Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu first returned to the fifth area, and then went to the zero area as quickly as possible.

Only in the zero area can there be a teleportation formation leading to the capital of Asura King, and this is the fastest way to go to the front line for support.

When the two arrived at the Asura King Palace, they did not see Qiangwei, Sivir and the others, apparently they had rushed to the spirit vein for support.

However, it can be judged by the intact Transmission Formation that the core position of the spirit vein has not been lost, otherwise Dragon Knight Legion will definitely destroy all Transmission Formation.

"Big Brother Han, they are so good, they really held on." Shen Ruyu said joyfully with a look of joy.

When Feng Yixiu saw that the Transmission Formation was not damaged, he was sighed in relief, but he still did not dare to take it lightly. Even if he was ready to use Transmission Formation to go to the largest of the three spirit veins The eastern spirit vein.

On the periphery of the eastern spirit vein, solemn killing aura is very heavy, making people breathless.

Dragon Knight Legion was suppressed by China Legion for a period of time, and there was nowhere to vent a lot of suppressed anger in my heart.

Not long after Luo Xingyun and the others left, the three Dragon Knights took this opportunity to gather their troops to launch a total offensive against the eastern spirit vein. A full 200,000 Dragon Knight Legion covered a radius of several kilometers. The horrible imposing manner is like a natural disaster, it is impossible to live!

Most of the Dragon Knight Legion are Battle Spirit Masters of the lesser dragon clan. The martial spirit of the Beiyuan Empire has also created their brave and combative character, and their tough fighting style has become their iconic Characteristic, all the places where the Dragon Knight Legion has passed make people become terror-stricken at the news ……

This time the commander of the eastern spirit vein battle is Dragon Knight, he is one of the top ten Dragon Knights. Among the ruthless characters of Ranked 4th, the best is lighting war.

However, the situation of the lighting war this time was beyond Dragon Knight's expectations. It has been nearly two hours since they started attacking the eastern spirit vein, but they still haven't completely won it.

The 200,000 elite fighters dispatched by Shura Legion, and thousands of Sacred Dragon Legion from Azure Dragon City to support them, they launched a defensive battle based on their geographical advantages, and they forcibly dragged them down by two. Hours.

Tian Dragon Knight did not think about hitting the firepower use point to break surface, but Han Xiao’s fusion of Battle Spirit, Shitian Black Tortoise, is an insurmountable mountain.

The defensive shield of Shitian Black Tortoise is really too thick. The attack of the complete Battle Spirit is completely tickling to Xiao Ba. The offensive of the Battle Spirit of the same realm can only make it. It's just a bit painful.

However, the fierce attacks of the Dragon Knight and the sword Dragon Knight made Han Xiao a little overwhelmed. If Qiangwei and Sivir and the others were not helping to disperse the firepower, he would simply be impossible to hold on for two hours. .

The spiritual power realm of Dragon Knight is Level 9 sixth rank, and the ultimate battle spirit is the Tyrant Dragon king of the sky, and it is also the sixth rank source Martial Artist of the battle system.

The spiritual power realm of the sword Dragon Knight is Level 9 fifth, and his ultimate body Battle Spirit is the yellow golden sword dragon. However, the yellow golden sword dragon is not a lesser dragon species of Battle Spirit, but a dinosaur species of the ultimate Battle Spirit.

Although the overall strength of Gold is slightly inferior to that of Dragon Knight, the attack power alone may still be higher than that of him.

Holy Dragon Knight is not good at frontal combat as the auxiliary battle spirit emperor. Her ultimate body light dragon can greatly strengthen the battle strength of the yellow golden sword dragon and the Tyrant Dragon king, and also It can provide spiritual power to recover and heal injuries. It is a comprehensive support system Battle Spirit.

The three Dragon Knights have formed an almost impeccable offensive and defensive system. Even facing Luo Xingyun and the others, they are only slightly at a disadvantage, showing their strength!


The Tyrant Dragon king of the sky flapped his wings abruptly and swept a strong storm, and the silver long spear in the hands of the Dragon Knight standing behind him also burst out The extremely dazzling dragon-shaped lightning.

Dragon Knight is best at rushing. The lesser dragon clan has a very powerful body. Whether it is speed or power, it is a top-level existence in the ultimate battle spirit. As long as you initiate a charge, you can make Dragon Knight's lethality has increased dramatically!


I saw Simmons’s sharp sky Tyrant Dragon gun violently strikes on the Black Tortoise Shield, and a strong shock wave burst out instantly. .

The Black Tortoise Aegis, which was already full of cracks, began to become precarious, and the sound of "ka ka" could be heard faintly.

"Red Lotus Sky Curtain!"

Sivir looked at the Black Tortoise Aegis, which was about to be completely broken, couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and rushed up without taking care of the injury.

The several red lotus barrels behind the red lotus armed dragon continuously fired cannonballs, and the ash-gray barrage instantly covered the entire sky, even though all the strikes were on the body of King Tyrant Dragon in the sky.

However, Dragon Knight didn't mean to evade. Instead, despite hundreds of red lotus bomb strikes, the dazzling fire light instantly swallowed them.

"peng~ peng~ peng~ ……"

The red lotus bomb bombed for more than ten seconds. When the white mist cleared, Tyrant Dragon Wang Que in the sky It was not fatally injured, but some dragon scales fell off.

The realm gap between Dragon Knight Simmons and Sivir is too big, and he is also a sixth-rank combat system source Martial Artist, this kind of injury can be recovered in the blink of an eye.

"Resurrection light!"

Saint Dragon Knight Eveya slowly let go of the Light Path Codex in her hand, a holy golden rays of light landed on Tyrant Dragon from the sky. On the top of the king, he completely recovered all his injuries in just a few seconds.

Although Saint Dragon Knight ranks low among the top ten Dragon Knights, she will never be underestimated because of this. Instead, she has become the object of all Dragon Knight's admiration and competition.

Han Xiao and Dongfang at the end of summer and the others could not help but start looking at each other in blank dismay when they saw the Saint Dragon Knight who had recovered Peak again.

The realm gap between the two sides is really too big. Their ability to hold two hours is already the limit, and the life of Shitian Black Tortoise is about to come to an end.

"Don’t put up a desperate struggle anymore, you are just doing fearless resistance!"

Tian Dragon Knight stands with his hands holding hands, looking down Han Han with a cold face. Xiao, coldly said.

"Stop talking nonsense, as long as Lao Tzu is still alive today, you will never want to win the eastern spirit vein, unless you pass him from my corpse!" Han Xiao looked towards Simmons fiercely, and roared. .

Tian Dragon Knight shook the head indifferently, and immediately looked towards the blonde man on the side, coldly said: "Harriman, take down the eastern spirit vein as soon as possible, so as not to have more dreams at night!"


The sword Dragon Knight was carelessly nodded by Harriman, and even threw away an Epic Grade monster card.

As an orange golden rays of light submerged into the yellow golden sword dragon, its size began to skyrocket at a speed visible to naked eye, and the sharp golden sword behind it also became sharper.


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