The two held each other tightly for a long time and did not want to be separated. The long-term lovesickness was finally comforted at this moment.

But Feng Yixiu suddenly felt a grieving look at Dao Accumulation. He saw a shadow on the dense World Tree, and the green cold light couldn't help but let him browse tightly knit.


Feng Yixiu subconsciously condenses the Azure Dragon holy gun, and the dazzling Thunder Light constantly surrounds the tip of the gun.

"My lord, don’t do it, it’s me!"

The snow-white Blizzard Lion came out of the shadows, but the majestic Blizzard Lion in the past is now There is no majesty at all.

Because the Blizzard Lion is already bloody nose and swollen face, anyone who knows it can still tell that it is a snow lion, but if I don’t know it, I thought it was a snow pig. It’s really terrible...

"Blizzard Lion King, who beat you like this ghost?"

Feng Yixiu's Azure Dragon Holy Spear suddenly dissipated, and immediately asked with a puzzled look.

"Not yet..."

The Blizzard Lion King subconsciously glanced at the person next to Feng Yixiu, but under the indifferent eyes of Hu Jiu'er, divine might threatened him. Is afraid to continue speaking.

"What else?" Feng Yixiu asked immediately.

"I didn't accidentally fall from the World Tree. I accidentally fell to the face. This little injury shouldn't be a hindrance..." The Blizzard Lion King barely squeezed out a smiling face.

"This is too careless!" Feng Yixiu touched his chin, whispered.

"Who said no! Then I won't bother you two, let's go one step ahead..."

The Blizzard Lion flees like a disaster and moved along the huge trunk of the World Tree Moving towards the bottom, the action is as fast as a dexterous cat.

"Jiu'er, isn't it because you labeled people like this?" Feng Yixiu slowly turned around and said softly.

"How is it possible, didn't they say that you fell accidentally..." Hu Jiu'er somewhat guilty sank his head, whispered whispered.

"Do you know that Blizzard Lion King has followed closely to protect you for almost a year for your safety." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"Huh? People really didn't mean it..." Hu Jiuer is like a child who has done something wrong, lightly swaying Feng Yixiu's arm, and said coquettishly.

"You really can't blame you for this, who made you not know the situation! But I still have to apologize with Blizzard Sovereign Dao some time, don't let the family chill." Feng Yixiu smiled shook the head, seriously.

"Well...It's all up to you!" Hu Jiu'er silly nodded with a smile, said softly.

"Hey...I really can't do anything with you!" Feng Yixiu lightly poked Hu Jiu'er on the forehead and shook the head with a smile.

Blizzard Lion is also a Sovereign devil beast of the Illusory Beast species, but it still has no power to fight back against the newly awakened nine-tailed empress.

This is a point that Feng Yixiu never thought of anyway. Hu Jiu'er's strength is obviously much stronger than Feng Yixiu expected...

"A Feng, What exactly is this place?"

Hu Jiu'er glanced at all around with a puzzled face, and asked softly.

"Sura Heavenspan Pagoda!"

Feng Yixiu subconsciously replied, but just after the words were spoken, he realized that when Fox Jiuer was in a coma, the Shura Heavenspan Pagoda had not yet been built. He added: "This is still the territory of the Shura Empire. The Shura Heavenspan Pagoda is the cultivation Holy Land. The tree in front of you is the World Tree called the treasure of the world."

"Wait a minute. …Where do you think this is?"

Hu Jiu'er stopped Feng Yixiu's words and looked at him with a confused expression.

"You heard that right, this is the Asura Empire!" Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, quite proud.

"A Feng, do you mean that Asura King has become an empire?" Hu Jiu'er turned his head slightly and asked again.

"Yes, today's world conference has just ended, and the proposal for the establishment of the Shura Empire has been officially passed." Feng Yixiu responded indifferently.

hearing this, Hu Jiu'er fell into a long period of sluggishness, and did not come back to his senses for a long time.

