"Oh? What if I succeeded?" Feng Yixiu suddenly turned around and said softly.

"This rubbish may succeed? Are you afraid that you are joking with me?" Master Lu said with a look of disdain.

"I mean if! If it succeeds, what shall you do?" Feng Yixiu's mouth evokes a strange arc, said with a sneer.

"If you succeed, I will kneel and beg for mercy with you, and then quit Spirit World!" Master Lu clenched the teeth, and then asked, "What if you lose?"

"If I fail, I will kneel on my knees and beg for mercy, and then quit the Battle Spirit world, are you satisfied?" Feng Yixiu casually asked.

Master Lu rolled his eyes, and then added: "Okay! But what is your definition of success? At least you have to evolve perfectly!"

"Perfect evolution?" Feng Yixiu shook the head.

"Why? I'm afraid now, wasn't it arrogant just now?" Master Lu said arrogantly.

"You misunderstood, don't evolve perfectly, super-perfect evolution, three of us, even if I lose one less!" Feng Yixiu said with firm eyes.

"hahaha...you are the most arrogant student I have ever seen, okay! What a gadget that doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, I want to see how you all evolve perfectly!" Lu Master extremely angry chuckled back, ruthlessly.

Principal Wang looked silly on the side, and immediately dragged Feng Yixiu aside, and said nervously: "Feng, you are it possible that you are crazy? You gambled so hard?"

Feng Yixiu smiled and comforted: "Principal Wang, don't worry! When did you see me doing something you are not sure about?"

"This...but never happened." Principal Wang deepened his voice for a moment, then said slowly.

"Then it's over, you can rest assured and wait for my good news!"

After that, Feng Yixiu led Shen Ruyu and they entered. Inside the evolution building, Jialan Ziyu and Zhou Principal also followed.

Principal Wang was still standing next to Master Lu, and he hurriedly apologized: "Sorry, Master Lu! I didn't expect this to happen today!"

"Principal Wang, these are the few students you use to brag every day? Just like this, you still want to be in the top ten of the Central China League? You are afraid that the older you get, the more confused you are!"

"I think they even audition I can't pass the level!"

But I never thought that Master Lu would not appreciate it at all. He even missed Principal Wang and moved towards the inside of the evolution building.

This clay figure has a three-point anger. Although Master Lu was invited by Principal Wang, he has lost patience for such repeated insults to himself and the school.

I saw him walk into the evolution building with a dark face, and no longer stand with Master Lu, but with Jialan Ziyu and Zhou Principal.

Feng Yixiu handed over the evolution plan to the two again, and confessed: "Take your time, don’t make a mistake in the order."

Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao respectively After taking over their own evolution plan, they moved towards their own evolution chamber and walked in.

Feng Yixiu also moved towards his evolution chamber, and the three of them closed the chamber door at the same time.

This time the three people entered the evolution chamber on the second floor, which is much larger than the evolution chamber on the first floor, and the equipment is much more advanced.

Feng Yixiu first took out all the evolution materials, and then proceeded step by step in the order of the evolution plan.

"1st Step first put the devil beast crystal nucleus into the No. 5 refining box, then put the Lei Chalcedony in the No. 23 tempering box, and then put it in fifty-two minutes later..."

Feng Yixiu put the evolutionary materials one by one into the refining box in an orderly manner, and the whole process went smoothly.

I like the Divine Grade pet evolution system, please collect it: (m.soxscc.org) The Divine Grade pet evolution system is the fastest to update novels.

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