Divine Lucky Star

Chapter 694: Do you guys know what a magic weapon is?

On the way, the villager briefly introduced himself. His surname is Zhang and his name is Zhang Ji. He is a native of Giethoorn Village. He is extremely simple, and he basically says nothing about it.

A group of people followed Xiao Zhang and moved forward. The road in the village is not particularly easy to walk, but after all, Fang Huaide is very old and can't walk fast, so he didn't finally enter the village until about eleven in the morning.

"Bow bark--!!!"

As soon as a group of people entered the village, dogs barked, and then Wang Hao saw a total of thirty or forty people greet them.

In fact, according to Wang Hao’s idea, you have to go and see Xiaoxue first, but there is a local rule in one place, and now such a group of people come, according to the customs of the village, they have to pick up the dust first. I started to prepare for the lunch. Fortunately, it was not too much trouble. There were small fish, small shrimps, wild vegetables, mushrooms, various vegetables, as well as local chicken and large bacon. A slap was as thick as one mouth. Not bad.

The people in the village are so enthusiastic that they are embarrassed to Wang Hao.

So after lunch, Wang Hao hurriedly stood up and said, "Grandpa, what, time is not waiting, let's go see Sister Xiaoxue?"

I think Fang Huaide is over a hundred years old, and he shrank a little when the incident happened. After he hesitated for a while, he gritted his teeth severely: "Okay, let's go!"

To be honest, who has never seen the world like Fang Huaide, who has lived from the founding war to the present?

At that time, all the deaths of people in a village did not happen uncommonly. If Fang Huaide hadn't dared to venture into it, he wouldn't be able to create such a large foundation as his family. But when he got old, he felt that life was more precious. Although he was going to save his favorite little granddaughter at this time, Fang Huaide was obviously extremely worried, and his hand holding the crutches was trembling.

"Grandpa, be careful," Bai Yaning supported Fang Huaide's arm and comforted her softly as she walked: "With Wang Hao, sister Xiaoxue will be fine, don't worry."

"Oh, that's what I said," Fang Huaide was obviously extremely worried, shook his head and said, "But who can not worry at all? When our Fang family reaches their generation, there are at least dozens of them, but this child has been with me since childhood. The relationship is good, like a little padded jacket, you said if there is something short and long, what can I do with this old bone..."

The more he talked, the more sad he became. There were obviously tears coming out of both eyes, and Bai Yaning hurriedly wiped him with the corner of his clothes.

You said that Fang Huaide and Fang Xiaoxue were separated by two generations. It was even a kiss. No wonder he felt so distressed.

While the group was talking, the villager Xiao Zhang said, "Here, it is here."

Now that he reached the ground, Wang Hao looked around.

This is a small yard, about 100 square meters. The front is a three-in tile house. I don’t know what to block the windows. The whole yard is quiet, but after reading it casually, Nothing abnormal was found.

"Here...Here..." Fang Huaide gave the order at this time. He tapped the ground with his crutches and made great determination. Then he said: "Let's go, let's go in and have a look. Everyone remember to speak quietly. , Don't surprise the girl."

A group of people then entered this room.

After entering the room, Wang Hao realized that it was quite different from the outside.

The whole room was extremely hot and stuffy. The windows around were originally covered with quilts and were not well ventilated. The air conditioner was still turned on in the room. The temperature was more than 30 degrees. The room is full of medicine gas.

Sitting on the side were two middle-aged men in their forties, a man and a woman, with a look of concern, thinking that they should be Fang Xiaoxue's parents.

"Grandpa, you are here." Sure enough, when Fang Huaide came in, the man hurriedly got up and said, "I really trouble you..."

"What are you polite?" Fang Huaide shook his head, then sat down on the edge of the kang and said: "Xiaoxue, be good, how do you feel today?"

The whole room was quiet and weird. After a full half a minute or so, a very weak voice came from the cloth tent: "Is... Grandpa here? I... Fortunately, I just feel cold... …"

Wang Hao was listening, frowning.

No wonder the temperature in the room is so high, it is more than 30 degrees and still feels cold, it seems that the problem is not small.

"Little boy, don't be afraid," Fang Huaide comforted softly: "Your great grandfather has invited a lot of experts to see you. When will it be convenient for you to let them see you?"

"Really...really?" Fang Xiaoxue in the tent whispered: "Then...then I will prepare..."

Now that she agreed, it's easy to handle it next.

Fang Huaide gave everyone a wink, and then said: "Okay, dear, you prepare, and let them look at you."

A soft "En" came from the tent, and then Fang Huaide took Wang Hao and everyone out of the room.

