The emerald green light formed a huge Spiritual Qi vortex, which crazily merged into the two of them.

This virtuous circle made Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu recover very quickly, but they returned to Peak status within ten minutes.

" Hoo ..."

Feng Yixiu spat out one mouthful of impure air, a dazzling light burst out as soon as he opened his eyes.

"The overall situation is set, it seems it is time to end all this!"

I saw Feng Yixiu slowly stand up, looking at the fire beacon in the distance, indifferently said.


The king of the astrological Sacred Dragon burst out with a loud roar, quickly waving his wings moved towards the two of them.

I saw Feng Yixiu lead Shen Ruyu with a light leap, and land steadily behind the astrological Sacred Dragon.

On the anxious main battlefield, a huge black shadow that people cannot ignore, almost everyone raised their heads subconsciously and looked towards the sky.

When everyone saw that the visitor was not the Bloody Great Emperor who had returned from victory, but Feng Yixiu, they were all stunned.

"That is...the Millennium Crown?!"

" is this possible! How could Your Majesty lose!"

"Blood Huang The Great Emperor was defeated, what is the point of our persistence..."

Many weak-willed Dansha warriors put down their weapons one after another, and Both eyes are spiritless knelt to the ground.

The reason why Dansha Legion has been able to persist until now is only based on a belief in their hearts, they believe that the Bloody Emperor will not be defeated.

But the fact is that they have to believe that, after all, the bloody Great Emperor is absolutely impossible to hand over the thousand-year crown that represents the imperial power.

"Put up a desperate struggle, kill without mercy!"

Feng Yixiu looked down at the people below, and the vigorous sound of the twilight drum exploded suddenly.

"clang clang clang..."

In an instant, the noisy battlefield fell silent for an instant, and after a brief silence, the sound of the weapon falling to the ground continued to sound.

The Xuehuang Great Emperor was defeated. The faith in their hearts has collapsed, and there is no point in continuing to resist.

But it was Dansha Legion who took the initiative to surrender. Most of the Celestial Warriors are still holding the weapon in their hands, their eyes floating around, seeming to be looking for a chance to get out.

Feng Yixiu's gaze swept across the battlefield quickly, Xuan even locked onto Hui Yuanyin and Sanbenxin.

At this time, Hui Yuanyin and Sanbenxin were already covered in blood, and the long-term melee left them both seriously injured, and they have not died with their powerful lives.

"Damn...The Bloody Great Emperor was really defeated, what shall we do now?"

Sanbenxin looked up at the gorgeous star Sacred Dragon high in the sky Wang, gnashing teeth said.

"There is no point in fighting now, let's retreat!" Hui Yuan said in a low voice, fighting and retreating.

"What about Yu Legion that day?" Sanbenxin asked, waving the broken frost-scorched staff in his hand.

"I can't manage so much now...If you don't leave, it's really too late!"

Huihara shook the head helplessly, and immediately tried his best to hit the high speed. The Mithril battle axe flew out.

"You are all back, these two guys are handed over to this king!"

Feng Yixiu yelled and swooped down under the astrological sign Sacred Dragon King, where his path was. Leave a gorgeous star.

"As you bid!"

Sivir and Baizhan and the others nodded, immediately stopped actively chasing them.

Compared to Hui Yuanyin and Sanbenxin, their situation is only slightly better, and the spiritual power is almost exhausted.

"I just think of running away now? It's too late..." Feng Yixiu looked at the two who fled in a hurry, said with a sneer.

"Thunder fire star pupil!"

Sacred Dragon king, the astrological sign, was dyed with a faint light of Thunder Fire, only to see Hui Yuanyin and Sanbenxin both starting to ignite spontaneously stand up.

Both of them felt a strong sense of numbness spread all over their bodies, and the fiery fire light made them lose their battle strength in an instant, and they slowly moved towards the ground from in midair to fall.

The attack method of the fire star pupil can not only condense the Thunder Fire rays, but also make the Thunder Fire burst out instantly wherever you look at.

Although the second attack of formidable power is far less than the first, it is more than enough to deal with the severely injured Hui Yuanyin and Sanbenxin!


Hui Yuanyin forcibly endured the numbness and burning sensation brought by Thunder Fire, and struggled to get up from the ground.

But before he could stand firmly, a human-shaped foot suddenly enlarged in his pupils, and suddenly an unbearable blow came from his chest.

"hehehe...times change, my grandson remembers that you two chased us so miserably, but I thought there would be today!"

Slaying heavenly demon Stepping on Hui Yuanyin, stepping on Sanbenxin with one foot, looking at the two with a smile on their faces.

"Smelly monkey, let go of the deity!"

Sanben's mind keeps trying to break free, but one leg of the heavenly demon ape is bigger than Mount Tai Be heavy.

The heavenly demon ape is a natural stone monkey, and its weight is even some defensive ultimate body Battle Spirit ashamed of being inferior, and behind him there is an increase in the myriad forms star chart, which is as heavy as Mountains are not enough to describe Xiao Kongkong today.

"I won't let go, what can you do about me?"

Xiao Kongkong was sneaked, not only didn't raise his feet, but on the contrary, he increased the strength of his feet even more.

"courting death!"

Sanbenxin suddenly raised the frost-scorched staff in his hand, and a fiery flame instantly swallowed the heavenly demon ape in front of him.

This kind of slow attack speed, the heavenly demon ape could easily dodge, but he didn't do so, instead he resisted the fireball.

"cough cough cough..."

The heavenly demon ape waved his hand carelessly, and the strong driving wave instantly shook the flames, coldly said: "This is also worthy of It’s a flame?"

Without comparison, there is no harm, the blood of the Great Emperor, which is enough to burn the heaven and boiling the sea, can bear the flames of the sun, so how can I be afraid of this ordinary fire? .

Unconsciously, both Feng Yixiu and his Battle Spirit have grown a lot. In the past, enemies that were out of reach in his eyes are no longer to be feared!

Sanbenxin looked at the unscathed heavenly demon ape, his eyes staring like copper bells, and the frost-scorching staff held by his right hand had inadvertently fallen off.

Slaying heavenly demon looked sideways at Feng Yixiu, and Feng Yixiu just spit out a word indifferently:


"bang! ”

tone barely fell, killing heavenly demon, the ape slammed down with a fist unpreparedly, only a simple ordinary punch shattered the head of Sanbenxin and splashed scarlet blood everywhere.

The myriad forms star map contains the power of nine crowns, which can ignore all elementalization. No matter what element the three minds switch to, it will not escape!

Originally, Hui Yuanyin planned to fight back, but the warm blood on his face instantly calmed him down, and the tightly held Jifengyin blade gradually loosened.

Hui Yuan Yin originally thought that he had seen through life and death, but when he really faced death, he still inevitably feared...

"Hold on!"

Just as the heavenly demon ape raised his fist, Hui Yuanyan spoke in a panic.

"Why...Is the dignified priest also afraid of death?" Feng Yixiu said quietly with a faint look.

"You can't kill me! Once I die, Asura King and Sun-Moon Empire have forged feuds, do you really want to be an enemy of Tianyu empress?" Staring at Feng Yixiu, he asked rhetorically.


Feng Yixiu's Azure Dragon sacred gun pierced out angrily, and an extreme lightning with the thickness of a thumb pierced the sky.

Lightning accurately penetrated Hui Yuanyin's eyebrows, and the Heavenly Demon Ape also shot in an instant, with a heavy mountain fist completely smashing the opponent's heart.


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