The speed of the Titan war chariot is amazing, and it rolled over in no time. When passing the devil beast trapped by the trap below, the effortless giant lizard It was crushed to pieces!

Until the giant war chariot passed by them, the teachers and students hiding on the giant wood were sighed in relief.

"Oh! There is even a silver rank demon card, my luck is so good!"

After the Titan war chariot was crushed, Feng Yixiu stepped forward. Picking up the demon card in the back with a light pace, seeing a silver rank demon card is naturally in a good mood.

The few people trembling on the giant tree didn't see Feng Yixiu behind it until the Titan war chariot drove past, all looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this moment, they have only one idea in their hearts, that is, this kid is really brave!

You dare to follow such a terrifying devil beast to pick up the devil card. Is this asking for money or killing?

A bolder student threw a small stone in the back of Feng Yixiu's head.

"Oh, hello! Which bastard is behind the sneak attack!" Feng Yixiu was painful and looked around.

"Hey! Are you dying? Don't hurry up?" A little girl winked at Feng Yixiu, her voice was very weak, for fear that the horrible devil beast would find them.

Feng Yixiu slowly raised his head, and saw a few people on his head, and said angrily: "You have something wrong? Unfathomable mystery, why did you hit me with a rock?"

"You are really impossible to tell good from bad, but I remind you out of kindness that you don’t care if you don’t appreciate it, and even scold us!"

"when the time comes If the devil beast is found, you can die without a burial site!"

Suddenly a few people on the tree saw the Titan War Chariot walking away, and then cautiously jumped off the tree.

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit, indifferently said: "devil beast? Are you talking about the Titan war chariot in front?"

"Aren’t you asking me knowingly? That kind of devil beast us I have never seen such a terrifying body shape. I am afraid it is a new disaster-level devil beast. Maybe I must report it to the Alliance." The teacher in the suit also has a serious face.

"pu chi..."

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but laughed, and then he clutched his belly and laughed.

"Why are you so rude? We were kind to save your life and you even laughed at us?" a beautifully dressed female student said angrily.

"Sorry, I usually don't laugh unless I can't help it...hahaha..." Feng Yixiu still smiles very happily.

"Is this child scared? Isn't he? The teacher who brought you here? I don't care about you?" The teacher in the suit said with a serious face.

"teacher? I came alone, there is no teacher." Feng Yixiu tried his best to hold back his smile and replied.

"No teacher?" The teacher in the suit glanced at the Battle Spirit badge on Feng Yixiu's chest, frowned: "A Level 3 Battle Spirit Master, how come there is no teacher to take you? Could it be sneaking in? No, I'm going to call the notification alliance now and let them send you out."

Feng Yixiu immediately grabbed the wrist of the male teacher in a suit and quickly said: "Don't make any extra effort!" It’s not a devil beast that just rolled over. It’s my Battle Spirit. It’s just armed with two devil cards. It’s not a new Disaster Level devil beast!"


This time it was the turn of the man in suit and the students he led began to laugh wildly.

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