"You have all seen it too," Fang Huaide sighed and said, "This kid was fine before going out, but it was just like that when he came back, my little pity...Ah..."

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, they are a little bit unsure of what is going on.

But since it came, naturally you couldn't go back empty-handed, and immediately everyone began to take their own things. 102

Soon, a group of people took the good things they carried and sat in a circle in the yard.

Speaking of which, this group of people have all walks of life, and the guys they can use are all kinds of styles. Everyone, look at me and I look at you, they all exclaimed--

"Hey, Master Lu, you even brought this? This is a five-star transfer bead? It is said to have the magical effect of turning things around!"

"Where and where, the jade worn by your nobleman of the Han Dynasty is the real treasure. It is said that wearing it on the body will not invade!"

"Okay, don't wear a high hat for me. Master Liu, Shennong's ruler, is a real treasure. It is carved from pure blood jade, and it can cure all diseases with the bright silver acupuncture!"

All kinds of portable tools lined up in a circle, and others can be confusing just by listening to the name.

Especially the flattery between each other, each of them is very big and has a mysterious background. If you don't know the truth, maybe someone will believe that these people can bring them back to life!

"Brother Hao, what do you think of these things?" Fang Wenbin leaned into Wang Hao's ear and asked in a low voice, "You are a professional in this thing, and you give it a comment?"

"They are all ordinary gadgets. Antiques may not be considered." Wang Hao smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

All these things are **** in his eyes. Needless to say, if they are really spicy or cheating, the luck dice on him would have been shocked long ago, but there is another big meal...

Seeing that Wang Hao didn't take a look at these things, Lin Shengyun, who was sitting on the side, suddenly snorted.

He had long seen Wang Hao not pleasing to his eyes, and his apprentice had planted a troll under his hands, and this account would naturally be settled. But don't worry, take out your baby first, and then care about it!

"It seems that the little brother has a very high vision," Lin Shengyun poked his hands into his arms, and then took out an antique bronze bell from his pocket!

The bronze bell was about the size of a palm and made of red copper. It was extremely precious. The whole body of the bell was polished with shiny shine. Lin Shengyun held it and shook it gently, making a deep sound.

"I don't know if my little brother knows this magic weapon of mine?" Lin Shengyun looked at Wang Hao and sneered.

Look at you, a nasty kid, unless you are a real person who knows this magical weapon, I am afraid that you may not know it if you live for another ten years!

Wang Hao hasn't spoken yet, but the other people are all shocked!

"My God, Venerable Saint Yun actually invited all this magical artifact! This time it looks like it is inevitable!"

"That's for sure, with this thing this time things are definitely done! There is no problem!"

"This is a good thing for Venerable Saint Yun to press the bottom of the box! Very good!"

A group of people exclaimed, but Wang Hao didn't care at all.

The reason is simple, this thing... Brother Dice still has no response!

Then I definitely didn't run away, this thing is definitely not a real baby! If it is a real baby, the luck dice must be the first to react, so that you can have a good meal again!

"This clock..." Wang Hao pursed his lips and smiled: "I really don't know him, don't I know what a special name is there?"

"Hahaha! I said my brother is really ignorant." When Wang Hao said he didn't know him, Lin Shengyun was immediately proud and said, "Since you are here today, then I will ask you to see it. Listen well, there is a pattern between the world and the earth. The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. This artifact of mine is the sacred item bred by gold in nature! Back then I wandered the world for 20 years , I finally found this treasure in an off-travel place~www.readwn.com~Its name is Donghuangzhong!"

"Punch——!!!" Wang Hao thought that Lin Shengyun was very serious when he heard what Lin Shengyun said. He couldn't help it when he heard the name, and he just laughed!

Donghuang Bell? ! Are you kidding me? ! Even such a gadget dare to call Donghuangzhong? !

Seeing that Wang Hao heard the name not only was not surprised, but also laughed, obviously he was extremely disdainful of his baby, when he thought of this, Lin Shengyun suddenly angered the sky.

This arrogant kid is really arrogant!

Donghuang Zhongfajia came in person, and he actually dared to laugh, not knowing that the sky was great!

Do you, a hairy boy, know what a magic weapon is? Do you know what the five elements are? ! If it weren't for the great elder here, you wouldn't even have the qualifications to take a look at the Donghuang Bell, and would you dare to speak up here?

"Young man," Lin Shengyun looked at Wang Hao coldly, and said hesitantly: "Just now the old man looked at you as if you were very disdainful of the old man's magical weapons. I wonder if you have any ideas?

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