"Do you think I can’t tell that you are an arrow at the end of its flight?"

"In normally, you can only follow I made a tie, do you think you have a chance to win today?" The blood wave sneered, indifferently said.

"If you have the ability, you can try it! I want to see if you have this ability!" Zhang Heng insisted.

"hmph! If you don't see the coffin, don't fall, courting death!"

"Cangshan Blood Wolf King- Bloodfang Arms!" The blood wave threw a Platinum Grade directly Demon card, said solemnly.

Suddenly a golden light flashed, and the original white teeth of the bloodthirsty wolf's teeth began to turn red, emitting scarlet rays of light.

Its wolf teeth are wrapped with a layer of scarlet rays of light, forming a pair of bloody saber teeth, which are extremely sharp!

The bloodthirsty greedy wolf directly rushed towards the head of Zhang Heng. The sharp blood teeth are like two sharp swords.

The mad lion on the verge of collapse directly moved towards the bloodthirsty greedy wolf and swooped over, and threw it down directly.


The two Battle Spirits, both of which were super-Perfect level, fought together, but the Fiery Lion was obviously at a disadvantage.

The sharp blood teeth penetrated directly through the back of the mad lion, sucking its blood crazily like a straw.

As the blood is drawn, the bloodthirsty wolf's body size has skyrocketed, and the blood red rays of light in the eyes are more prosperous!

"Xiao Hei, go help that big lion!" At the end of the Eastern Summer, seeing that the mad lion couldn't stand the fire, he immediately patted the evil eye Minghu beside him, said solemnly.

Immediately threw away a gold-level demon card.

"Insidious Assault Leopard King——Insidious Assault Arms!" Dongfang said silently in his heart at the end of summer.

A black vortex suddenly appeared at the feet of Evil Eye Minghu, and its entire body slowly sank into the black vortex.

At this time, the sky was clear, and a black vortex appeared in the shadow behind the evil eye and the tiger.

A cross-shaped ghost cut directly behind the bloodthirsty wolf, and then a huge ghost bone claw tightly grabbed his entire waist.

"What kind of demon card is that that can launch a surprise attack from the shadows, it's so weird!"

"Legacy of the wolf, be careful behind!" The blood wave is angrily roared.

But it was too late. The sudden attack from behind made the bloodthirsty wolf too late to react.

The formidable power of Ghost Slash, blessed by two bronze rank enchanting cards, is enough to damage the abdomen of the bloodthirsty wolf.

The sharp slash left two cross-shaped wounds with deep bones on the bloodthirsty wolf’s abdomen.


The bloodthirsty greedy wolf let out a painful wailing and immediately let go of the fire-bathed lion.

"Damn! I want you to pay!"

"Blood Storm!" The blood wave threw away two bronze rank demon cards, both about Wind Element's enchanted card.

A crimson storm centered on bloodthirsty greedy wolves, sweeping madly. For a while, whether it was a fire-bathed lion that had just escaped from the wolf’s mouth, or an evil eyed tiger hiding in the shadows Was swept up.

Because the evil eye Minghu was swept into the sky, the bone claws of the bloodthirsty and greedy wolf were also lifted instantly.

The sharp claw of the bloodthirsty wolf began to attack quickly, and countless blood-colored wind blades continuously cut the evil eyes of the in midair and the fiery lion.

The blood is continuously mixed into the bloody storm, and the bloodthirsty greedy wolves continue to absorb their blood. The size depends on the size of the breakthrough!

"jié jié jié... Chief Zhang, don't put up a desperate struggle, you can't beat me!" The blood wave saw this said with a sneer.

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