"It doesn't matter, just absorb it first!"

Shen Ruyu immediately put his hands in the golden light ball, which was surprisingly smooth.

This hell Three Headed Hound seems to be very afraid of himself, Shen Ruyu did not encounter a little resistance on the way to absorb it.

Fifteen minutes later.

"Huh..." Shen Ruyu slowly opened his eyes and spit out one mouthful of impure air.

The moment he opened his eyes, there was a burst of scarlet rays of light in his eyes, and the phoenix tail mark on the center of his eyebrows became more vivid.

"Big Brother Feng, I finally reached Level 5 Battle Spirit Master!" Shen Ruyu opened his eyes and saw Feng Yixiu with an anxious look, and he couldn't help but rushed forward.

Feng Yixiu smiled and stroked the opponent's cheek, and said softly: "It's fine if you succeed. Sister Xia Mo is also conquering the demon card. No accident should be about to be better."

It didn't take long for Dongfang Xiamen to slowly open her eyes. Her eyes were as deep as an abyss.

At the end of Eastern Summer, feeling the power brought by the breakthrough level, he said excitedly: "This Eldest Young Lady is also a Level 5 Battle Spirit Master. This feels really good!"

Xuan Nodded, very satisfied with the teacher, said solemnly: "The plan went much smoother than I expected. It was a miracle that didn't expect to absorb two such strong demon cards so quickly."

"Then can we awaken the spiritual weapon now? I'm really curious about what my spiritual weapon empowers." Shen Ruyu looked forward to it.

"Yes, yes! I also want to know what my spiritual weapon endowment is! In this way, we can become the King of the Battle Spirit." Dongfang also echoed in late summer.

"It stands to reason that you should not be so anxious. After all, you have just been promoted, but you are in a good state now. Maybe this mental state will bring you some help in conquering your inner fear." Xuanji teacher said solemnly.

"Do you mean that you agree?" Feng Yixiu asked with a smile.

Xuanji teacher indifferent expression laughed, indifferently said: "We don’t have much time. If we can get acquainted with our spiritual weapon as soon as possible, we will have a better chance of winning in the future."

Shen Ruyu also echoed: "Then I will try to awaken spiritual weapon grant now! But what should I do now?"

Xuanji teacher said: "Very short answer, focus on you Look for the location of your spiritual weapon space in the Spiritual Consciousness world. If you find it, you can see your spiritual weapon."

Shen Ruyu nodded very seriously, and then said: "I remember , It sounds like it’s very simple."

Jia Lan Zi Teacher Yu said seriously: "It’s not difficult to find a spiritual weapon space. The hard part is to overcome your fears. Only by defeating yourself can you succeed. Pull out your own spiritual weapon."

Shen Ruyu and Dongfang end of summer were nodded very seriously, and then closed their eyes almost at the same time, allowing themselves to swim in the world of Spiritual Consciousness.

Feng Yixiu looked at Shen Ruyu's changes with concern. He also knew how difficult it is to overcome his inner fear.

I don’t know how strong the Shen Ruyu spiritual weapon is. The more powerful a spiritual weapon is generally speaking, the greater the fear it faces.

On the one hand, he hopes that Shen Ruyu will not endure so much suffering, and on the other hand, he does not want her to just awaken an ordinary spiritual weapon.

The contradictory Feng Yixiu stood by Shen Ruyu's face solemnly, Han Xiao also slowly walked to the side of Dongfang Xia, and then sat down cross-legged.

Shen Ruyu seems to be wandering in a dream, all around are some broken pictures constantly floating.

The fragments of bizarre and motley that did not seem to belong to her memory made him feel in a trance. After some time, she came to a scarlet door.

"This is... the gate of Vermilion Bird?" Shen Ruyu said in disbelief.

She has seen the pattern on the bronze door painted by Feng Yixiu before, but her door is different from what Feng Yixiu saw.

Feng Yixiu's bronze door depicts four Great Saint spirits plus an unknown Totem, but the crimson door in front of him has only one pattern.

Then lose the legendary Vermilion Bird Totem!

She was also impressed with this Totem, because he often saw this Vermilion Bird Totem when he was still in the Shen Family, almost exactly the same in front of him!

Shen Ruyu's trembling hand slowly touched the vermilion door, and then gently pushed.


The door of Vermilion Bird was slowly pushed open, and Shen Ruyu was stunned when he saw everything inside.

What appeared before her was like a volcano, with hot air and naked eye visible flames raging everywhere.

In the center of the volcanic crater, a bow exuding dazzling rays of light is suspended. The moment Shen Ruyu saw this bow for the first time, the name of this bow and arrow appeared in his mind, Liangyi Burning Sky Bow!

Shen Ruyu endured the heat and stepped into the door of Vermilion Bird. As she stepped into it, the door behind her closed automatically.

She moved towards that volcanic crater of step by step, even if she unlocked the third rank gene lock, ordinary flames simply couldn’t hurt her at all, but the flames still made her feel hot. His face was flushed.

"This looks pretty close, why haven't I arrived after so long..." Shen Ruyu wiped the sweat from his face, then gritted his teeth and continued moving towards the most central volcanic crater walked away.

Whenever she couldn't hold on and was about to faint, she could feel her palm as if she was being held by someone, and then Feng Yixiu's gentle encouragement came.

"Big Brother Feng, I will not let you down." Shen Ruyu gritted his teeth again and continued moving towards volcanic crater.

I don't know how long it took, she seemed to have finally arrived at the center of the volcanic crater, and saw the Liangyi Burning Sky Bow up close.

Liangyi Burning Sky Bow is suspended in the position of the volcanic crater, exuding scarlet flame, the whole bow presents a streamlined beauty, and people can't help but marvel that this is a masterpiece of heaven.

A Flame Mark began to appear under Shen Ruyu's feet, and then he stepped on the Flame Mark before volleying, enduring the intense heat under him.

At this moment, she must be careful of the uninterrupted volcano bursting under her body. The terrifying pillars of fire make Shen Ruyu difficult, and each step is so difficult.

However, after a full ten minutes of walking a distance of 100 meters, Shen Ruyu finally came to the front of Liangyi Burning Sky Bow, and then held the huge bow with both hands.

She found that the size of this bow was almost only slightly lower than hers, but it could be called a huge bow.

There are two flames of different colors circulating above them, constantly entwining them. The ornamentation on the bow also looks exceptionally gorgeous, like the beautiful silhouette of Fire Phoenix.

"Liangyi Burning Sky Bow! Get up!" Shen Ruyu exhausted all his strength and slammed the big bow.

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