Followed by another dragon claw came out of the dark crack, and two huge thunder dragon claws directly grabbed the edge of the dark crack.


The violent force forcibly tore the slender dark crack open a huge hole, and a thick thigh broke through the dark crack Stepped out.


There was a dull loud noise on the entire ground, and the others high stones were all beating along with it.

A huge dragon head came out from the dark crack, and violent thunder and lightning flashed in those scarlet eyes from time to time.

The whole body of the mad electric Tyrannosaurus finally came out of the dark crack, and the whole body revealed the breath of the lesser dragon kind of king!

Only the length of the body has reached a height of more than 20 meters, and the overall color is dark red, and the thunder covering the whole body is also dark red.


The Tyrannosaurus rex roared towards the sky, as if proclaiming the whole reckless wilderness and the birth of another king.

Following the roar of the dragon that resounded through Heaven and Earth, the dark crack behind it slowly closed, and the entire space began to heal slowly, and finally it was completely restored to its original state, as if it had never appeared before.

At this moment, all the mad iron hunting group are quietly lying in the bushes behind the mad electric tyrannosaurus. Almost all of them are keep quiet out of fear, and they dare not breathe.

When this kind of devil beast with a terrifying power really appears in front of you, that kind of fear from life instinct is inevitable.

They are waiting now, as long as the Tyrannosaurus rex stepped into the trap made of special metal ahead, it will launch a total attack!

"Hush! Keep all quiet for me. When the crazy electric Tyrannosaurus is trapped, everyone will break out. Don't give it time to reflect!" Zhang Heng whispered. .

Everyone is tacitly nodded, watching the next move of the tyrannosaurus rex with a nervous expression on his face.


The Crazy Power Overlord Dragon Fruit took two steps forward, and when he was about to fall into the trap, a smelly voice sounded.


All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on Little Fatty who was next to Head Zhang Heng, and they pinched their noses.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it!" Yuanji deliberately showed a panic expression, loudly said.

The crazy electric Tyrannosaurus who was about to step into the trap was suddenly attracted by the sound, turned around slowly, and let out a roar, obviously he found Feng Yixiu and the others!


The Thunder Tyrannosaurus moved directly towards Feng Yixiu. They rushed over, and the whole ground trembled.

The oppression force brought by the huge body is simply suffocating. Some timid team members didn't care about any plans, and fled around.

"Did you TM on purpose!" The head of Zhang Heng jumped into a rage, and directly picked up Yuanji's collar and picked him up.

"I...I didn't mean it, trust me!" Yuan Ji struggled in midair and blushed.

"Fuck You! Get out of me!" Zhang Heng threw Yuanji a dozen meter away, and slammed directly on a giant tree. Passed in a coma.

Feng Yixiu's mind quickly came up with all the data of the mad electric tyrannosaurus:

[devil beast name]: mad electric tyrannosaurus

[devil beast attribute]: Thunder

[devil beast rank]: disaster level

[devil beast skill]: dragon claw, Crazy Thunder Anger roar, Overlord’s Breath

[devil beast characteristics]: born in the dark cracks of the devil beast, one of the kings of the lesser dragon species of devil beast, has the ability to command the lesser dragon species of devil beast, and can use the breath of the overlord to command the lesser dragon The clan launches a dragon tide!

The crazy electric tyrannosaurus ran fast, the violent "Crazy Thunder Anger roar" in his mouth also kept condensing.

A Crazy Thunder Anger roar of destroying heaven extinguishing earth burst out suddenly, and the Thunder Light moved towards crimson's Thunder Light moved towards the crazy iron hunting group blasted past.

The land in front of Feng Yixiu was turned into a black scorched earth under the roar of the terrifying Crazy Thunder Anger, which was spreading towards this side rapidly moving towards.

"Disperse! Disperse quickly!" Zhang Heng didn't care about any plan, angrily roared loudly.

I like the Divine Grade pet evolution system, please collect it: ( The Divine Grade pet evolution system is the fastest to update novels.

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