"Marine disaster?"

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu and the others exclaimed at the same time.

"This incident has been a long time ago. I have only learned about it from the history books. It is normal if you haven't heard of it. The so-called marine disaster, as the name implies, is the collective landing of the sea devil beast and the invasion of the land world. , This is even more terrifying than the animal tide on the land!" Dean Ren slowly put down the wine glass and whispered softly.

"Putting it that way, is Marshal Ye's trip to prevent the ocean disaster from breaking out again?" Han Xiao touched his chin and asked softly.

As the dean shook the head, said solemnly: "Not so. After the ocean disaster subsided more than a hundred years ago, China and the seabed forces reached a major settlement agreement. The two sides did not interfere with each other. The East China base has been stable for hundreds of years. However, the situation is different this time. The Imperial Court seems to be secretly cooperating with the Eastern Sea forces to transport a large number of seabed spirit mines to the Sun-Moon Empire. Marshal Ye’s trip is for Investigate this matter, hoping to resolve the matter in a conflict-free way..."

"This matter is probably not that simple!" Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, whispered.

"If it weren’t for worrying that the evil crowd would take the opportunity to surprise, I had planned to go with Marshal Ye. I hope that Marshal Ye can return safely..."

"Heaven’s evil again Everyone..."

Feng Yixiu eyes slightly narrowed, he meditated for a moment and said: "As the dean, Junior has a suggestion, but I don't know if it is feasible."

"Oh? But Say it doesn't matter!" Dean Ren said anxiously.

"Although the military strength of the Shura Empire is far less than that of Huaxia, I am willing to do some meager efforts. I intend to establish a Transmission Formation between the Shura Empire in Huaxia, hoping to relieve some of China’s pressure, but I don't know..." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"That's really good! The Shura Empire is the world's trading center. If our two countries cooperate, it will be a strong alliance, which can not only greatly accelerate China's domestic economic construction, but also reduce the evil from the sky. The pressure of the crowd."

Before Feng Yixiu could finish speaking, Dean Ren stood up excitedly, opened the mouth and said.

As long as the Transmission Formation is established, the economic and trade between the two countries will inevitably be a hundred times more convenient. At the same time, the two countries can also help each other in times of crisis, which can be said to be beneficial without harm.

The only issue to worry about is security, but the Shura Empire is different from other empires. The president of Feng Yixiu knows everything about Feng Yixiu, and can be said to have 100% trust. There is no need to worry about security.

"Since the dean agrees, I will take the Nurin Academy as the first pilot. All the costs for the construction of Transmission Formation will be borne by the Shura Empire. I will personally find seven for the follow-up cooperation. Great Marshal discusses.” Feng Yixiu said slightly with a smile.

"It's worthy of being Lord Feng, this is a refreshing job. However, it is not very good that all the expenses are borne by you, or we should also bear part of it..." Dean Ren said somewhat sorry.

"We are all a family. The Shura Empire and China are originally the same qi, connected branch. Why do we have such a clear distinction? This is the case. If Old Brother is more verbose, it will be the same qi, connected branch. Be an outsider!" Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, sternly said.

"hahaha...but Old Brother seems stingy, Old Brother fined himself three glasses!"

I saw Dean Ren drank three glasses of wine in one breath without knowing he was drunk. He was still happy now, and his face looked a little blush.

The Shura Empire is the center of world trade. No country is richer than it. The benefits of establishing diplomatic relations with it are self-evident.

"I have already explained this to Foreign Minister Qiangwei before returning to China, and I will contact you in time." Feng Yixiu said with a slight smile.

"Then this thing is set!" Nodded, the dean, said loudly.

Feng Yixiu was not idle after the banquet ended, and he contacted Seven Great Marshal and the others online. Discuss the construction of Transmission Formation.

Feng Yixiu originally thought it would take a bit of talking, but never thought that things went smoothly unexpectedly. Both the Seven Great Marshal and the Four Saint Court agreed without the slightest hesitation.

This is not only driven by huge profits, but also the absolute trust in Feng Yixiu. The large-scale construction of Transmission Formation across China has also been put on the agenda as soon as possible.

However, this is a huge project after all. Even the Transmission Formation between the Holy See and the Asura Empire is not as huge. It is conservatively estimated that it will take several months to complete the construction.

Because of the fruit of World Tree, Feng Yixiu does not have to cultivation day and night. For him, these three days are the most relaxing days of this period, for a long time. And depression is also released.


Three days later, the Martial Practice Stage of Fury.

Today is the day for Feng Yixiu and the others to make up the graduation ceremony. There is already a vast crowd in the Martial Practice Stage of Nulin. Almost all the teachers and students of Nulin came to participate in this grand event.

On the high platform, Dean Ren and Feng Yixiu sat side by side, which was almost impossible to see at the graduation ceremony.

But Feng Yixiu has a special identity. He represents not only the angry scale students, but also the king of the Shura Empire. No one dares to make any sense to this.

Although it is only a four-person graduation ceremony, the specifications are more grand than a regular graduation ceremony. The host read a lengthy opening speech, and then held a solemn flag-raising ceremony.

