"As you bid!"

Sivir is heavily nodded.

At this moment, with the help of Feng Yixiu Azure Dragon Saint Thunder, she has repaired most of her injuries. Although there is no battle strength, it can still be done by following Feng Yixiu.

"strong wind scattering the last clouds!"

Hui Yuanyin slashed with a knife, and instantly swept a hundred meters high Wind Tornado, a powerful tornado swept across Numerous winds and sands blow up, and all the hills and boulders that I pass by are instantly turned into dusty powder.

"Dance of ice and fire!"

Sanbenxin is waving the frost-scorched staff in his hand, and two completely different elements of one ice and one fire are entwined beside her. , Condense two highly concentrated groups of Fireball and Bing Ling at a very fast speed.

Feng Yixiu has been flanked back and forth. This terrifying imposing manner made the onlookers not far away squeeze a cold sweat, but he still stood still and didn't move.

"The Eight Forms of Rebellion , Dingshanhe!"

I saw Feng Yixiu finally move, but the speed was a bit slow, as if he was not holding a light handle. The long spear, but the heavy mountains and rivers.

When the tip of the gun is swung, a heavy breath of resembles nature itself permeates. The spear intent of grand and magnificent forms a faintly discernible double dragon, and the heavy oppression makes the three hearts and the gray original hidden. The others are facial expression graves.

Although Feng Yixiu doesn't seem to move very slowly, it makes them feel unmovable!

"Deliberately mystifying, I don’t want to eat your set!"

Sanbenxin took the lead in launching an offensive against Feng Yixiu. The ice Fire Element ball lingering around his body exploded like a cannonball. Shooting out, a harsh roar erupted between the interweaving of ice and fire.

Feng Yixiu watched the menacing ice and fire, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised. The spear intent of the mountain and river Ssangyong that has not moved seems to be alive. Accompanied by the dance of the Azure Dragon holy spear, it began to swim. .

In an instant, the momentum of the mountains and rivers that were originally like a pool of stagnant water was injected with vitality at this moment, and unexpectedly burst out the sound of turbulence like ten thousand rivers!

At the same time, the Vermilion Bird mark and Black Tortoise Seal mark on Feng Yixiu's chest exploded at the same time, making the imposing manner of the mountain and river Ssangyong even more amazing.

When Sanbenxin's long-standing ice and fire momentum entered the ten-meter range of Feng Yixiu, it seemed to be controlled by some mysterious force, and it turned out to be slower.

But this is not what shocked Sanbenxin the most. What struck her most was that she was unable to control the ice and fire that she had condensed.

Ice and Fire are like clay ox entering the sea after being involved in the mountain and river Shuanglong, completely out of control, no matter how hard Sanbenxin tries to regain control.

"What the hell is going on, this deity is the sixth rank dual-source Martial Artist, is it possible that this guy's elemental control is still higher than mine?" Sanben's forehead bursts with blue veins, After trying for a long time, I finally gave up.

Actually, Feng Yixiu, as a fifth-level element source, Martial Artist, has no way to surpass the element strength control of the sixth-rank source Martial Artist, but with the Four Saints Imprint, it infinitely bridges the gap.

Except that Feng Yixiu can't achieve elementalization, his elemental strength control is infinitely close to Sanbenxin!

As long as the opponent’s element strength control does not exceed Feng Yixiu too much, he can rely on Dingshan River to counterattack defensively, and this is also the overbearing place of Dingshan River...

Gray Yuan Yin had already discovered that something was wrong, but when he realized it was too late, strong wind scattering the last clouds were also involved in the mountain and river Ssangyong.

The Ssangyong that originally seemed to have no formidable power, after absorbing two full strength attacks, completely shedding body, exchanging bones, terrifying wind blade and Ice and Fire Strength intertwined and roared, as if at any time It is possible to choose someone and eat it!

"Not good! Quickly retreat!"

Hui Yuanyin's powerful mind has foreseeed the coming of danger, and a sudden brake stopped her pace.

“It’s too late to think about retreating now!” Feng Yixiu chuckled, and the heavy and slow Spear Art became extremely sharp. The surprising murderous aura was like a mountain cry out and It spread like sea howl, "Eight styles against chaos, full counterattack!"


I saw the mountains and rivers with two completely different elemental powers. A right roared out, and its speed turned out to be several times faster than when the attack came!

A giant dragon mixed with Ice and Fire Strength in the pupils of the three hearts is constantly zooming in, and the formidable power is even more fierce than when he controls it.

What Hui Yuanyan saw in his eyes was a gray storm dragon, and he was shocked by the power of the storm contained in it...

