"gu lu..."

Feng Yixiu stared dumbfoundedly at the devil beast that was slowly disappearing, and couldn't hold back a surge of his throat.

"This is the power of the Ultimate Battle Spirit..." Feng Yixiu muttered to himself naturally.

This is the first time he has really seen the formidable power of the battle spirit, the ultimate body, and it really is much stronger than he thought!

Legion, who has just started the killing ring, has no power to resist under Minister Zhong's offensive!

High Priest faced the invisible attack, and the blood spirit body that wrapped the whole body began to slowly disintegrate.

However, the speed is indeed much slower than other people. It is estimated that before he enters the bloody crack, it is impossible to damage his body.

Zhong Limei stared at High Priest Kassapa, then the violent Wind Attribute elements of the right hand began to condense, and a purple bow appeared in his hand.

I saw him slowly raising this purple giant bow, and then aiming at the key part of the High Priest, and then the entire Heaven and Earth set off a violent storm.

A large number of Wind Elements quickly moved towards the convergence of the purple bow. The Wind Element, which should have no color, began to form a naked under the compression of the purple bow. The visible bow and arrow.

This purple bow and arrow made the sound of a storm roaring thousands of miles above the sky, and everyone within a hundred meters of it retreated consciously.

At this moment, standing around Zhong Limei will feel the wind blade like a blade. Even the inadvertent pressure of true powerhouse is not something ordinary people can withstand.

Zhong Limei's expression was very indifferent, he closed his left eye slightly, pulled the bow to the full string, and then released his right hand.

"Purple Sacred Arrow!"


I only heard a sound like the roar of a rocket, the speed of that arrow was already It is beyond everyone's cognition.

Everyone only saw a purple beam flashing in the sky, and then penetrated more than a dozen loyal and High Priest devil beasts and blood Spirit Masters.

But the formidable power did not weaken at all. The purple beam penetrated the heart of High Priest, creating a huge hole.

High Priest Kasaba's running figure suddenly stopped, and then slowly looked towards the mouth of his heart.

His body began to slowly decompose from the hole in the heart, and the hard-to-see blade has penetrated every inch of his skin.

At this time, he was like a snowman who began to quickly melt under the intense sunlight, which was a kind of deep despair.

He desperately wanted to use the powerful healing ability of the Blood Spirit Master to restore it, but found that there was no way at all!

The destructive power of countless invisible wind blades is far greater than his own self-healing ability. He slowly lifts the head to see the bloody crack that is close at hand.

The moved towards of step by step approached, and he murmured: "My lord...help me..."

In a blink of an eye, half of his body still disappeared. , But he has stepped into the bloody crack with one foot.

But just when everyone thought he was going to escape alive, nine huge furry tails stretched out from the bloody crack.

The nine huge tails directly enveloped High Priest, and then came the more tragic voice of High Priest.

When the nine huge tails vomited High Priest out, only a half shriveled corpse was left.

The expression of the half-shrinked corpse looked very unwilling, maybe he didn't expect to die here.

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