This surprise was so incredible to her that it made her feel a little unreal!

"Not only that, the Shura Empire has also become a world trade center, controlling the economic lifeline of the entire world. Even the mighty Beiyuan Empire depends on our faces..." Feng Yixiu put his hands behind his back, laughed.

"Oh my God! Why do I feel a little dizzy..."

Hu Jiu'er stroked his forehead lightly and almost fainted.

"Jiu'er, are you okay!" Feng Yixiu quickly held Hu Jiu'er's waist with his eyesight and hands, and said with concern.

I saw Feng Yixiu cautiously support Hu Jiu'er on the thorns demon flower and sit down, and immediately covered her legs with soft petals.

"A Feng, shouldn't I faint for more than ten years?" Hu Jiuer asked.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you think I look much older?" Feng Yixiu shook the head with a smile, indifferently said.

"This hasn't changed. How long have I been in a coma?"

Hu Jiu'er looked at Feng Yixiu's face carefully for a long time, looking thoughtful and nodded.

"Eleven months and zero Nine Heavens!"

Feng Yixiu blurted out without even thinking about it.

"Do you remember so clearly? This is so accurate..." Hu Jiu'er smiled lightly and said joyfully in secret.

"The days when you were away, I lived like a year!" Feng Yixiu looked at Shen Ruyu affectionately, immediately turned the conversation, laughed and said: "If you like it, I can still make up to minutes ......"

" made me feel so touched for so long!"

Hu Jiu'er was stunned for a moment, and immediately smashed Feng Yixiu's chest with his fist symbolically.

Actually, Feng Yixiu is not joking. The time he is talking about is not fabricated. Hu Jiuer is indeed in a coma for eleven months and nine days time.

"By the is the Dansha Empire now?" Hu Jiu'er seemed to think of something and asked.

"The Dansha Empire has been annihilated, and the Bloody Great Emperor has died. Our Asura Empire is already the rightful desert lord!" Feng Yixiu's eyes burned, said solemnly.

"Xuehuang Great Emperor...dead? Couldn't you kill it yourself?" Hu Jiu'er said in astonishment.

"Why are you looking at me with such suspicion? Don't you think I have the ability to kill the Great Emperor Xuehuang?" Feng Yixiu smiled and touched his nose, quite said with some guilty conscience .

"Isn't it?" Hu Jiu'er smiled slightly with his arms around his chest, indifferently said.

"hahaha...I still want to be handsome in front of you! Didn't expect to be pierced by you." Feng Yixiu touched his nose to cover up his embarrassment, and then said truthfully: "I It is indeed not the opponent of the Xuehuang Great Emperor. To be precise, the Pharaoh killed the Xuehuang Great Emperor."

"This makes sense. The strength of the Xuehuang Great Emperor may still be mine. On top, even if you and I join forces, it is estimated that we will only be able to defeat the Bloody Great Emperor in the peak state." Hu Jiu'er said nodded.

"This is not important anymore. Now the Shura Empire is completely new compared to the past. Let me show you with your own eyes!"

tone barely fell, Feng Yixiu can't wait The ground helped Hu Jiu'er moved towards Shura Heavenspan Pagoda. The window on the top floor approached.

Feng Yixiu's effort to develop the Shura Empire is not only to prevent Shura people from being bullied by other countries, but also to give Hu Jiu'er a huge surprise.

"It's so beautiful!"

The snow scene is reflected in her beautiful eyes, and when Hu Jiu'er sees this beautiful picture scroll, the corner of her mouth also shows a knowing smile.

It is here that Hu Jiu'er and Feng Yixiu forged a love affair. Asura King is of extraordinary significance to Hu Jiu'er.

Asura King has successfully developed into Shura Imperial Capital. For Hu Jiu'er, the relationship between her and Feng Yixiu can blossom and bear fruit, and her heart can only be unhappy...

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