After everything was over, Dean Ren stood up slowly, raised his hand slightly to stop the noisy scene, loudly said:

"Thank you all for coming in your busy schedule Participating in this special graduation ceremony, today’s protagonist must have been heard by everyone, and now I invite outstanding graduate representatives, Feng Yixiu, to speak on stage!"

"pa pa pa ……"

tone barely fell, almost everyone stood up, and the warm applause continued to echo.

Feng Yixiu stood up slowly, the deafening applause gradually stopped, and after a short pause did he open the mouth and said:

"Four years of time are fleeting, although time is impossible Freeze frame, but beautiful memories can last forever. I will never forget the lush years of the Raging Scale Academy. Even if there is pain and hesitation during this period, but when you look back, you will find that this will be the most rare treasure in life.

No matter where I am, I will never forget the teachings of the two teachers, nor will I forget the kindness of the dean to us. Here I want to give the two teachers and the dean sir Sincerely say a thank you, thank you for your silent dedication over the past few years. Without your careful teaching, there would be no achievements today.

At the same time, I also want to say to Junior Brother junior sisters, The universe is undecided, you and I are both dark horses!

Today I am proud to be a student of Nulin, and I will be proud of you at the Nulin Academy in the future..."

After a brief graduation speech , The entire Raging Scale Martial Practice Stage once again rang out with thunderous applause, and the eyes of every Raging Scale student were burning with youthful blood.

The Dean Ren took over the microphone from Feng Yixiu, loudly said: "Thank you Feng Yixiu, an outstanding student of Nulin for his graduation speech. Originally, according to the regulations of Nulin Academy, outstanding graduates need to take a test. However, taking into account certain factors, the dean decided to exempt this trial competition!"

The number of outstanding graduates at the Furlin Academy is limited. In order to avoid black-box operations and to convince the public, Therefore, every outstanding graduating student will be required to participate in a trial match.

The rules of the trial competition are very simple, that is, the outstanding graduates are allowed to compete with a high level teacher, but in order to avoid the situation of releasing water, the coaching teacher is not allowed to participate.

This means that in addition to the Xuanji teacher, any high level instructor can stand up. As long as Feng Yixiu and the others can persist in time it takes to burn a stick of incense, it is considered a pass, so Only then can you successfully obtain the title of outstanding graduate.

tone barely fell, the tens of thousands of angry scale students below boiled instantly, and they didn't seem to want to see this result.

"Huh? I thought I could see a wonderful trial match..."

"It’s no wonder that the trial match is a team battle. After the Great Elder fight, there is no way to fight back. Which teacher do you think would dare to stand up?"

"It is said that Feng Senior and Shen Senior Sister are too strong, I am a little afraid of going out and insisting on the instructor No time it takes to burn a stick of incense!"


The last time Feng Yixiu took a lesson in Great Elder, only freshman freshmen witnessed it, and other However, students of grade rage have no chance to see it.

Even though everyone does not doubt the strength of Feng Yixiu and the others, they still do not want to omit this link with the intention of increasing their knowledge.

"This... everyone doesn't seem to want to cancel this link! Why don't you discuss, which teacher will come on top?" Dean Ren glanced at the tutor seat not far away. said with a slight smile.

hearing this, everyone in the high level mentor seat silently lowered their heads, completely afraid to look directly at Dean Ren, for fear that they would be asked to play.

It’s a joke. Experts at the level of Great Elder are not Feng Yixiu opponents. Don’t say they insist on time it takes to burn a stick of incense when they play, I’m afraid they will be given by Feng Yixiu and the others. Beat it alive!

"How can this be good..." Dean Ren touched his chin and said to himself.

Originally, this link was to test the strength of outstanding graduates, but now it is as if it's the opposite direction.

If this link is really cancelled, I am afraid it will have a certain negative impact on the Raging Academy, and will even be jokes by several other Saint Court...

"As Dean , I have an idea, I don’t know if it’s feasible."

Just as everyone felt helpless, the Xuanji teacher suddenly opened the mouth and said.

"Oh? Xuanji teacher has any good ideas?" Dean Ren asked immediately.

"Since you guys don't dare to fight, you might as well let the dean take the shot yourself. Then the problem will be solved?" Xuanji teacher laughed.


Dean Ren touched his nose, but he hesitated for a long time and never agreed.

I originally just wanted to be a quiet eating melon crowd, but I never wanted to eat melon and eat me, what kind of thing is this!

But it seems that there is no better way now, after all, in the entire Rage Scale Academy, no one is the opponent of the four of them except him.

Perhaps Xuanji teacher still has the power to fight, but he is a four-person instructor, so he can't play in order to avoid suspicion.

"As the dean, you are the great dean of the Furin Academy. Are you afraid right?" Xuanji teacher smiled slightly and said softly.

"What's so scary about this dean! Just go up..."

Dean Ren stood up abruptly, and immediately loudly said: "Since everyone does not want to cancel this In the session, if you are physically sick and unable to play, the dean will play in person as a trial instructor!"

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