"bully intolerably!"

The two men turned pale with anger and slapped the meeting table violently.

"Marshal Gu, it's just a villain who has gotten his own ambitions for a while. You can't be so angry." Feng Yixiu shook the head with a smile, coldly said: "Don't worry, the two of them won't be able to laugh for too long... "

The white clothed bishop slowly got up, focusing on Beiwu Great Emperor, frowned: "Beiwu, if the wind monarch does not take the initiative to release the three Dragon Knights, would you raise your hand to agree?"


Beiwu Great Emperor shook the head, earnestly said: "Frankly, I have made plans to sacrifice the three Dragon Knights, but I did not expect that Lord Feng would act like this at the time. This also made me change. The original plan."

"Oh? What plan?"

white clothed bishop brows slightly wrinkle, immediately asked.

"Originally, I planned to establish a temporary alliance with the Sun-Moon Empire to attack the Asura King Capital. Tianyu Empress promised to capture the Asura King Capital and hand over the World Tree to me. She only needs the Kyuubi Empress and a small amount of resources. "

The Beiwu Great Emperor didn't conceal anything, and said truthfully.

"What does Tianyu empress want Kyuubi empress for?" Feng Yixiu asked with a sudden contraction of his pupils.

As a treasure of the world, the weight of World Tree is self-evident. Tianyu empress took the initiative to abandon it, just in exchange for the nine-tailed empress.

Feng Yixiu knows that there was a rift between Tianyu Empress and Kyuwei Empress, but he does not think that Tianyu Empress will be so stupid to give up World Tree for personal grievances, and there must be hidden secrets in it. .

"I didn’t ask about this, but she didn’t look like she was joking. We have already drawn up the alliance agreement together with me, so I have to sign it. It’s just that I’ve changed my mind. I won’t sign this agreement, and I can assure you that I won’t step into the desert within a year."

Beiwu Great Emperor gaze as if a torch, the attitude seems Quite sincere and serious.

"Then many thanks..."

Feng Yixiu cup one fist in the other hand, said with a slight smile.

"You don’t have to thank me, my Beiwu Great Emperor never owes anyone in my life, this time counts us even!" Beiwu Great Emperor stood up slowly, and immediately continued: "But you Don’t even think that I can agree that Asura King is the emperor, we are not all the same after all, I advise you to give up..."

"It should be so..."

Feng Yixiu nodded with a smile, immediately raised his eyes slowly, and said calmly: "But don't say this too full, lest when the time comes, you won't be able to get through."

"hahaha...you The young and frivolous energy is the same as I did in the past, so I will wait and see!"

The Beiwu Great Emperor laughed up to the sky for a long time, and the silhouette gradually began to blur, and finally left the venue completely.

"Beiwu Great Emperor is a famous and hard bone, are you sure you can get him to agree?" Gu Marshal came forward and asked in a low voice.

"He is a qualified emperor, and all his actions are aimed at the pursuit of the greatest benefit. It is indeed a hard bone. This is his strength as well as his weakness..." Feng Yixiu looked faintly and said softly.

"It's fine to do your best, even if Asura King can't be promoted to an empire, it doesn't matter. Don't put too much pressure on yourself." Gu Marshal gently patted Feng Yixiu's shoulder and said seriously.

After saying hello, Gu Yuan left the venue after greeting everyone.

As a North China Marshal, he is busy with his affairs, especially now it is a troubled autumn. When he is busy, he doesn’t even have time to eat, so naturally he can’t delay too long.

"Xiaofeng, don't you want to use martial power to frighten the Beiyuan Empire?" The white clothed bishop looked at Feng Yixiu worriedly, and then said with great heart: "If you have this idea, The old man advises you to dispel it as soon as possible. The Beiyuan Empire is no better than the defeated Dansha Empire, and active offense is no better than passive defense. Even if the nine-tailed empress wakes up, I am afraid there is no way to make the Beiwu Great Emperor feel afraid, just like the ancient marshal. By all accounts, he is not a cartilage."

"Master Bishop, don’t worry, I’m not so reckless. It’s not easy to build Asura King. How can I take hundreds of millions of people Life adventure." Feng Yixiu shook the head, said solemnly.

"The old man can rest assured, this matter still needs to be considered for a long time. We only have one chance. Don't open the world conference again before we are completely sure." The white clothed bishop exhorted seriously. In a word, he also left the venue immediately.

World conferences have hard and fast rules. One event can only hold at most two world conferences. Once the results of the two conferences are the same, there will never be a chance to start the world conference again.

After the white clothed bishop voluntarily left the venue, only Feng Yixiu and the Guangming law enforcement officer remained in the entire venue.

I saw Feng Yixiu slowly stand up, and immediately walked in front of the law enforcement officer of the light, bowing slightly politely.

"My Lord Marshal..."

"No need to say more, this seat can agree to hold the second world conference, but remember not to rush, you only have one last chance. You are still young, and the future is bright. As long as you are promoted to Battle Spirit emperor, you will undoubtedly become a new star that no one can ignore. By then, I think no one should dare to be your enemy."

The Law Enforcer of Guangming raised his hand slightly, and took the stubbornly without waiting for Feng Yixiu to finish speaking.

"Many thanks for the support of Lord Marshal, but Junior wants to know about other things." Feng Yixiu cup one fist in the other hand, said solemnly.

"You can ask, if this seat knows, naturally there will be no concealment." Guangming law enforcement officer nodded, said solemnly.

"Can the world trade organization be within your jurisdiction?" Feng Yixiu asked with a serious face.


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