“bang! ”

All this happened in a flash. Even if a dozen Law Enforcement Group members are already in fear, they want to quit. It's too late.

The violent Thunder Fire burst out in an instant, and saw a dozen Law Enforcement Group members flying around like kites with a broken line. There was simply no room for a fight back.

This is still the case of Feng Yixiu deliberately keeping his hands, otherwise this blow alone would be enough to make all Law Enforcement Group members instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Don’t say that these Law Enforcement Group members are just the Battle Spirit cultivation base, even if the Battle Spirit emperor faces such horrible elemental fluctuations, I am afraid it will be injured.


When everyone in the Martial Practice Stage saw this scene, they were involuntarily sucked in a cold breath.

This mysterious man is obviously only the spiritual pressure of the Battle Spirit class. It turned out to be just an elemental explosion that killed more than a dozen Law Enforcement Hall elites!

If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I’m afraid that everyone would not believe that there are such experts in the world...

Suddenly, everyone apparently did not react, even if they were in charge of the invigilator. Several of the Head Examiners were also stupefied not knowing what to do.

Law Enforcement Group was meant to maintain order, but even they were killed instantly.

Just as everyone was immersed in shock and yet to withdraw, a loud clank sword cry broke the original calm, the smoke and dust had not yet completely dissipated, and the sharp sword light attacked with the sound of breaking wind Come.

"Go to hell!"

Law Enforcement Group's long eye shows the ominous light, and the sword containing endless murderous aura points directly at Feng Yixiu's eyebrows.

This person can become the leader of the Law Enforcement Group, and his strength must be higher than that of other Law Enforcement Group members. He is a Level 8 ninth rank Battle Spirit powerhouse, and the distance to breakthrough Battle Spirit is no exception. a step far.

For that, Feng Yixiu still stood there and never moved. He saw the Black Tortoise Seal mark and White Tiger Seal mark on his chest lit up at the same time, and the complicated Dragon Mark was wrapped around his slender right arm. .

“clang! ”

No one can see when Feng Yixiu took the shot. He actually stopped the high-speed rotation sword with only two fingers.

Law Enforcement Group chief is a Wind Element source Martial Artist, speed is his proud strength, but the opponent with no difficulty fixed the Cold Light Sword front.

"This guy is not a human being, why is the power so terrifying..."

I saw the Law Enforcement Group desperately trying to draw a sword, even using both hands in disregard of the image, But it still has no effect.

The strength of the opponent is too terrifying, even if he has already used all one's strength, he still cannot shake the strength of Feng Yixiu's two fingers.

At a certain moment, the head of the Law Enforcement Group felt that he was not facing a person, but a heavy mountain, which made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

"Sword...you don't use it like that!" Feng Yixiu looked indifferently, coldly said.


Suddenly let go of both fingers, and then flick the blade with lightning speed. The explosive power of horror makes the long sword tremble, as if in a low voice Wailing.

This terrifying force was transmitted along the sword. Law Enforcement Group felt his arms were numb, and subconsciously released the Spirit Sword in his hand.

I didn’t wait until the Law Enforcement Group came back to his senses. I saw a palm swathing in the thunder force was imprinted on his chest, as if being hit by tens of thousands of giant beasts at the same time. People burst back like a wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Just the power of a palm made him vomit blood, if it weren't possessed by the battle armour, I'm afraid this palm would be enough to penetrate him completely!

"It's a good spiritual weapon, but it's a pity that I followed the wrong owner..." Feng Yixiu stroked the forcibly captured Spirit Sword, muttering to himself.

"Too much humiliation!"

Law Enforcement Group has long red eyes, and the crowd was beaten by a person lower than his realm without the strength to fight back. He has been unable to remain calm.


A wind spirit array suddenly condenses, and the Chief of the Law Enforcement Group is obviously preparing to summon his own Battle Spirit to fight together.

“bang! ”

But before Wind Element Battle Spirit was called out, a sword qi that was enough to break the mountains and mountains passed by, and its speed made him There is no room for reaction at all.

Law Enforcement Group turned his head subconsciously and glanced at the astonishing gully left by the sword qi beside him, but he couldn't even see the bottom at a glance!

