"Since Yun Young Master is Brother Wang’s personal guard, let him continue to be your personal guard. All men in the Tidal Royal Family are named after Xi. Xiyun is ready." Chaoge's words turned, frowned: "It's just that this appearance must be slightly changed. As for the specific transformation, it is up to Yun Young Master to make his own decision."

In the Royal Family of tides, women use Shio as their surname, while men use Shi as their surname. This inheritance has never changed for hundreds of years.

"Xiyun, it’s pretty memorable..."

Chongyun whispered, then smiled and asked: "Tide song girl, I don’t know why you think I’m transfigured Wait for it to look better?"


Chaoge was also a little confused by Chongyun's question, and looked towards Feng Yixiu on the side from time to time.

"It’s not proper for you to ask a girl’s question!" Feng Yixiu brows slightly wrinkle, and said softly, after thinking for a moment, said solemnly: "Since you don’t have to pay attention, then May I make up your mind for you?"

"Well, as long as you don't be too ugly..." Chongyun didn't dare to offend Feng Yixiu, so he could only be forced to nodded to agree.

"Since it is a disguise, it should not be too conspicuous, and naturally it should not be too handsome. The greater the contrast, the better. I think it is suitable for you to turn into a Little Fatty." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, indifferently said .


Chongyun was stupid on the spot and didn't react for a long time.

"Ah what! Everything is important to the overall situation!" Feng Yixiu commanded with a serious face.


Chongyun reluctantly nodded, but in a blink of an eye he changed into a tidal tribe little fatty that seemed harmless to humans and animals.

This image is very different from the original appearance of Chong Yun. If he hadn't seen Chong Yun transforming himself with his own eyes, I am afraid that even if he stood in front of Feng Yixiu, he couldn't believe that the person in front of him was handsome before. Handsome heavy cloud.

Feng Yixiu looked at the person in front of him, whispered in his heart: "You guy is very ruthless against yourself!"

"Is this satisfactory?" Chong Yun pouted Little mouth, panting with rage said.

"Not bad, so you can be sure of nothing!" Feng Yixiu nodded with a smile, said solemnly.

"hmph...you are satisfied. My Big Uncle yelled just now." Zhongyun turned his head and whispered.

"What are you brat whispering! Isn't you talking bad about me?" Feng Yixiu sternly said with his hands behind his back.

"How is it possible! How dare you say bad things about your big brother, I am complimenting you!" Chongyun laughed.

"That's good!"

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but nodded, and then looked towards Chaoge on the side, and asked softly: "Chaoge younger sister, what do you think?"

"The younger sister thinks Yun Young Master looks very cute, at least much better than the fierce appearance just now." Chaoge said softly with a smile.

hearing this, Chongyun, who was full of resentment just now, smiled suddenly from ear to ear, and his chubby face seemed even more naive when he smiled.

Chao Ge looked at the joyful heavy cloud in front of him and smiled tremblingly, and the sadness that often hangs on his face stretched a lot.

"It's good if you are satisfied, everything is ready, and you can set off to Eastern Sea after dark." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"You are leaving so soon, don't you plan to meet Sister Su?" Chao Ge asked with some confusion.

"There is no need for this, but fanfare will attract attention. Besides, I will leave External Body Incarnation in China, which is not a parting..." Feng Yixiu shook the head, explained.

"so that's how it is, it's as thoughtful as the big brother thinks." Chaoge echoed with a smile.

"Now that it’s still some time before dark, the younger sister can take advantage of this time to stroll around in the East China base. Don’t you always want to come to the land world to see it? Don’t waste it. Such a good opportunity." Feng Yixiu said softly.

"Well...younger sister also has this plan." Chaoge laughed.

"However, the tides are still very strange to the land world after all. If they appear rashly, they may cause unnecessary trouble. Let Zhongyun go with you. After all, he is good at Transformation Technique and can help you disguise. "Feng Yixiu suggested with a serious face.

"Then Brother Wang will go with him?" Chao Ge asked with some doubts.

"It will take some time to condense the External Body Incarnation, I am afraid I can't accompany you, but you should go first! But before dark, you must rush to the meeting point in Haikou, don’t forget to meet Xuanshui High in advance Say hello to Priest." Feng Yixiu explained patiently.

"Then I will trouble Yun Young Master."

I saw the Chaoge moved towards the side of Chongyun, bowing slightly and whispering softly.

"No trouble, no trouble, this is my honor!" Zhongyun also bowed excitedly in response, laughed.

After saying that, the two left the cultivation room one after the other, and the moment they opened the door, they also completed their transformation.

Chongyun and Chaoge also turned into normal human beings, and the two gradually disappeared from Feng Yixiu's sight while speaking.

Since Chongyun turned into a little fatty, Chao Ge has also gotten closer to him. After all, who would reject a chubby little fatty that looks like a panda?

But the two talents had just left, and an External Body Incarnation by Feng Yixiu appeared behind him. In fact, he had already condensed this External Body Incarnation a long time ago.

This External Body Incarnation is to facilitate communication with China, as well as to be able to accompany Shen Ruyu.

Feng Yixiu can exchange information with External Body Incarnation at any time, and they also have the same mode of thinking, so they are essentially the same person, but they are not as powerful as the body.

"Brother Zhongyun, don't let my brother down on my hard work!" Feng Yixiu muttered to himself as he looked at the two people away.

However, Feng Yixiu was not really idle. Instead, he took this opportunity to say goodbye to Marshal Ye, and at the same time gave a special account of the matter of China and the Shura Empire to send a large formation.

After everything was ready, Feng Yixiu took advantage of the thick night and quietly followed the waterway to the agreed meeting place.

Chongyun, Chaoge and the others have been waiting for a long time, and they greeted them immediately when they saw Feng Yixiu arrived.

Chao Ge has obviously greeted Xuanshui High Priest, but when he saw Feng Yixiu transformed into Xi Ning, he was also taken aback.

However, the appearance of Xi Ning has also caused a lot of heated discussions among tidal clansman. Even the highly respected Tidal Elders can’t help but feel puzzled:

"Xining Prince has disappeared. In 2011, why did you come back so unexpectedly at this moment?"

"His Royal Highness Chaoge is now the queen of our clan, and His Royal Highness Xi Ning suddenly returns, it won’t happen unexpectedly..."

"If this is the case, who shall we respect?"

In order to tell the truth about the return of Xining Prince, apart from telling Xuanshui High Priest, Chaoge did not tell. Anyone in the clan.

Xuanshui High Priest is a steady and reliable person. He didn’t feel surprised that it took too long to come back to his senses, loudly said: "Xining Prince returned from experience, just in time for this time to return with me and others. Fortunately, this is the blessing of my clan, so stop talking nonsense!"

"High Priest is right, Xining Prince is a rare genius of our Tide family in a century, and this time we return to our homeland is too much. Confident, this is indeed our blessing, it's just..." A Tidal Elder was worried, whispered whispered.

"I understand your concerns, but the reason why Prince Xining went out to practice secretly was to give way. His Royal Highness Chaoge and I know this, so you don’t have to worry about it. Prince Xining doesn’t. The meaning of fighting for power!" Xuanshui High Priest explained patiently.

"It turns out to be like this! If this is the case, I will be relieved when I wait."

Several Elders who are respected and respected in the tide clan are nodded, and they have doubts in their hearts. Also dissipated completely.

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