"Can't drag it anymore, we may not be able to do anything about Primal Chaos Barrier if we drag it any more!" Xuanji teacher sternly said.

"The four of us must do our best. There is only one chance." Dean Lu also said with a serious face.

Dean Cao and Bai Jinrou teacher are also nodded with heavy faces, and they also know the seriousness of the matter.

Four people almost vacated slowly at the same time. The spiritual pressure generated by the simultaneous outbreak of four Battle Spirit super experts is extremely terrifying.

Different elements around them began to fluctuate violently. All the devil beasts felt the threat of this extremely strong spiritual pressure and let out a low roar.

"spiritual weapon endowment!"

The four people gather spiritual weapon almost at the same time. For a time, they are bold and generous, and ripples of energy spread. All devil beasts are a strategic withdrawal.

"Golden Bamboo Sword !"

"Cyan Frost Sword!"

"Dance of Fine Snow!"

"Nether Flame Sword !"

Four spiritual weapons of different shapes were condensed at the same time, and all four of them stared at the Primal Chaos Barrier in front of them.

The teacher of Xuanji did not dare to keep his hands this time, and all the golden bamboo and bamboo blades in the outer ring of the eight sword sections of the golden bamboo sword in his hand were released, directly forming an airtight circular Sword Domain.

Lu Changzhen’s Azure Lotus Sword hung above his head, exuding bursts of cold air, and the surrounding Water Element began to quickly condense, forming a huge ice sword with a length of 100 meters.

The Nether Flame knife of Dean Cao Yongnian was held by both of his hands. Behind him were ten huge waves of Nether Flame, which formed a circle continuously rotating.

The Dance of Xixue in Bai Jinrou's hand is a slender white long knife. The slender hilt of the sword has a long white floating snow and Jianhui. I saw that she was constantly dancing with the thin snow in her hand. The dance, a violent blizzard began to sweep around.

"Everyone listen to my orders, attack!"

Xuanji hung the golden bamboo sword on his chest, then pointed it directly at one place, under the angry roar, tens of thousands The golden bamboo blade turned into a huge golden giant sword and attacked one place.

The other three immediately followed the pace of Xuanji teacher, waved the spiritual weapon in their hands and attacked the same place.

The Azure Lotus giant sword and the golden bamboo giant sword behind Lu Changzhen continued to rotate towards one place.

The four Nether Flame waves behind Cao Yongnian merged into a huge Nether Flame wave, and several white snow dragon dances surrounded Yan Ming wave follow closely from behind.

Apart from this, the four Battle Spirits also moved towards the Primal Chaos Barrier accompanied by the attack of the spiritual weapon.

Such a powerful attack immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, and all Battle Spirit Masters moved towards the center of the Martial Practice Stage to watch.

Even the extremely brutal devil beast couldn't help but stop the pace of killing, and lifted the head looked towards the vast scene.

All of the Battle Spirit Master's hearts hung with them for a while, and the success or failure of this blow is related to their lives!


But just as the swords were about to touch the inner formation of the chaos, a huge blood-colored hand emerged from the blood-colored abyss Poked it out.

This huge blood claw covered almost half the distance of the Martial Practice Stage, and I saw that bloody hand moved towards the swords and grabbed it.

"chi chi..."

The golden bamboo giant sword and the ice giant sword continue to spin wildly, trying to break free from the shackles of this big bloody hand.

However, this Scarlet Hand is so huge that the double swords seem a bit insignificant.

However, the bloody hand began to tremble constantly, and drops of bright red blood slowly began to slide down the bloody palm.

Xuanji teacher and Lu Changzhen are even more faceless, and they seem to have reached their limit by controlling the two giant swords.

The Nether Flame giant wave and the thin snow dragon follow closely from behind, directly attacking the bloody hand.

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