"gu lu..."

I only heard the Law Enforcement Group shudder its throat subconsciously, then turned around silently, and saw that the alloy wall more than ten meters thick behind him was divided into two, sword qi are far beyond sight at a glance.

There is no doubt that if this sword fell on him just now, I am afraid that he has been divided into two now!


The Wind Element evoked array that had not been condensed and formed suddenly dissipated, and the long legs of the lawless Law Enforcement Group knelt on the ground, all over. Can't help shaking.

In the entire Martial Practice Stage absolute silence of the angry scales, almost everyone had their mouths grown, looking at what was happening before them with their faces full of astonishment.

This mysterious person’s swordsmanship has reached the point where he is shocked. Don’t forget that he uses someone else’s spiritual weapon. It’s hard to imagine how destroying heaven extinguishing would be if he used his own spiritual weapon. The scene of earth!

The examiners in the Martial Practice Stage couldn't help but looked at each other in blank dismay. They indeed came back to his senses now, but the problem is that no one dares to come up at this time.

But if you look closely, the expressions of Xuanji teacher and Jialan teacher are a bit wrong.

I saw them staring at the mysterious person wearing the Black Dragon mask, seeming to have guessed the identity of the mysterious person.

Although it hasn't been seen for a year, Feng Yixiu's aura is completely different from before, and his swordsmanship and palm skills have made a qualitative leap.

But as the two teachers who have been with Feng Yixiu day and night for several years, they can still detect a familiar taste in his actions.

"Good boy...I am afraid I am not his opponent anymore." Xuanji teacher slightly raised the corner of his mouth, muttering to himself.

"Xiaofeng, what have you experienced over the past year, has become so powerful..." Jialan teacher's eyes burned, and she couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, there are thousands of people in the Martial Practice Stage of Fury, but no one dares to stand up at this moment.

Not only are they afraid of the terrifying power of the mysterious person, but also that everyone has long complained about the Law Enforcement Group, which is regardless of the law and of natural morality. Many people even applauded silently in the heart. .

"Small have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai, please be magnanimous to let me go..." The long voice of Law Enforcement Group trembled, and it seemed that there were still some lingering fears.

"Let you go?"

Feng Yixiu sneered, shook the head: "When you forced that student to drop out, did you ever want to let him go? "

"I really know that I was wrong. Please give me another chance to reform." The Chief Law Enforcement Group bowed his head silently, cautiously said.

"Don't tell me, if that student refuses to forgive you, no one will be able to save you today, I said!" Feng Yixiu threw his sleeves angrily, his cold voice was as heavy as a mountain The majesty.

hearing this, I saw the Law Enforcement Group crawling to the feet of the student, without saying anything, he started kowtow and admit your mistake.

"I'm sorry, it was all my fault just now. Please don't remember the villain, please help me beg this adult..." Law Enforcement Group kept kowtow while begging road.

"Bah! Bullying the soft and afraid of hard things!"

The student who was just bullied looked down at the man who bowed down and spit in disdain, a mouthful in his heart. The evil spirit finally came out.

"As long as you are willing to apologize to Feng Senior, I will forgive you..."

After all, he is a student, and he dare not offend the entire Law Enforcement Hall. I want to calm down even after I get out of my ill feelings.

But just when he was about to speak, a black cloud came under the pressure of a black cloud and moved towards the Martial Practice Stage of Rage Scales, headed by the Great Elder of Law Enforcement Hall.

I saw the Law Enforcement Hall Great Elder Controlling Sword Flight coming. Behind you, hundreds of Law Enforcement Hall elites follow closely from behind, standing with their hands down and looking down, loudly said: "You get me up , The face of Law Enforcement Hall has lost you!"

"Great Elder!"

I saw everyone lifts the head almost at the same time, and exclaimed involuntarily. .

"It's broken...Why is this old bastard here? He can't deal with it!" Jialan Ziyu frowned, and then he was about to get up to find the dean.

"Don't panic...It's not always the one who suffers!"

The Xuanji teacher grabbed the Jialan teacher who was about to get up, and shook the head with a smile.

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