Divine Lucky Star

Chapter 692: Saint Vincent

Speaking of which, although these old guys are very old, they are indeed very exclusive in this circle.

For them, Wang Hao, the hairy boy, just came to see the excitement. They were also happy to show off. What if he would ask for help and see something? That can be tens of millions of dollars in minutes.

But if Wang Hao wanted to come and get a kick...heh, then naturally he wouldn't be able to look good.

A group of old guys whispered over there, but Wang Hao ignored them at all.

After all, for Wang Hao and Bai Yaning, who were just in love, how could they care about others? It is the kingly way for them to talk about their favorite topics.

As the two of them were talking, their surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Wang Hao raised his head curiously, and saw an old guy in his sixties coming in surrounded by several assistants.

This old man was wearing a white coat and a pair of cloth shoes on his feet. He looked a bit like a master. He also held a white jade fitness ball in his hand. He walked with his head and raised his chest three times, even though he was not young. But looking at the spirit, I'm afraid that ordinary young people can't match it.

Not only him, but even the assistants around him are all red and triumphant.

As soon as the few people walked in, they heard one of the young people say loudly: "Venerable Saint Yun is here!"

"Hey, the venerable is here!" As soon as the old man appeared, the group of people who were eating at this table all stood up and bowed to each other: "What brings you here? Please sit down, please! "

"En, okay, you are welcome, you are welcome, sit down, sit down." "Venerable Holy Cloud" nodded lightly, then sat in the main seat with a smile, and said: "How many people have been here for a long time?"

"I arrived last night," one of the old men laughed with him, and said, "The Venerable can come. This seems to be fine."

Several other people echoed together: "Yes, yes, Venerable is the top onmyoji in our country. You can look at the house of yin and yang by breaking the feng shui, and you are also the leader!" "No, not just that, The Venerable’s rejuvenation skill is also a must! If the Venerable comes today, this matter will definitely not go away."

A group of people were chatting there, and the old man, known as the "Venerable One," looked at the compliments from the crowd.

"Don't dare to be it," the Venerable smiled and touched his beard, and said, "I think I was a little lucky back then, and I accidentally got the secret book of "The True Story of Guiguzi". Being arrogant is considered the hundredth of Guiguzi. It's only a descendant of the eighth generation. Alas, now that you are older, those false names don't matter, ha ha."

In fact, he just blew it casually, but Wang Hao, who was chatting with Bai Ya Ning over there, couldn't hold back the words, and he burst out with a "pump".

What the hell? ! "The True Story of Guiguzi"? ! The 108th generation descendant of Guiguzi? "

What do you say, brother? The 109th generation descendant of Guiguzi? Isn't that a generation shorter than you?

In fact, Wang Hao was a bit surprised here, but when this Venerable heard Wang Hao's spray, he was immediately unhappy.

"This little brother is..." He looked at Wang Hao, frowning and said: "It looks a little bit face to face, isn't it a person in the circle?"

Hearing his question, Wang Hao quickly replied: "Ah, it's barely half of it. This time I just want to take a look."

In fact, Wang Hao just said casually. An old guy at this Kung Fu dinner table wanted to sell well, and hurriedly introduced him: "Oh, come, let me introduce you. This is Master Lin Shengyunlin, The great Onmyoji in our circle is known as the Holy Cloud Venerable. He is a master of feng shui yin and yang in the homestead to lower demons and catch ghosts and rejuvenate. He is recognized in the industry!"

After he finished his introduction, the Holy Cloud Venerable Master Lin immediately clasped his fists: "Concession, concession!"

The person after him started to introduce him to Wang Hao again: "Venerable Saint Yun, let me introduce to you. This is Wang Hao, a very famous director and actor. He directed and starred, and he is now a very famous young generation, a rising star!"

"Wang Hao?" If you change to someone else, you probably have to say something polite first.

But he didn't want to. Lin Shengyun frowned when he heard Wang Hao's name. He looked at Wang Hao carefully, his face suddenly sank, and his tone revealed a deep feeling: "Who am I, so you are Wang Hao?"

Eh? Does this guy know us?

Wang Hao is also curious. I don’t seem to have seen this guy before. His hostility is not small!

"Ah, yeah, what's the matter?" Wang Hao looked at him curiously: "Have you seen me before?"

"Hahahaha! It's really a narrow road!" Lin Shengyun laughed fiercely, then stared at Wang Hao, and said: "You have no grievances with me, but you and my apprentice, hehe, this Liangzi can't get married. Little!"

Upon hearing Lin Shengyun's words, the old guys present suddenly looked at me and I looked at you, and they were stunned for an instant!

"Here is a good show to watch!"

"Yes, it seems that the grudge between Wang Hao and the Venerable's apprentice is not small!"

