"You should take care of yourself!" Feng Yixiu sneered, and directly ordered the other jade snake to become a Titan war chariot.

The huge golden titan war chariot made a dull thunderous sound, and moved towards the head of the blood wave and crushed it.

Xuelang's heart is secretly sighed bad, and in a hurry, he directly blocked the momentum is big, power is deep Titan war chariot with both hands.

The fast-moving Titan War Chariot pushed the blood wave to a distance of more than ten meters, and finally stopped forcibly, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

Feng Yixiu sees this frowned, secretly sighed is worthy of a Level 3 source Martial Artist, power and defense have reached a very terrifying situation.

It is actually able to block the Titan war chariot in the hegemonic state with bare hands!

"hmph! I am a Level 3 source Martial Artist, it is not so easy for you to kill me!" Xuelang said with a smug expression.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, his whole person suddenly disappeared in place, suddenly appeared behind Xuelang, and directly pulled out the Mithril dagger inserted behind Xuelang.


For a while, the wound behind the head of the blood wave began to gush out blood uncontrollably, and the severe pain made both of his hands soft and was directly affected. The Titan War Chariot was knocked out.

Feng Yixiu played the mithril dagger with the weird silver light in his hand, slowly moved towards the blood wave.

The blood wave at this moment was a bit miserable, and the blood hole on his back was still bleeding, and he kept moving towards his spiritual weapon.


Feng Yixiu flicked the dagger in his hand directly and nailed it directly to the palm of the blood wave. The severe pain caused cold sweat on his forehead.

"hmph! Level 3 source Martial Artist, I heard impervious to sword and spear?"

"Then I want to see if it’s your head hard or my Titan hammer Hard!" Feng Yixiu sneered and directly let the Yulin Snake lift the form of the Titan war chariot.

The tail section of the Yulin Snake is armed with sword armor, and then all the golden light is condensed on the sword armor.

Suddenly the entire sword armor is plated with a layer of golden brilliance, like a golden sledgehammer, it looks even more invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable!

This is the high level usage of partial armament, which can condense all the overlord’s armament in the partial area, and the formidable power is even more powerful!

"hmph! Don’t you like to step on other people’s faces? Then I will let you taste this feeling!"

After that, Feng Yixiu moved without looking back Head towards Zhang Heng and go to the end of Eastern Summer.

"clang clang clang ......"

The golden Titan Overlord's hammer slammed into the head of the blood wave one after another, and even made the sound of gold and stone collision.

Bloodwave's head was smashed into blood and blood, and the whole head was smashed under the ground, and the struggling body slowly became stiff.

The spiritual weapon Chifeng Knife also slowly turned into aura and dissipated. The magic Spirit Treasure code floating in the sky shattered suddenly and completely disappeared.

One of the Overlords in the second quarantine zone, the leader of the blood wave was killed!

A gust of breeze blew by, and the billowing smoke slowly dissipated. In the entire area struck by the Titan meteor shower, there were lying bloody remains.

All the elite members of the Greedy Wolf Hunting Group were killed!

"gu lu..."

Zhang Heng and Dongfang Late Summer and the others all grew their mouths, and they looked at Feng Yixiu who kept moving towards them, and the corners of their mouths were hanging With a sneer, he couldn't help but shiver.

Where is the battle!

It was a massacre! A crush without suspense!

Feng Yixiu killed the entire wolf hunting group by himself, and no one was spared!

Now he is a little grateful that Feng Yixiu is a friend and not an enemy, otherwise it would be them who would be destroyed by the group!

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