Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao stayed in Qingyun Academy’s apartment for one night. The two of them were surprisingly calm that night, as if they were feeling their last day at Qingyun Academy.

"ding dong......"

Suddenly a doorbell broke the silence of the two, and Han Xiao went over and opened the door.

It was a postman who came to deliver the letter. Han Xiao took the letter with some doubts. It turned out to be a Feng Family book for himself.

Because father's handwriting is still very familiar to him, it is absolutely impossible.

Father has never written a letter to herself. This time there must be something important and inconvenient to write a letter on the phone, so he immediately opened the letter.

Han Xiao's face turned pale after reading the letter, and the hand holding the letter couldn't help shaking.

Feng Yixiu immediately noticed Han Xiao’s anomaly. What letter was it that made Han Xiao react so much?

"Why is your face so bad? What's the matter?" Feng Yixiu asked with some doubts.

"No...nothing, just a Feng Family book, let me take care of myself." Han Xiao immediately recovered his face, pretending to be calm.

"No, I'm afraid it's not that simple, right? We are brothers, don't hide from me." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"It's really okay..." Han Xiao avoided Feng Yixiu's gaze, a little evasive.

Feng Yixiu noticed that something was wrong, and immediately snatched the letter from the other party. After seeing the above, it was also heart startled.

The content of the letter is very simple. It is a Feng Family book written by Han Family patriarch. The content of the letter has concerns about Han Xiao, but the meaning of most important is not the same.

Han Family patriarch’s attitude is very clear, so that he will return to Han Family now, they will arrange the next studies for him, and will do their best to train him.

If not, just treat him as leaving the family voluntarily, and never let him have the opportunity to return to the family again!

Han Xiao saw Feng Yixiu's face embarrassed, and immediately snatched the Feng Family book back, saying with a smile: "It's okay, the family won't see me anyway."

Feng Yixiu looked towards Han Xiao in a daze, frowned: "Sorry! I'm afraid I delayed you."

He understood the whole story almost instantly. It is estimated that the Shen Family has been with Long. Family has a showdown, and Han Family is on the side of Long Family, so he wrote the book himself and wanted to cut Han Xiao from himself!

Han Xiao immediately tore the letter in his hand to shreds, and then threw it into the trash without the slightest hesitation.

"Isn't it just a broken family! I'm not rare!" Han Xiao said nonchalantly.

Feng Yixiu saw Han Xiao’s move, and a warm current flowed in his heart, and then said solemnly: "I will definitely make Han Family regret making this decision!"

Immediately Feng Yixiu received another call. It was the call from Shen Ruyu, saying that it was a letter sent from his home at the end of Eastern Summer.

At the end of Eastern Xia, the actions made by Han Xiao were almost exactly the same. They both tore the letters into pieces and threw them into the trash can with a very clear attitude.

Feng Yixiu slowly put down the phone, and then looked towards Han Xiao, with mixed feelings in his heart for a while.

Suddenly I feel that the burden on my shoulders has increased a lot. I have what skills and abilities and let Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia end treat themselves like this!

He swears that he will never let down the heart of these two people anyway!

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