The distance between the two Feng Yixiu is only less than half a meter away. There is no way to evade in such a short time, and he can only passively defend.

“bang! ”

I saw Shanhe Ssangyong violently hit Xiansanbenxin and Huiyuanyin. Although both of them made emergency defenses at critical moments, they were urgent Defence under Ssangyong strikes is fundamentally impossible to withstand a single blow.

Sanbenxin and Huiyuanyin are like an unremarkable ant in the flood. They were swept away without any suspense. The terrifying wind blade and Ice and Fire Strength crazily eroded their bodies.


As the wave receded, they were struggling to get up from the ground, spitting out a deep breath of blood almost at the same time.

Even if Sanbenxin has turned on elementalization, the Ice and Fire Strength she faces, whether she turns on Fire Elementalization or ice elementalization, doesn’t make much sense. Seriously injured.

Although neither of them took the initiative to speak, their thoughts were surprisingly consistent.

That is Feng Yixiu's growth is too terrifying, only half a year has reached the point where they feel powerless, it is horrible!

Even if they were standing still, they did not dare to approach easily. The horrible oppression force made their breathing heavier.

"Sivir, let's go!"

Feng Yixiu turned his head to look at Sivir, and said softly.

"Okay, King!"

Sivir also came back to his senses from shock, and immediately followed Feng Yixiu obediently.

Without any words, just a divine might be scared, and the aggressive Sanben was so scared that she took the initiative to get out of the way. She always kept a safe distance from Feng Yixiu for fear The opponent will suddenly sneak attack.

"Don't worry... I don't need a sneak attack to deal with you."

Feng Yixiu stopped abruptly while passing by Sanben Xin, and glanced at the opponent coldly. At a glance, Xuan Shi moved towards Qiang Wei and the others slowly.

"gu lu..."

Sanbenxin saw that Feng Yixiu had not taken any action, which was considered sighed in relief, but he did not dare to look directly at Feng Yixiu's eyes.

She is not a Martial Artist from the power of mind. She cannot resist the spiritual exploration of the Thousand-Year Eye. Only eye contact may reveal the true thoughts in her heart.

"Take good care of her, and just leave it to me..." Feng Yixiu handed Sivir to Qiangwei's hands and said softly.

Qianwei cautiously supported Sivir, just lightly nodded and moved towards the healing squad.

"His Royal Highness Asura King..."

When Pharaoh saw Feng Yixiu, he also walked tremblingly.

"Needless to say, this time, many thanks you saved Dragon Knight. After I solve the two of them, we will talk in detail." Feng Yixiu shook the head, indifferently said.

Although Feng Yixiu didn't know the details, he probably guessed the whole story.

Xuehuang Great Emperor and Hui Yuanyin and the others should want to intercept and kill the Dragon Knight, so that it can arouse the contradiction between the Beiyuan Empire and the Asura King, and may even become irreconcilable. Situation.

However, the Pharaoh obviously didn't let this happen. He risked his death to save the Heavenly Dragon Knight, so he was hunted down by the Great Emperor Xuehuang, Huiyuanyin and the others.

After finishing everything, Feng Yixiu slowly turned around and snapped his fingers lightly.


I saw Huiyuan hidden right above the sky, and above the sky a "Saint·Shaking Universe Star" covering the heavens, shielding the sun slowed down Slowly falling, countless Breath Soil vines under the ground also began to break out of the soil.

“roar! ”

The sound of dragon's roar resounding through the sky is surging in Heaven and Earth, and the star Sacred Dragon, exuding a dazzling starlight, bursts out of the thick dark cloud, and in his Behind is the murderous-looking queen of thorns and the heavenly demon ape.

At the same time, Shen Ruyu, Han Xiao and the others are also driving their respective Ultimate Body Battle Spirit, descending from the four directions, forming an encirclement without a weak spot.

The expressions they looked towards Hui Yuanyin and Sanbenxin are full of unconcealed murderous aura, and the horrible oppression makes people feel suffocated.

The reason why Feng Yixiu didn't let the star Sacred Dragon king immediately join the battle is not for other reasons, but for him to condense the star of the universe from thousands of meters away.

"gu lu......"

Sanbenxin and Huiyuan slowly lifted the head, looking at the endless horror Saint Level Shaking Yutian star, subconsciously stunned Take a throat.

The terrifying Prestige of Saint Dragon made them feel extremely desperate from deep in one's heart, and the Ultimate Battle Spirit beside them also let out a low growl of fear.

"This king is waiting for the opportunity of one strike certain kill, but what are you waiting for?" Feng Yixiu said with a solemn expression.


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