"Well! Since we have something to say first, I have no reason to keep you." Zhou Principal was silent for a moment, said solemnly.

Feng Yixiu listened to their conversation, and was at a loss for a while. What is the situation?

Isn’t it said that if you win, it means that the teaching results are very good, and you can continue teaching?

Why is this now a Jialan teacher who is not qualified to teach them?

Isn't they working so hard to keep Jialan teacher?

The result is now that they have worked hard to force the Jialan teacher away!

Feng Yixiu can't wait to slap himself now, why don't you think about it!

The Jialan teacher took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions and watching his students calmly.

The scenes from the past are continuously played back in her mind continuously. When she thinks that she can't continue to be the teacher of these children, her heart feels like being stabbed by a needle.

However, she tried her best and failed to defeat the combined force of the four of them. The balance between her lover and the student in her heart finally tilted, and she was not qualified to be their teacher!

"Children, don't be sad, you are all good! There will be more excellent teachers to teach you!"

After that, Jialan teacher turns slowly When I turned around, tears flowed from my eyes and couldn't stop flowing outward.

Shen Ruyu hurriedly stepped forward and held Jialan teacher, and said softly: "Jialan teacher, don't go! We don't want other teachers, we only want you!"

At this moment, Shen Ruyu is already crying weeping beauty, and her feelings for Jialan teacher are the best.

He has been away from home for more than three years. Jialan teacher is like her second mother. Although he is very strict, she is very aware of the concern.

Han Xiao and Shen Ruyu also bowed their heads and said nothing, looked towards Zhou Principal, their faces were puzzled.

Zhou Principal also shook the head helplessly, explaining: "Your teacher’s lover is already in critical condition. I am afraid it will only be a few months away. However, he did not choose to resign immediately, instead he chose to use one. Fight to decide whether you want to stay or not, and as a result, you also know."

"The Jialan teacher's... lover? Dangerously ill?" Shen Ruyu hearing this slowly let go of his hand.

Although he is reluctant to bear the Jialan teacher, he also knows which kind of thing is more important.

Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao were also silent for a while, and watched Jialan teacher's fading back until she disappeared within the Martial Practice Stage.

At the end of Eastern Summer, I spent the shortest time with Jialan teacher, but I was also infected by this sad atmosphere, and my eyes became a little moist.

"Hey...children, I also know that it is difficult for you to accept it for a while, but a few months later it will be the China Central Competition. You still have to hurry up and train, and I will find the best for you as soon as possible teacher." Zhou Principal said when he saw Feng Yixiu feeling down.

Feng Yixiu and the others are silently nodded, and did not say no more angry words like other teachers.

"As long as you understand, if you can win a championship, I believe that Jialan teacher will be happy for you too!" Zhou Principal said solemnly.

"Chou Principal, is Jialan teacher's lover Captain Xuanji from the first team of the front wind department?" Feng Yixiu suddenly remembered what Zhong Limei had said to him and asked.

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