"This is the power bestowed by Lord Heavenly Demon! What a beautiful feeling!" Qiu Yueze's voice became extremely low, as if more than one person was speaking, but a few Individuals are talking at the same time.

Although Feng Yixiu can't see Qiu Yueze's expression hidden behind the mask, he should be very intoxicated by this wonderful feeling now.

Feng Yixiu's eyes are low, coldly said: "For strength, is it worth it to turn yourself into a half human half beast monster?"

Qiu Yueze slowly moved towards Feng Yixiu Looking over, said with a sneer: "It's a naive idea. As long as it becomes stronger, even if it becomes a devil beast, what about it!"

tone barely fell, Qiu Yueze's whole person The figure suddenly disappeared in place, Feng Yixiu heart shivered with cold, instinctively opened the thunder and lightning heart.

Then he detected Qiu Yueze right behind him, but the opponent's speed was too fast, and his body could not keep up with the opponent's rhythm at all.

In desperation, Feng Yixiu can only let the thorny vines of the thorny fairy envelop himself.

The little white building on the side suddenly moved towards Qiu Yueze and hit the past. Feng Yixiu just wanted to force Qiu Yueze back.

But what he didn't expect was that the other party simply didn't mean to shrink, his whole body didn't move a step at all, just slowly raised his right hand!

I saw the chaos eye of his right hand suddenly opened. The purple chaos eye is like an endless vortex, with the magic of the law that makes people fearful.

The star war chariot that was about to attack Qiu Yueze was suddenly bounced out and hit the Scarlet Formation directly.

Then his right hand moved slowly, facing Feng Yixiu who was wrapped in thorns and vines.

Suddenly, all the thorny vines started to disperse automatically, like seaweed dancing in the wind, and Feng Yixiu could not be protected at all.

Feng Yixiu started to feel a little confused. What is the situation?

He saw with his own eyes that Qiu Yueze hadn't touched Xiaobailou and the thorny vine at all, but why could he play with it in applause?

"dong dong dong......"

Just as Feng Yixiu was still wandering, Qiu Yueze's heavy footsteps slowly moved towards Feng Yixiu came over.

The huge mass and strength make Qiu Yueze's every step extremely important, and the shadow caused by the tall body completely covers Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu can only see a pair of red blood eyes in the dark shadow, and the purple chaotic eye constantly flickering.

Fear, inexplicable fear!

Feng Yixiu's heart was filled with an unreasonable fear instantly, and he seemed to have experienced this kind of fear not long ago!

It is exactly when facing the huge eye of chaos in the spiritual weapon space, although the current Qiu Yueze can’t compare with the eye of chaos in the spiritual weapon space mention on equal terms, but he is real That's it!

Get moving! must move!

Feng Yixiu finally got rid of the coercion of terror, almost exhausted his whole body strength and suddenly retreated a few steps behind him.

Qiu Yueze slowly stretched out his right hand, and the Primal Chaos Demon pattern of the Chaos Eye was reflected in Feng Yixiu's eyes.

Suddenly, a groggy feeling suddenly hit, Feng Yixiu simply couldn't control his body. Feng Yixiu, who had originally planned to retreat, made progress abruptly, but just happened to be up ahead of Qiu Yueze.

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