Shen Ruyu is the youngest daughter he loves most. He naturally hopes that he can marry a man who loves her. Obviously, Feng Yixiu's answer makes him very satisfied.

"Very well... if you have this kind of consciousness, I can rest assured that I will hand over my daughter to you!" He took the glass in front of him slowly and took the initiative, Feng Yixiu touched the glass. He drank it, and then said with a serious face: "I'll tell you the truth. In fact, I have known where Yuer is all these years and have secretly sent someone to protect it, but I found that what you did was really good."

"Then can I ask you a question?" Feng Yixiu looked at each other seriously, said solemnly.

"Oh? What's the problem?" Heavy is also interested.

"My question is why do you have to marry the Long Family, is it just for the illusory bloodline?" Feng Yixiu asked with some confusion.

Heavy said with a bitter smile: "In fact, it is not that I want to marry Yuer to Long Family, but Long Family insists on marrying Yuer of our family. He wants to hold Four Great Families firmly Tied to his warship, this is why I let Yuer escape."

Feng Yixiu frowned: "This Long Family is such a robbery, can't you resist?"

Heavy helpless shook the head, indifferently said: "The Dragon King does not come out, Azure Dragon is respected! You must have heard this sentence. As the descendants of Azure Dragon Saint Spirit King, Long Family is not only Four in name The leader of the Great Families, and the strength and foundation is also the strongest, our Shen Family is not their opponent at present."

Feng Yixiu brows tightly knit for a while, and then said solemnly: "Why does the Long Family have to Are you tied to their warship? What do they want to do?"

He became very serious and said: "You still don't know this now. Knowing too much is not good for you. ."

Feng Yixiu, especially nodded, still has some answers in his mind.

"May I ask about the realm of Long Family patriarch?" Feng Yixiu said curiously.

"I haven't seen the Long Family patriarch for a long time. I remember the last time I saw him it was the Level 8 Peak Battle Spirit. Now it is estimated that it is almost the Level 9 Battle Spirit emperor." Replied heavily. road.

"What about you?" Feng Yixiu asked again.

Heavy seemed to be asked about the pain. After a long time, he whispered: "Level 8 Battle Spirit..."

Feng Yixiu's expression became a little surprised, and at the same time The difference in the patriarch cultivation base of Four Great Families was so big, which he never expected.

He originally wanted to ask why the other party was so low, but he was afraid that he might hit the other party's pain, so he resisted asking again.

However, he was heavy but his expression suddenly became ferocious, the wine glass in his hand burst suddenly, and the surrounding air became hot.

"This is all thanks to the Long Family patriarch! If it were not for him, I would not have fallen from the Level 8 Battle Spirit to the Level 7 Battle Spirit, and my Battle Spirit would also degenerate from the ultimate body. It’s complete! It’s no longer possible to upgrade to Battle Spirit emperor! "Heavy gnashing teeth said.

"You said the Long Family patriarch killed you? What's the matter?" Feng Yixiu was even more puzzled.

Heavy seems to be caught in a long-lasting memory, expressions all become a little holey.

There is a lot of unwillingness in the eyes, but more of it is remorse and hatred intertwined together.

"Hey..." Heihe was deeply sighed first, then looked up towards the ceiling, opened the mouth and said again.

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