"Everyone is a family, so you don’t have to be so distracted. If you need help in the future, just open your mouth. Don’t be polite." On the shoulder of the King of Tides, Patted Feng Yixiu, Immediately said curiously: "By the way...I don't know how to call you guys!"

"Junior Xi Ning, this is my younger sister tide song."

Feng Yixiu First introduce yourself, and then solemnly introduce the people around you.

"Yes, not bad...The two are worthy of the descendants of the Royal Family of the Tide, and they are really extraordinary. It is a great fortune for our family to have two of them to join the Kingdom of the Tide!"

The King of Tides looked at the two carefully for a long time, and he in sinister vision could see at a glance that the person in front of him was not the thing in the pool.

The temperament and appearance of the tide song Princess can be regarded as unique and unmatched in the tide family. Even the tide sound Princess, who is called the pearl of the tide, is eclipsed in front of her.

When the King of Tides saw the Princess of Chaosong, he was also a little surprised. He seemed to see his deceased daughter. The appearance of the two was three-point similar.

The appearance of Prince Xi Ning itself is very outstanding, and now coupled with Feng Yixiu's powerful king aura, it makes the King of Tides admire even more.

Not only that, even the heavy cloud as a guardian Captain is also extraordinary, and his bloated body can't resist the proud imposing manner revealed by him within both eyes.

"Your Majesty is praised ..."

Feng Yixiu and Chao Ge shook the head with a smile, and responded softly.

"Xining Virtuous nephew, Xi Ming was injured by you?" King Tide bowed slightly and asked in a low voice.

"It was indeed Junior's hand, but it was he was bully intolerably, so I had to be forced to do it." Feng Yixiu nodded, explained.

"It’s okay...I don’t mean to blame you. In fact, I have already planned to fix that guy." King Tide shook the head with a smile, and then continued: "But Ximing’s I still know the strength. The three of you can join hands to hurt him seriously. It's really not simple!"

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Chaoge Princess looked at each other and smiled, but did not intend to explain. .

They both hold the idea that more is better than less, and there is no need to deliberately demonstrate their strength.

However, Chongyun is a master who cannot bear his temper. He took the initiative to open the mouth and said: "Your Majesty misunderstood. Chaoge Princess and I did not make a move..."

"Xiyun, don't talk too much!" Feng Yixiu glared at Zhong Yun and scolded sharply.


Chongyun stuck out his tongue, lowered his head and stopped talking.

"What does this Little Brother mean, you defeated Xi Ming alone?" King Tide asked in shock.

"Your Majesty, don't listen to his nonsense. Although the two of them did not make a move, it is a fluke to defeat Xi Ming, it is not worth mentioning." Feng Yixiu shook the head with a smile, modestly said .

"hahaha...I never thought that our Tidal clan could even produce Virtuous Nephew, a talented youngster like this. This is really blessing my clan!" The Tidal King laughed up to the sky for a long time, and said excitedly.


Not far away, Prince Xiyu was also paying attention to the situation here. He saw the always serious King of the tide laughing out loud and cursing with gnashing teeth.

Princess, who was silent on the side, looked calm, but her brows were slightly furrowed, and her seemingly gentle gaze seemed a little erratic, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"The two Virtuous nephews should be exhausted from the long journey! I will send someone to settle your residence now, but most of the palaces in the Tide Palace already have a master, and now only the Dongyuan Palace is still vacant. I don't know how to unite the two minds?" King Tide stared at the two men with scorching eyes, and asked softly.

"Everything will be arranged by Your Majesty, but Junior's clansman is still waiting in the back, I don't know if I can..." Feng Yixiu cup one fist in the other hand, whispered softly.

"That's natural. Since they are all tidal lineages, they should be properly placed, but I don't know how many clansman there are?" King Tidal asked patiently.

"There are probably more than one million clansman to be placed." Feng Yixiu said in a straightforward voice.

"No problem, although the Kingdom of Tides is not an empire, it can be regarded as a vast territory and abundant resources. It is still nothing difficult to accept trifling millions of clansman. I will send someone to respond." King Tide nodded, said solemnly.

After saying that, the King of Tides moved towards the people behind him, and even sent his ministers to respond to the clansman of the million tides behind.

"Xiyun, follow along to meet you..." Feng Yixiu glanced at Zhongyun and said softly.


Chongyun also knew Feng Yixiu's intentions, and even quietly followed the pace of the minister.

After what happened just now, Feng Yixiu also roughly understood the situation in the Kingdom of Tides, so he sent Chongyun to assist in the completion, so as not to get confused by it.

Although the King of Tides is a wise person, he is in a high position, but he can't do everything, otherwise, the High Priest will not deliberately make things difficult.

This is the strength of Feng Yixiu is strong enough. Otherwise, if Mingshui High Priest has already succeeded before the King of Tides arrives, I am afraid that they will not even have the opportunity to meet the King of Tides...

"Virtuous nephew, you came to Tide Kingdom for the first time, and I am afraid that you will not find Dongyuan Palace for a while . Let me take you there!"

while speaking, Tide King He led Feng Yixiu, Chaoge and the others into the city gate, and the others followed closely from behind.

Since it is late at night, there are not too many pedestrians on the streets of Tide Kingdom, and it does not cause much disturbance.

Just stepping into it, Feng Yixiu was also attracted by the fantastic beauty in front of him.

Different from the national streets of the land world, the streets here lack a modern atmosphere, but instead have a magnificent dreamy atmosphere.

Can be seen everywhere weird plants and pearls with rays of light in various colors. The architectural style is mainly sea-blue color, and the air reveals a faint salty smell.

"This is my car, Virtuous nephew, please come with me..."

The King of Tides took the lead in boarding a gorgeous carriage, but it’s different from ordinary carriages. The carriage is not an ordinary horse devil beast, but eight imposing emperor seahorses.

"Then trouble Your Majesty."

Feng Yixiu and Chaoge Princess also took the opportunity to set foot on the gorgeous carriage, and then moved towards the tide palace at an extremely exaggerated speed .

Prince Xiyu and Princess Chaoyin set foot on another car, but its specifications are far from the King of the tides.

As Prince and Princess, their residence is naturally in the tidal palace, so they are closely following Feng Yixiu and the others...

"Your Majesty, what exactly What does it mean? Normally, we didn't have the opportunity to get on his car, so we took the initiative to invite two foreigners to go with him!" Xi Yu looked at the speeding car angrily, panting with rage.

"Don't worry, the more this critical moment is, the more we must be calm. Trifling the two outsiders is not enough to be afraid..." Chaoyin Princess said indifferently, with an indifferent expression.

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