

There is an upper limit on the energy that the gluttonous magic armor can absorb. As long as it exceeds the energy limit that Feng Yixiu can withstand, continuing to absorb it will kill it alive!

"Thunder Beast!"

Tiansha Qiongqi no longer has the slightest reservation. The scary purple thunder and lightning condenses into a dazzling Thunder Beast in midair, constantly roaring Pounced on Feng Yixiu.

The speed of this Thunder Beast is not inferior to the strange speed of the gods. The thunderous and shocking sound of the beast's imposing manner is astonishing, and the terrifying oppression force makes people feel terrified.

Feng Yixiu looked at the fierce Thunder Beast. He already knew what Tianshaqiongqi was thinking in his heart, so he temporarily closed the mouth of gluttonous food, and alone came to face the attack of Thunder Beast.

"xiū xiū xiū ……"

I saw Feng Yixiu continuously using the Millennium Ring to teleport and dodge, but this day Thunder Beast does not seem to be a dead thing, it is always there. Chasing him.

"hahaha...this deity depends on how long you can hide!"

Tiansha Qiongqi has also begun to condense more Tiansha Thunder Beast, and continue to besiege from all directions Feng Yixiu dodges.

Although the heavenly demon ape took the initiative to smash several Thunder Beasts, but after all, it was impossible to destroy all the Thunder Beasts...

A golden light just took shape , The eight Thunder Beasts suddenly moved towards Feng Yixiu and jumped over. The terrifying lightning instantly swallowed Feng Yixiu who had just completed the teleportation.

The offensive at this time was ten times more violent than before. Even Feng Yixiu, the source of Thunder Element Martial Artist, felt his whole body numb, and the violent thunder and lightning seemed to tear him alive!

“bang! ”

I only heard a thunderstorm resounding through Heaven and Earth, and the scarlet blood mist exploded violently, filling the air with a thick puff The smell of blood.

When the lightning completely dissipated, a white skeleton appeared in front of everyone, whether it was the gluttonous demon armor or the Primal Chaos Demon sword, it turned into powder in an instant!

There are slight cracks in this skeleton, only the Asura King heart exuding golden light is still intact, and the sacred Vermilion Bird flame and Azure are wrapped around the Asura King heart. Dragon Saint Thunder.

The Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth began to move towards Asura King, and the Vermilion Bird sacred flame also began to burn...

I saw that Sensen’s bones turned naked eyes. Visible speed gives birth to flesh and blood. This is the powerful reborn from the ashes power of Vermilion Bird's imprint, even if there is only one skeleton left, it can be reborn again!

If Feng Yixiu had not obtained the Vermilion Bird mark, he would have suffered such a fatal injury, and he would definitely die if he had not yet passed the breakthrough Level 6 combat source Martial Artist.

But now Feng Yixiu can recover quickly, but flesh and blood grows in a few breaths, and the skin on the body surface is gradually formed!


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