"I inherited the golden thunder of Crazy Tyrannosaurus Rex?" Feng Yixiu looked incredible.

"Yes, it seems that you have indeed inherited the golden thunder of the mad electric Tyrannosaurus rex, but I don't know what the golden thunder does." Zhang Heng nodded, very seriously.

"This is not simple, you will know if you try it!" Dongfang Xia Mo said with a relaxed expression.

"Try it? How to try?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

At the end of Eastern Summer, he pointed to two huge ancient trees in the distance, and said indifferently: "Seeing that the two trees are not there, you can use your own thunder and golden thunder respectively to experiment. ?"

Feng Yixiu nodded, immediately used his thunder to condense his own "Thunderbolt War Spear", and then threw it out with force.


A white thunder flashed past, and it penetrated the giant wood very easily.

And it hasn't stopped yet, and then he flew for a certain distance, piercing directly onto a giant wood behind.

Half of the entire war spear is submerged in it, which shows that the penetrating power is very powerful.

Unconsciously, Zhang Heng and Dongfang Late Xia opened their eyes wide, trying to suppress their mood.

Feng Yixiu then called the golden thunder, and then condensed into the "Golden Spear of Crazy Thunder".


The sound of this mad thunder golden spear is obviously completely different from the sound of Thunderbolt War spear, different from the sound of breaking wind, but a similar For the rumbling sound of the deep dragon roar.

I saw the Golden Spear of Crazy Thunder pierced directly through this giant wood, not to mention, it was also submerged on a giant wood behind, the degree of submergence was not much different from just now.

"It doesn't seem to have any special effect..." Feng Yixiu frowned, whispered.


Feng Yixiu tone barely fell, he was startled by the sound of an explosion, and he saw the golden spear of wild thunder that had just been submerged in the giant tree exploded suddenly Open.

The huge formidable power directly exploded the huge wood that can only be hugged by three people into pieces, and the golden thunder in the air continued to explode.

"gu lu..."

Zhang Heng and Dongfang Xia Mo were both stunned. They shook their throats unconsciously, and both of them were dumbfounded.

It's no wonder that the blood wave was directly blown up by this mad thunder golden spear just now. Who can withstand such a terrifying explosive power!

"It seems that the role of this golden thunder is to explode. It can add explosive effects to your thunder. The destructive power is really amazing!" Zhang Heng looked serious and said very seriously.

"This golden thunder is so overbearing? Why not call it overbearing Golden Thunder!" Dongfang Xia Mo suggested with a smile.

"Domineering Jinlei! This name is good, then I will call him Domination Jinlei!" Feng Yixiu was very satisfied with the name, and continued: "I don't know if I use this domineering Jinlei to turn on the thunderstorm mode What will happen!"

Feng Yixiu thought of it and experimented directly, and even if he covered the whole body with this golden thunder, a violent force exploded directly, like a dam flooding, it cannot be fired. tidy.

For a while, he felt that the spiritual power was starting to burn rapidly at an incredible speed, and the overall improvement he had obtained.

This kind of improvement is not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of speed and spirit.

At the end of the Eastern Summer, looking at Feng Yixiu, who was full of golden light, touched the chin and thought for a while, separately said: "I think your state is very similar to when you were armed by the Battle Spirit overlord. , Does it have the effect of overlord body?"

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