"This young man is going to be unlucky, the Venerable is not a joke, the 108th generation descendant of Guiguzi, he is not an ordinary person!"

"That's not it, there was a rich second generation who clamored with the venerable back then, what happened? He died on the street within three days. This is a big deal!"

When they whispered underneath, Wang Hao frowned.

This Lin Shengyun said that his apprentice has a beam with him, who is it?

"Well, your apprentice is..." Wang Hao looked at Lin Shengyun: "I have met him?"

"Hehe, my apprentice is Wang Long," Lin Shengyun stared at Wang Hao, hehe sneered, "You should be familiar with this name, right?"

Hearing the name Wang Long, Wang Hao suddenly patted his forehead.

I remembered!

When my grandfather was 100 years old, that Wanglong's was indeed quite a big shelf, and that guy was a compass and a jade pot turned snake. He made a lot of pretty fancy things and was finally exposed by himself. Up.

What kind of Master Saint Yun is actually his master?

Well, the apprentice can’t make the Master’s appearance. If the two of you think about it carefully, they are really out of the same school-one is bigger than the other!

"Ah, it turned out to be him," Wang Hao said with a smile: "I saw him at that time. Is he okay now?"

"What a shit!" Lin Shengyun was furious with Wang Hao's words, and said: "Now my reputation is discredited, and even my reputation has been affected a lot! Wang Hao, don't think you can defeat my apprentice. Lawless, Wang Long’s incompetent guy has learned less than 30% from me! This time I just told you to meet you. I have to let you know that we Guiguzi’s line is not something anyone can come to provoke. !"

"Oh, isn't it?" Wang Hao was rather casual.

After all, the apprentice is a sacred stick who eats and drinks, and even the one who takes this as a master doesn't blink in Wang Hao's eyes.

"Is it right? You won't know by then?" Lin Shengyun smiled disdainfully, then shook his neck, as if he didn't put the enemy in his eyes at all. He smirked and said, "Boy, my ugly words are on the front. It's fine if you didn't tell me to meet. Now that you have met, what will happen to you then, don't blame me! You have broken the rules then. We have to bear the anger of our line!"

His words were extremely cold, and the guys at the same table shuddered all the time!

"Oh? So what?" Wang Hao shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn't care at all.

"So what?" At this time, one of the young men who came with Lin Shengyun said: "Do you know who my master is?!" He seemed to have seen the funniest joke in the world, looked at Wang Hao, and said: "My master He got a book at the age of sixteen and made his debut at the age of eighteen! I can’t even count the yin, house, and yang house that I’ve seen in my life! He has walked more bridges than you have walked! Even catching ghosts that time, the eyes of everyone Let's catch the ghost and seal it to keep one side safe!"

After he finished saying this, another person said: "My master Shengyun Venerable Mana is boundless, invincible, invincible, immortal forever, longevity and heaven! Now, do you want to challenge his old man?"

Wang Hao: "..."

Nima, why don't you just call the old fairy star? Return to the boundless power, invincible attack, invincible, immortal blessing forever, longevity and heaven...

"War is war," Wang Hao said it didn't matter at all, and said as he picked up dishes for Bai Yaning: "It was he who picked it up anyway, so how can I be afraid of him?"


Here, Wang Hao and Lin Shengyun had a face-to-face meeting, and the incident quickly spread throughout the Fang Family Manor, and it exploded instantly!

"Have you heard?! That Wang Hao just started working as soon as he met with Venerable Saint Yun!"

"Really? What's the situation?!"

"This is still false? I heard that it was Master Wang Long who stepped on Venerable Saint Yun's apprentice before. Now Venerable Saint Yun wants to avenge the disciple!"

"Fuck, so cruel? This kid is going to go head-to-head with Venerable Saint Yun!"

How about ~www.readwn.com~ It is the nature of almost all the people of Heaven to love watching the excitement in Heaven, even the children of super families like the Fang family.

Now I heard that Wang Hao and Venerable Saint Yun started to work as soon as they met, and they all gathered around to talk.

"Wang Hao, the director and leading actor of Wolf Warriors, is said to have caught up with Bai Yaning, the number one beauty in the kingdom of heaven. It is when the spring breeze is proud!"

"What about that? Venerable Saint Yun has boundless mana. I have never heard of his legend before. In the whole world of Feng Shui, he is one of the top super awesome characters. Venerable is the circle of Onmyoji. The most awesome title in it!"

"That's it, the mana of others is known as the rhythm of destroying demons and casting beans into soldiers. Wang Hao met him and was absolutely killed every minute!"

"Oh, it's really a pity, it was originally the spring breeze that got into the Venerable Saint Yun as a result, so people must have near-minded worries without far-sightedness. This time is a tragedy!"


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