"The so-called life recovery! It is a kind of abnormal recovery ability. As long as you don’t suffer fatal damage, you can quickly repair itself, even if your hand is cut off. Can grow new arms quickly!" Zhou Principal said solemnly.

"Even if the hand is cut off, it can repair itself? This ability is too terrifying!" Han Xiao shuddered unconsciously, surprised.

"This ability is indeed very powerful, so I said that if Xuanji unlocked the fourth rank gene lock, it would be fine! Hey...it's a pity! This is just what if..." Zhou Principal shook the head with a little regret, helplessly said.

Where did so many things come from in this world? If the genetic lock goes on, the more difficult it will be to break through. Xuanji like Heaven's Chosen has no breakthrough.

Now he has become a vegetative person, his lifeform sign is almost exhausted, and it is too late to say anything.

Everyone was silent for a while. This is indeed an unsolvable problem.

They can only feel sad for Jialan Zi Teacher Yu, apart from this can't help anything.

Feng Yixiu also bowed his head and said nothing, feeling sad in his heart.

Is there really no alternative?

Is it true that I can only watch Jialan teacher’s lover die?

"Fourth rank gene lock! Unlock the fourth rank gene lock!"

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu exclaimed suddenly as if he had remembered something.

He suddenly startedled like crazy, looking at the others with excitement.

"I said, brother, what are you frightened and flustered doing? What unlocks the fourth rank gene lock?"

"Xuanji Captain is a vegetable, you are it Possible that can also let him unlock the fourth rank gene..." Han Xiao muttered to himself, and stopped suddenly.

He suddenly remembered that when he took Feng Yixiu's Second Rank origin medicine, it didn't seem to be too difficult!

Maybe Feng Yixiu really has a way to bring Jialan teacher’s lover back to life!

"I thought of a way to save Xuanji Captain!" Feng Yixiu shook Zhou's Principal's shoulder with excitement.

Zhou Principal was confused and tremblingly said: "You brat don't shake it, my bones are going to be shaken for you, what did you just say? Can you save Xuanji Captain?"

"That's right! As long as Xuanji unlocks the fourth rank gene lock, can he repair his body on his own? When the time comes, naturally he can wake up!" Feng Yixiu said excitedly.

Zhou Principal touched Feng Yixiu's forehead with a suspicious look, and said to himself: "Strange, I don't have a fever? Why do you just talk in sleep?"

" Zhou Principal, which hospital Xuanji is in, I will go find him now!" Feng Yixiu frowned and directly took Zhou Principal's hand away.

"Xuanji has always been in the Central China Headquarters General Hospital. For details, you can ask your colleagues, they should know." Zhou Principal saw that Feng Yixiu didn't seem to be joking, so he said seriously.

"Central China headquarters? Then I will pass now!" Feng Yixiu muttered to himself.


Suddenly, a military helicopter flew over Qingyun Academy, but it flew away in a moment.

This is obviously the plane that Jialan teacher took, and the direction is the direction of Central China.

"Aiya...it's a pity that the Jialan teacher has already left, otherwise I can go with her." Feng Yixiu looked at the flying helicopter, a little regretful.

"Big Brother Feng, you must save Xuanji Captain, and then bring back the Jialan teacher, okay?" Shen Ruyu looked expectantly at Feng Yixiu, soft Soundtrack.

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