A team of a hundred people rushed past the man in the suit, scared them to stand aside.

"Eh! Teacher Li, did you see Feng Yixiu just now?" An Academy female teacher recognized the suit male teacher and hurriedly said hello.

"That's Feng Yixiu? I have seen it before..." Teacher Li was dumb and nodded.

"Why are you still here? That kid didn't grab your demon card?" The female teacher asked with a look of surprise.

"Demon card..." Teacher Li whispered, suddenly his pupils contracted, cry out in surprise: "Yes! My demon card was taken away by him!"


"Don't run! Give us back that steel giant lizard——Steel armored demon card!"

Immediately they joined the army against Feng Yixiu and began to go crazy Follow the footsteps of Feng Yixiu.

"Hey...it's another hapless guy who has been miserable and didn't know it!" The female teacher shook the head helplessly, indifferently said.

These people are all teachers or students who were first killed by Feng Yixiu when they were hunting devil beasts.

Of course, there are many teachers and students who have seen Feng Yixiu, and it is difficult for Feng Yixiu to hide his identity.

So far, Feng Yixiu has become the public enemy of almost all intermediate Battle Spirit Academy!


"hahaha...a bunch of idiots! Want to catch me and dream!"

Feng Yixiu relies on the top gold flying monster card , It’s very easy to get rid of everyone.

At this time, he has already come to the periphery of the second steel city wall. Presumably those people would not have thought that Feng Yixiu was about to go to the second isolation zone.

"Isn't it just picking up some of your demon cards! As for being so persistent! It's really stingy..." Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

These days, Feng Yixiu is where people are running, professionally crushing the devil beast that has fallen into the trap, picking it up and running without any muddle.

In the beginning, those people couldn't react at all, thinking it was a horrible devil beast attack. It wasn't until later that the more they thought about it, the more something went wrong, which led to more and more people chasing Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu slowly took out the cell phone, which can be contacted with satellite positioning, and now it shows that the dark crack is almost fully opened.

That’s why Feng Yixiu reluctantly gave up the major event industry of collecting leaks and prepared to enter the second quarantine area.

The steel city wall in the second isolation zone is even more majestic than the first steel city wall. The towering city wall is all made of special metals.

However, there are not too many people near the second steel city wall, but some people come and go.

But young people like Feng Yixiu are very rare, even if there are older teachers or parents.

Feng Yixiu moved towards one of the gates very calmly, and before this approached, the soldier guarding the gate came forward with a smile.

"Hello, Chief Feng! Your subordinates have been waiting for you for a long time!" The soldier saluted first, standing straight, loudly said.

"Hello, hello..." Feng Yixiu was taken aback, some said curiously: "Do you know me?"

He didn't even show any documents, he They are all ready to be as troublesome as the first city wall.

But I didn't expect it to be so smooth!

"Yue Captain has already greeted us Captain, specially to let us pay attention to a young man wearing white clothed!" The guard soldier loudly said.

"Oh...Thanks for your hard work, please open the door." Feng Yixiu said indifferently.

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