"Sacred Dragon King of the apocalypse is your mother's real name, and the White Dragon King is the honorary name given to her by the world, but there are very few people who know your mother's real name." Explained patiently.

Feng Yixiu seems to be nodded, but he has never heard of the apocalypse armed forces, and naturally does not know the so-called apocalypse armed forces.

The first-generation Saint Spirit King seemed to have seen Feng Yixiu’s doubts, and said softly: "This Holy Spirit card is world unique and unmatched. Not only does it have no second card, there is no magic card with similar effects. It is normal if you don't know it."

"Then what is the power of apocalypse, father, can you tell me?" Feng Yixiu said curiously.

"The principle of the power of apocalypse is very complicated. Simply put, it is a super repulsive burst. It can be said that as long as the power of the apocalypse is mastered, it is difficult for the enemy to get close. If it is played to the extreme, it will produce a terrifying formidable power like a supernova explosion." The White Dragon King explained with a serious face.

"Supernova explosion-like formidable power......"

Feng Yixiu's pupils suddenly narrowed, apparently frightened by the terrifying effect of the power of apocalypse.

Although the first Holy Spirit King said casually, Feng Yixiu is the horror that can infer the power of apocalypse.

No wonder father said that his realm is not enough to control this holy spirit card. The formidable power is too frightening.

"The power of this Holy Spirit card is naturally beyond doubt, but it requires extremely high-quality spiritual power to activate it, and you may not be able to do it now." The original Holy Spirit King said solemnly.

Feng Yixiu seems to have thought of something interesting, and immediately asked: "The power of apocalypse is repulsion, and my three magic cards of fantasy combination are gravity. If the two are completely opposite If the stars of power collide, what will happen?"

hearing this, the White Dragon King and the first Saint Spirit King were also looked at each other in blank dismay. Obviously, they had not tried it.

The first-generation Saint Spirit King pondered for a moment, and said straightly: "This is a very bold idea, but it is indeed worth a try. According to my guess, there should be two probabilities, or two diametrically opposite ones. The forces cancel each other out, or a brand new power will be born."

"A brand new power, what kind of power will it be?" Feng Yixiu touched his chin and said softly.

The White Dragon king shook the head and said: "This is not necessarily true. You can only know the answer after you reach the Queen of Battle Spirit."

"Okay, child Got it!" Feng Yixiu responded softly, then smiled slightly, and said: "Then I won't disturb your romantic couple's world. I have to hurry up and blend with Yuer to temper the Battle Spirit."

Feng Yixiu originally wanted to use the power of the White Dragon King’s Holy Spirit card, but now it seems impossible.

But it is not nothing, at least this Holy Spirit card has been lifted, and Feng Yixiu also learned the power of this mysterious card.

"Wait a minute!"

The first generation Saint Spirit King suddenly called Feng Yixiu, as if there was still something to explain.

Feng Yixiu slowly turned around and said with some confusion: "Father, what else do you have?"

"Although I have not seen the Great Emperor Xuehuang, But he can be the overlord of the empire. He must have his own advantages. For the father, he is still a little uneasy. Since you are here, naturally he can't let you get nothing, and prepare for the father to teach you the 5th Style of rebellious chaos! "The first generation Saint Spirit King said solemnly.

Feng Yixiu smiled knowingly, and condensed the Azure Dragon Holy Spear with ease, and immediately threw the Holy Spear in his hand to the original Holy Spirit King.

The first-generation Saint Spirit King steadily took over the Azure Dragon holy spear, and a domineering arrogance that shot directly into the sky suddenly burst out, as if he himself was a long spear capable of piercing the sky!

"Feng'er, the 5th style of Niranba Style is called Dingshan River. Different from the previous four styles, Dingshan River is a Spear Art specially used to defend against counterattacks. Strong wind and rain, you stay still!" The first generation Saint Spirit King explained with a serious expression on his face.

"Okay, father, I remember, you can start the drill."

Feng Yixiu heavily nodded, subconsciously stepped back, but thought of this Move is defensive, so I took the courage and walked a few steps forward, trying to be able to see more clearly.

“I’m looking forward to it, I’m going to start!”

tone barely fell, the first-generation Holy Spirit King threw away a beautiful spear, and even started to wave the Azure Dragon in his hand Holy gun.

But what Feng Yixiu didn't expect was that the father's movements at this time seemed a bit slow, completely devoid of the swiftness and dominance of the past.

If you look closely, you can see a strange aura centered on the first-generation Saint Spirit King, as if everything approaching is beginning to slow down.

I saw two faintly discernable real dragons surrounded by the original Saint Spirit King, and Feng Yixiu couldn't find a trace of weak spot between the two dragons.

"The essence of this trick is to brake statically, overcome rigidity with softness, and never be impetuous. Static is like a virgin, moving like a rabbit, if not moving, it is the momentum of thunder!"


The first-generation Saint Spirit King demonstrated Dingshanhe while explaining its profound mystery to Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu looked very seriously, and immediately used the sand to condense a soil gun, and began to imitate the moves of the first Saint Spirit King.

Although he could not see his movements, he felt that he seemed to have only learned the form and did not really understand the mood.

I have to say that the more difficult it is to learn, the more difficult it is to learn. It is far from enough to imitate. Feng Yixiu can hardly understand the artistic conception of Spear Art in a short time.

The first-generation Saint Spirit King seemed to have seen Feng Yixiu’s embarrassment, said with a smile: "It’s not bad, it’s a lot of surprises that I can learn slight bits and pieces in such a short time. , But this style emphasizes not the shape, it is difficult to learn by imitation alone."

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, scratching his head and saying: "If imitation alone does not work, then how should I learn What?"

"Come on! Try to attack me, no need to keep any hands!" The first-generation Saint Spirit King smiled slightly, loudly said.


Feng Yixiu's eyes were round, and he dared not take the initiative to take a step.

What is meant by don't keep any hands, how dare he keep hands in the face of father!

"Ah what...If you don't make a move, then I'm not welcome!"

When the first generation Saint Spirit King saw Feng Yixiu hesitated, he slammed his foot To the ground, the whole person ejected like an arrow from the string.


Feng Yixiu subconsciously raised the soil gun in his hand, but the heavy blow instantly shattered the soil gun.

"Father, you are really here!"

Feng Yixiu felt a little paralyzed arms, and immediately condensed the Primal Chaos Demon sword challenge.


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