"xiū xiū xiū ……"

Shen Ruyu and the Eastern end of summer and the others are not idle, Vermilion Bird's arrows and streamer are bombarded wildly The general moved towards Huiyuan hidden attack.

Because of the existence of the star-shaking sky, they have no way to get close, and can only rely on long-range offensives to deal with Hui Yuanyin.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Hui Yuanyin also feels quite tricky in the face of a strong attack from all directions. With superb swordsmanship, it is more than enough to protect himself, but he wants to intercept all directions. The offensive of the original mind is also impossible to do!

"Demonic weapon · Extreme Wind Demon Blade!"

Hui Yuanyin's eyes suddenly became blood red, and the gray Demonic weapon in his hand gradually turned into a demonic weapon.

I saw that he bit his middle finger without the slightest hesitation, Jifeng Yinblade was greedily sucking his blood, and the strange bloody magic lines continued to spread.

Feng Yixiu can see at a glance that this is the unique blood qi secret technique of the Blood Spirit Master, which relies on burning blood qi to increase its explosive power.

It has long been an open secret that Legion of Heaven and the Flower of Evil are in harmony. Feng Yixiu is not surprised that Hui Yuanyin is the Spirit Master of Blood.

But the secret technique of blood qi that Hui Yuanyin mastered is different. It is not an explosion of his own, but a way of strengthening his awakening demonic weapon by means of blood sacrifice!

I saw the demonized Jifeng Yinblade continuously scattered from the tip of the sword, forming a bloody mist entwined around Hui Yuanyin.

But this time, even the hilt of the sword was not left. The entire Demon Sword was turned into a small bloody wind blade, and the loss of the invisibility effect brought even more domineering destructive power!

"Blood Arcade Wind Shield!"

The wind blades, like scarlet weapons, began to scatter regularly, and gathered to form a bloody wind escape without dead ends.

Whether it is the Vermilion Bird arrow or the streamer slash, it turns into nothingness when it comes into contact with the bloody wind shield, as if it has never appeared before.

This blood haze wind escape looks soft and nothing, but it is actually composed of hundreds of millions of tiny wind blades with high-speed rotation, which can instantly decompose all the objects it touches!

At this moment, thousands of meters away, you can see the clear fire approaching, apart from this there is also the wind and sand covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and you can already hear the Dansha Legion mountain cry out faintly and sea howl like shouts.

When Feng Yixiu saw the fire approaching, he naturally understood that the Great Emperor Xuehuang was near and he didn't have much time left.

I saw Feng Yixiu transform into Shura mode, and then slowly reached out his hand, a fascinating thorns demon flower broke out of the ground, accompanied by the gradual opening of the thorn demon flower, the dazzling nine-color glow shines through. Overflowing through the gaps in the petals.

Before the thorns demon flower fully bloomed, nine brilliant streams flew into the gluttonous mouth of Feng Yixiu's chest, and massive spiritual power burst out suddenly.

"Disillusionment Mode·Open!"

Feng Yixiu yelled, the majestic nine crowns of light shrouded his body surface, the demonic energy in his hands was the awe-inspiring Primal Chaos Demon sword also became dazzling.

"Flood in the Eight Wastes!"

"Heaven and Light Streamer!"

"Fengyan is dead!"

Han At the end of summer, Xiao and Dongfang, and the others knew that time was running out, and immediately began to use the most lethal Battle Spirit technique!

In an instant, Hui Yuanyin only saw the light of various horror elements flooding from all directions, and the powerful explosive power made him shocked.

I thought it was only necessary to guard against Feng Yixiu's attacks, but now it seems that he underestimated the strength of Shen Ruyu and the others.

In desperation, Xue Lan Feng Dun began to be forced to disperse, otherwise it would be unstoppable before Feng Yixiu took the shot!

In this way, Feng Yixiu's pressure as the main attack has also dropped suddenly, and the thickness of the bloody wind escape he is facing has doubled...

Taking advantage of Shen When Ruyu and Han Xiao and the others launched a fierce attack, hundreds of Demon Swords of thought had been condensed, and the sound of sword edge cutting the air was endless.

But if you look closely, you can see that the Demon Sword behind Feng Yixiu is also wrapped around the nine crowns of Huaguang, and the formidable power is already incomparable compared to the past.

This is also the change brought by Feng Yixiu's breakthrough fifth-order elemental gene lock. In the past, he could not attach elemental power to the Demon Sword of Nian, but now he can do it easily!

"Disillusionment·Nine Crowns Demon Sword!"

Feng Yixiu took out the Primal Chaos Demon sword in his hand, and hundreds of Demon Swords behind it also burst out. out.

I saw hundreds of Demon Swords centered on the Primal Chaos Demon sword, and they were continuously moved towards it converging, and in a flash, they were pieced together into a nine crown that was hundreds of meters long. Demon Sword!

When Hui Yuan was hidden in front of the nine-crowned Demon Sword with high-speed rotation, his pupils suddenly narrowed. Instinct told him that this weird giant sword could definitely kill him!

After weighing the pros and cons, Hui Yuanyin didn't care about the fierce attacks of Han Xiao, Shen Ruyu and the others, and even transferred all the blood blades to the up ahead position.

The three elemental offensives of Wind, Fire, Darkness, which lost their obstacles, violently strikes on the body surface of Hui Yuanyin, and they just give him a corner of the mouth flow blood in an instant, but it is not enough to completely kill him.

“clang! ”

The huge nine crowned Demon Sword, with the sound of breaking the wind, slammed into the wind of the blood haze, and the terrifying force made the gray Yuanyin felt a ringing in his ears, and the nine crowned sword qi with no opportunity was able to pass through his Absolute Defense!

The high-speed rotation of the nine crowned Demon Sword burst out with dazzling fire, tenacious's bloody wind shield unexpectedly appeared with a smile of cracks, and the blood-colored wind blade was also rapidly eroding the outermost thoughts. The Demon Sword.

The two sides are actually in a stalemate. Nian Zhi Demon Sword and Scarlet Wind Blade are both rapidly consuming, but Hui Yuan Yin, who has been seriously injured by Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu and the others, has overwhelmed Feng. Yixiu ……

“bang! ”

I saw the bloody haze wind escape and the nine crown Demon Sword collapse almost at the same time, but the Primal Chaos Demon sword hidden in the giant sword also Then revealed.

Huihara stared at the murderous-looking Primal Chaos Demon sword in front of him. With infinite perception, he had already predicted its next trajectory. He who had lost his magical sense of the demonic weapon actually planned to pick it up with his bare hands. sword!

But at this moment, the eyes of Primal Chaos Demon, whose Primal Chaos Demon sword had been tightly closed, suddenly opened. Hui Yuanyin, who had been staring at the Primal Chaos Demon sword, had no time to move his eyes. The powerful Power of Primal Chaos made his mind fall into chaos.


Primal Chaos Demon sword turned into a very fast gorgeous sword light, almost instantly penetrated the heart of Hui Yuanyin, nailing it to death On the ground.

Hui Yuanyin is worthy of being the sixth rank source of mind force Martial Artist. With his strong spirit strength, he recovered his consciousness from the chaotic state in just half a second.


But before Hui Yuanyin broke free, he was greeted by the elemental bombardment of the sky.

Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao and the others will naturally not let go of this opportunity to beat the falling water dog. All kinds of fierce elemental offensives continuously smashed onto the body of Hui Yuanyin who was unable to move even a little bit.


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