"This is all the information about the Great Emperor Xuehuang collected by Sister Qiangwei, most of which were provided by the Pharaoh."

I saw Shen Ruyu take it out A document on which the main information of the Xuehuang Great Emperor is recorded in more detail.

Feng Yixiu took the top-secret information and looked through it very carefully, his brows frowned.

Xuehuang Great Emperor is the Level 9 eighth rank Battle Spirit emperor, the ultimate Battle Spirit is the Divine Dragon, and the spiritual weapon is the Huangri Scepter.

Although the Xuehuang Great Emperor only has a single Battle Spirit, Feng Yixiu will never look down upon him because of this.

After all, the realm of the Level 9 eighth rank Battle Spirit emperor is there. You must know that every small realm of the Battle Spirit emperor has a huge gap.

Level 9 eighth rank Battle Spirit emperor is second to none in the world. If not counted as two semi-sages, second only to Beiwu Great Emperor and Tianyu empress and the others, nothing Doubt that the Great Emperor of Xuehuang is another powerhouse at Peak Level!

Apart from this, the Bloody Great Emperor is still a dual-line sixth-rank source Martial Artist. At the same time, it has opened the genetic lock of the battle system and the elemental system. Basically, there is no weak spot at all...


"Huang Riyi Divine Dragon, putting it that way, the Battle Spirit of the Xuehuang Great Emperor's ultimate body, should be of the lesser dragon clan." Shen Ruyu is also accompanying Feng Yixiu to check the information about the blood of the Great Emperor.

"This is the only good news, but the Bloody Great Emperor and the Top Ten Dragon Knights can't mention on equal terms, they are the emperors who dominate the side. Even if they are restrained by the Sacred Dragon King, It is not a simple matter for us to defeat it." Feng Yixiu nodded, said solemnly.

"It is also said that, regardless of the character of the Xuehuang Great Emperor, as the Great Emperor of the Dansha Empire, his strength alone can be the same as the Beiwu Great Emperor and the Tianyu empress at Level 1. Others, We want to win the thousand-year crown in his hands, which is tantamount to pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth." Shen Ruyu said with a serious expression.

"The existence of this level can no longer be compensated by the number of people. The scorching heat emitted by the Divine Dragon alone makes it difficult to approach. I am afraid that in the entire Shura Legion, there are only two of us. It can be done." Feng Yixiu nodded, echoed.

"The Pharaoh should also be able to do it, we can join hands with the Pharaoh to deal with the Great Emperor of Blood!" Shen Ruyu has a serious expression of suggested.

"The Pharaoh's strength is certainly strong, but after all, it is an external force that is difficult to control. We must be prepared to face the Great Emperor Xuehuang alone." Feng Yixiu pondered for a while, and then continued. : "There is no news from the Beiyuan Empire right now. We still have some time to prepare."

"Big Brother Feng, our Battle Spirit had a precedent for Battle Spirit fusion when it was fully developed. Now that Xiaobailou has also evolved into an ultimate body, why not try the new Battle Spirit fusion?" Shen Ruyu said with a smile.

hearing this, Feng Yixiu couldn't help but eyes shined. Battle Spirit integration is indeed the fastest way to improve strength.

Now the star Sacred Dragon King and Liuli Fire Phoenix have evolved into the ultimate body, theoretically it can be Battle Spirit fusion.

It's just that Battle Spirit fusion skills are not a matter of overnight, and it must be honed after long-term training.

"Yu'er, you reminded me that now it seems that we have to hone the Battle Spirit fusion skills, but there is one more important thing to do before that." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly , Said solemnly.

"Oh? Is there anything more important than Battle Spirit fusion skills?"

Shen Ruyu frowned slightly, said curiously.

Feng Yixiu waved his hand, and a Holy Spirit card exuding white holy light floated out of the First Demon Spirit Treasure book. It was the Holy Spirit card obtained from the raven ice valley.

"This card of the Holy Spirit is left by mother, but there is no card name. I want to go to father and ask about this. Maybe there will be unexpected gains." Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, seriously.

"Well...I'll be here to accompany you!"

Shen Ruyu nodded cleverly and said softly.

"Now what we lack most is time. You still have more important things to complete." Feng Yixiu smiled and shook the head and continued: "Although we all have the Vermilion Bird mark, we often Reborn from the ashes will lead to longer and longer time, and spiritual power consumption will be faster and faster, so we must try to increase the Fire Attribute resistance."

The effect of the Vermilion Bird mark is certainly powerful, but It is definitely not an invincible existence, and it still has certain limitations.

Infinite reborn from the ashes is true, but several reborn from the ashes in a short period of time will greatly increase the time.

"Do you mean to let me break through the gene lock of the element system?"

How smart is Shen Ruyu, just one sentence infers Feng Yixiu's true thoughts.

"Yes, Battle Spirit Master and Battle Spirit are complementary. Your breakthrough Tier 5 genetic lock will also give Battle Spirit a substantial increase. We can also deal with the bloody Great Emperor. Grasp some." Feng Yixiu nodded, said with a slight smile.

"But I'm just a Level 8 Battle Spirit, can breakthrough level 5 gene lock succeed now?" Shen Ruyu frowned slightly, and said somewhat worriedly.

"Others may not work, but you definitely can. After all, you have the Vermilion Bird mark. Even if you fail, you can't do any harm. You just have to keep trying until you succeed." Feng Yixiu laughed.

"Yes! Then I will go to Sister Mingyue to refine the Tier 5 origin potion!" Shen Ruyu is like enlightenment, loudly said.

"This is the exclusive formula of Origin Medicine I wrote for you. It can stimulate the strength of Raging Flames in your body to the greatest extent." Feng Yixiu handed a heavy formula to Shen Ruyu, Seriously ordered.

"Big Brother Feng, then I'll go first..."

Shen Ruyu took the origin potion formula with both hands, and then quickly moved towards the exit.

"Go! I will go to the Holy See to find you after my affairs are handled." Feng Yixiu waved his hand, said with a slight smile.

Tantai Mingyue, as the Master of Spirit Research, also has a profound knowledge of Battle Spirit integration. If Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu's Battle Spirit integration skills can be guided by her, they will surely be able to twist the results for half the effort.

Apart from this, Feng Yixiu also plans to try the breakthrough fifth-rank element gene lock. If successful, he will become the first person in history to break through the third rank gene lock at the same time!

After everything was ready, Feng Yixiu sat cross-legged on the futon, and then slowly closed his eyes and quickly entered a state of meditation.

Feng Yixiu entered the spiritual weapon space with ease, but was stunned when he opened the bronze door.

I saw the first-generation Saint Spirit King and White Dragon King sitting on a boulder chatting, Feng Yixiu looked at the two talking and laughing, and the corners of his mouth could not be restrained.


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